Filter for crystal grain rotation by a certain angle with respect to z-axis of the reference frame

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Subhadip Sahoo

May 13, 2023, 11:56:12 PM5/13/23
to dream3d-users
Hello Everyone,

I am finding a filter that rotates the crystals of the 2D ebsd map to a certain angle for example by 30 degrees or by 45 degrees with respect to the 001 axis of the sample reference frame, but at the same time keeping the sample reference frame intact. 
I have used the filter called ''Rotate Sample Reference frame'' filter but it rotates the whole frame along with the crystal grains by a certain angle. like a rotated square. But I want the reference square to be the same only the crystals to be rotated. I have also used the ''Rotate Euler reference frame'' filter but did not get any change in the grain orientations.

So, I request you kindly tell me the filter which can be used to get the desired result. Please let me know if you need any clarification on my question. I will highly appreciate it if you please help me out in this situation.

Kind regards,

Michael Jackson

May 15, 2023, 12:12:55 PM5/15/23
to Subhadip Sahoo, dream3d-users
The “Rotate Euler Reference Frame” is the filter that you are looking for. If you know you need to do this rotation, I would do this just after you import the EBSD data. If you insert the filter as one of the last filters, then any other output that was calculated before that filter will not be affected.

Mike Jackson
BlueQuartz Software

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Subhadip Sahoo

May 17, 2023, 7:58:00 PM5/17/23
to dream3d-users
Thank you so much, Mike, for your help. I really appreciate it.

Kind regards,

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