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Clarification on Resolution Units

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Nov 19, 2024, 6:05:16 AM11/19/24
to dream3d-users
Hello, I would like to ask about the resolution values provided. Does the resolution have a specific unit associated with it? For example, does a value of 1 correspond to 1 mm, and does 0.01 correspond to 1 micrometer (µm)? Or do we need to explicitly assert or define the unit for the resolution in the software settings, such as in DAMASK or Abaqus? Thank you for your help!


Michael Jackson

Nov 19, 2024, 7:18:09 PM11/19/24
to Kriz, dream3d-users
DREAM.3D does not specifically store units at all which means they are “implied”. Just be consistent with your values between DAMASK and DREAM.3D and you should be fine.
Mike Jackson          
BlueQuartz Software
President/Owner               Dayton, Ohio
Principal DREAM.3D Developer

On Nov 19, 2024 at 06:02:49, Kriz <> wrote:
Hello, I would like to ask about the resolution values provided. Does the resolution have a specific unit associated with it? For example, does a value of 1 correspond to 1 mm, and does 0.01 correspond to 1 micrometer (µm)? Or do we need to explicitly assert or define the unit for the resolution in the software settings, such as in DAMASK or Abaqus? Thank you for your help!462646865_1271012023923735_3200692811735625785_n.png

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Nov 21, 2024, 4:39:39 AM11/21/24
to dream3d-users
Thank you for the information! 
I have 2 questions about the 'Estimate Number of Features.
1. Are the 'Estimate Number of Features' values related to the 'Mean Feature ESD'? If so, could you please clarify how they are connected or calculated?
2. Can I generate an element that only has one feature? I tried to set different resolutions and dimensions, but the minimum feature is 2. If so, what can I do?
Thank you so much!

截圖 2024-11-21 下午4.44.13.png
Michael Jackson 在 2024年11月20日 星期三上午8:18:09 [UTC+8] 的信中寫道:

Michael Jackson

Nov 25, 2024, 1:35:35 PM11/25/24
to James, dream3d-users
1: They are connected and they are calculated using the distribution that you have setup. It is only an approximation but should be relatively close.

2: You want to generate a Phase that has only a single grain? There is the “insert matrix phase” which basically fills voxels with the index of the phase that you want? Are you trying to insert something like a single crystal? 

Mike Jackson          
BlueQuartz Software
President/Owner               Dayton, Ohio
Principal DREAM.3D Developer

Michael Jackson

Nov 26, 2024, 10:06:43 AM11/26/24
to James, dream3d-users
   If you want to synthesize a single-crystal you do not really need StatsGenerator for that. You could manually create the needed information yourself. 

With DREAM.3D version 6.5.171 it is a bit more difficult but is still possible.

You need to “Create Geometry” and select the Image Geometry type. Set the origin, dimensions and spacing.
Add the “Create Data Array” filter to add an array to the “Cell Data” attribute matrix using a “Signed Int 32” for the feature Ids and then just initialize the array with “1”.
If you need actual crystallographic information then you can use the “Create Ensemble Info” filter to add a crystallographic “phase” to the model.
If you need to add an actual “Euler Angle” that is going to get a bit trickier but can still be done.

Hopefully that should get you through the process. If you don’t need to actually synthesize anything you can do this in the latest version of DREAM3D-NX (

Mike Jackson

On Nov 26, 2024 at 01:46:02, James <> wrote:
Yeah, I wasn't clear, I apologize.
I want to synthesize a single-crystal RVE, How can I do it?

Michael Jackson <> 於 2024年11月26日 週二 上午2:35寫道:
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