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Grain division for help

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xx x

Nov 20, 2024, 2:16:08 AM11/20/24
to dream3d-users
Hello,, I obtained the structure model of phase β through numerical simulation, now, I want to divide phase  α   in phase  β   according to the Burgers orientation relationship , as shown in the figure below, the folder contains the organization results obtained by my simulation, can it be divided in this way in the literature, help me build a pipeline. Or you help me rebuild the pipeline,

xx x

Nov 20, 2024, 2:30:44 AM11/20/24
to dream3d-users
This vtk data may be uploaded to a large file and cannot be successful.

Michael Jackson

Nov 20, 2024, 9:40:56 PM11/20/24
to xx x, dream3d-users
Where did the pipeline come from? From the article or was this something that you tried to build yourself. I cannot do much without the original data to work from.
Mike Jackson          
BlueQuartz Software
President/Owner               Dayton, Ohio
Principal DREAM.3D Developer

On Nov 20, 2024 at 02:16:07, xx x <> wrote:
Hello,, I obtained the structure model of phase β through numerical simulation, now, I want to divide phase  α   in phase  β   according to the Burgers orientation relationship , as shown in the figure below, the folder contains the organization results obtained by my simulation, can it be divided in this way in the literature, help me build a pipeline. Or you help me rebuild the pipeline,

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xx x

Nov 20, 2024, 9:45:30 PM11/20/24
to dream3d-users
Because the data is relatively large, I may not be able to upload it, my pipeline is added in the compressed package, you can view, I finally got the grain, now you can add this part of the content to my pipeline, or you like this, first build a random polycrystalline model, and then divide the layers inside the grain, such a pipe, I can refer to the learning.

xx x

Nov 20, 2024, 9:56:16 PM11/20/24
to dream3d-users
I may have expressed myself a bit unclearly. What I mean is that the pipeline below has generated the beta phase in titanium alloys, and now I want to divide alpha-phase lamellae within the beta phase as shown in the figure below. Is it possible to achieve this functionality? If so, could you help me add a section to implement it?

Michael Jackson

Nov 25, 2024, 1:30:26 PM11/25/24
to xx x, dream3d-users
I would look at using the “Insert Transformation Phase” filter and see if that will do what you are looking for.

Mike Jackson          
BlueQuartz Software
President/Owner               Dayton, Ohio
Principal DREAM.3D Developer

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