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How to avoid the precipitate touching in Dream 3D

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Charles Cao

Jan 20, 2025, 10:13:13 PMJan 20
to dream3d-users

I am creating a polycrystalline RVE with both matrix and precipitate in Dream 3D with python script. 

For the precipitates, I want to make them in FSD size around 6-10 um, and try to avoid the neighbor precipitates touching and keep the min distance as 2 times of the FSD (20 um or more). I try set up the ["00"]["StatsDataArray"]["2"]["Radial Distribution Function"]["Min"] = 20. But I always find out there are 2 precipitates which is too close (only 1-2 voxel gap between them). 

May I ask if there is any other solution or any filter that could contrall the minium distance? Any advice would be appreciated. 

Kind regards,

Michael Jackson

Jan 24, 2025, 12:49:01 PMJan 24
to Charles Cao, dream3d-users
Hello Zhenjie, 
    I am not sure if there are any filters at this time within DREAM.3D Version 6.5.171 that could give you better control over those distances. The Radial distribution function was supposed to help with that. 
Mike Jackson          
BlueQuartz Software
President/Owner               Dayton, Ohio
Principal DREAM.3D Developer

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