DREAM3D-NX RC-3 Has been released

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Michael Jackson

Jun 9, 2023, 2:41:27 PM6/9/23
to dream3d-users

We are pleased to announce that DREAM3D-NX 7.0.0-RC3 is now available for download. This is a complete rewrite of DREAM.3D Version 6.5/6.6 and includes many changes, new features, bug fixes and fully tested filters. DREAM3D-NX is now up to 211 filters in total and should be very usable by the community. 

  • We have disabled the telemetry for this RC-3 version.

Please use the latest release from our download page:

Thanks for your support!

| Description | Git Commit Hash |
| EHN: ENH: Update the Copy/Paste icons (#420) | 5bc91a8a33 |
| BUG: open in workflow mode fixes (#417) | 465b0792 |
| ENH: Add ability to reload VTK Filters (#418) | 466929a3 |
| BUG: Only disable run button when there are errors in preflight (#419) | 4974adc3 |
| STYLE: Updates to native style to allow for both dark and light native themes (#416) | 7f59e2fe |
| DOC: Create install rules for the documentation for Windows and Linux | 0a373aa6 |
| BUG: slice representation checks (#415) | 5c2ba44f |
| ENH: issues tab usability (#413) | 25288cc3 |
| Use legacy vtk reader if xml reader did not work for generic .vtk file reading (#409) | 32ad2c94 |
| BUG: Make sure geometry visibility settings are preserved on vis reload (#411) | 86193876 |
| BUG: Make sure scalar bar is updated when visibility is toggled or vtk filters are applied (#410) | d30170f8 |
| Fix/update the DataPathSelectionList reordering & keep items selected (#404) | cee417fa |
| VERSION: Update version to "RC-3" | b113cba9 |

### complex

| Description | Git Commit Hash |
| BUG: ApplyTransformationToGeometry now applies precomputed transformations correctly. (#606) | cfdf2f5ba2d5 |
| BUG/FILTER: Find Boundary Element Fractions (#605) | c89c704017 |
| FILTER: Find Feature Phases Binary (#598) | d51cf6e9 |
| Update example pipelines to new (pinned/workflow param) format (#597) | 659ffa54 |
| ENH: Update ITK filters to follow naming and parameter layout conventions (#593) | 2d92e18b |
| BUG: Fix issue when reading RGBA Tiff files where they would be read RGB. (#601) | 3d228925 |
| ENH: Partition Geometry (#599) | 4b5336fc |
| Parallelize PartitionGeometry filter. (#594) | 84e1fbaa |
| FILTER: Sample Surface Mesh FIlters (#579) | 928a6864 |
| ENH: Add IPF Legends to the Orientation Analysis Plugin (#596) | 87941ba4 |
| ENH: Update ArrayCreationParameter usage (#595) | a46a6c89 |
| BUG: Misc Bug Fixes in OrientationAnalysis (#591) | 4c0c3317 |
| ENH: Consistent separator parameter naming (#592) | cbc8f1e6 |
| FILTER: VtkRectilinearGridWriter (#587) | f0b61cd8 |
| ENH: Add randomization to the Shared Feature Face Id Filter (#588) | 86349b72 |
| ENH: Update MD5 to remove deprecated `sprintf` function with modern C++ iostreams (#589) | 6c1f9b29 |
| Fix check for big endianess in Avizo filters (#586) | cbef0801 |
| ENH: Create custom vcpkg triplets for macOS to set the minimum deployment to 11.0 (#585) | 674f4094 |

Mike Jackson
BlueQuartz Software
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