DREAM3D-NX Anaconda Distribution 24.09.30 is Available + Tutorials

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Michael Jackson

Oct 2, 2024, 9:35:36 AM10/2/24
to dream3d-users

Dear DREAM3D-NX Users,

BlueQuartz Software is delighted to release the latest release candidate for the anaconda version of DREAM3D-NX. This version has no limitations attached to it. The DREAM3D-NX portion will stop working on NOV 29, 2024. (60 days from date of build). This means that while you would not be able to run DREAM3DNX + Your python filter, you can still run the pipeline as a pure python set of code instead.

With this version of the Python bindings, users can now much more easily extend DREAM3D with their own filters written in Python, automate DREAM3D-NX pipelines through python or even use DREAM3D-NX as a “poor mans” GUI to wrap existing python codes that you would like to distribute more easily to your colleagues.

There are now 3 tutorials posted to the website that start from very basics and work up to creating a DREAM3D-NX Filter.

The main documentation page is at:


There are a few tutorials and several more on the way. It has never been easier to extend DREAM3D-NX with your own custom filters.


Mike Jackson                    mike.j...@bluequartz.net
BlueQuartz Software         www.bluequartz.net
President/Owner               Dayton, Ohio
Principal DREAM.3D Developer
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