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Orientations from IPF map

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Josh Stickel

Jan 23, 2025, 1:58:21 PMJan 23
to dream3d-users
Hi Michael and DREAM3D users,

I have a question regarding DREAM.3D and about orientations in general. I'm developing a crack propagation model, and part of that process is calibration and validation using experimental data. DREAM.3D is a critical part of my pipeline for characterizing microstructural feature distributions. I would like to convert the following IPF map to a DREAM.3D orientation field as part of the pipeline leading to the validation process.
T.R.F. Cavalcante, G.S. Pereira, G.Y. Koga, C. Bolfarini, W.W. Bose Filho, J.A. Avila,. Fatigue crack propagation of aeronautic AA7050-T7451 and AA2050-T84 aluminum alloys in air and saline environments. International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 154. 2022.

My question is: Is DREAM.3D capable of utilizing IPF maps to reconstruct an orientation field? I can pre-process and insert the image into a DREAM.3D compatible file, but I don't know if DREAM.3D has a filter capable of converting IPF values to typical orientation conventions. Failing that, could anyone nudge me in a direction that gets me closer to converting an IPF map to some form of orientation field that DREAM.3D can handle?

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Very respectfully,
--Joshua Stickel

Michael Jackson

Jan 24, 2025, 12:46:50 PMJan 24
to Josh Stickel, dream3d-users
Dear Josh, 
     The problem of going from an IPF map to orientations is unsolved due to how the IPF Colors algorithm works. Your only option is to go back to the original source of data and get the orientation data. Also looking at these images what you are looking at are IPF colors with another set of data overlaid on the IPF colors so if these are the source images you were going to start with, you are already off to a bad start.

If you take a look at this video:

You can copy the recording information below and share with others
Passcode: #q%9B@L#

And go to the 1:25:00 mark. The question is sort of what you are asking.
Mike Jackson          
BlueQuartz Software
President/Owner               Dayton, Ohio
Principal DREAM.3D Developer

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Josh Stickel

Jan 24, 2025, 3:59:56 PMJan 24
to dream3d-users
Thanks for this, Mike! This kind of confirms my suspicions about how IPF works. I was able to clean up this image and back out the local normal vectors in relation to the sample reference vector, but that process left me without a rolling or transverse vector to rebuild the orientations with. I was just kind of hoping I misunderstood IPF

Anthony Rollett

Jan 26, 2025, 12:38:07 PMJan 26
to dream3d-users
Confirming that IPF color only tells you which crystal direction is parallel to a selected sample direction, which is a projection, ie, 2 out of the 3 parameters necessary for complete orientations.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 24, 2025, at 4:00 PM, Josh Stickel <> wrote:

Thanks for this, Mike! This kind of confirms my suspicions about how IPF works. I was able to clean up this image and back out the local normal vectors in relation to the sample reference vector, but that process left me without a rolling or transverse vector to rebuild the orientations with. I was just kind of hoping I misunderstood IPF

Josh Stickel

Jan 26, 2025, 8:03:40 PM (14 days ago) Jan 26
to Anthony Rollett, dream3d-users
Thank you for the confirmation Anthony! 

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