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Anthony Rollett

May 27, 2023, 11:40:15 AM5/27/23
to dream3...@googlegroups.com
The challenge that we encountered with such microstructures was in the overlapping nature of the pattern of grains growing into melt pools.  The grain shapes are accordingly very non-compact and so not much like anything that we thought of in the original construction or analysis methods (in dream3).  If you don’t get what you like from experimenting with the microstructures that you can construct in dream3d (e.g., inserting both compact and elongated grains), there is a fair amount of literature in this area.
Regards, Tony

On May 27, 2023, at 5:24 AM, mazia...@gmail.com <mazia...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Mike,

I want to synthesize the microstructure of LPBF-ed Nickel alloy as I have attached its EBSD IPF picture to this message. I wanted to ask you if you have any suggestion on how to synthesize this texture in 2D by DREAM3d using some simplifications maybe. It has several elongated hatch-like vertical grains and also equiaxed-like grains among them.


Maziar Toursangsaraki

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