Hypothyroidism, Low Thyroid and Natural Thyroid, Thyroflex by Jeffrey Dach MD

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Jeffrey Dach

May 4, 2007, 11:10:51 AM5/4/07
to TrueMedMD Jeffrey Dach MD
Hypothyroidism Type Two and Thyroflex

Even though the death of Ann Nicole Smith was blamed on an apparent
overdose in the Seminole Hard Rock Casino located 5 minutes away from
my office, a low thyroid condition called Hashimoto's thyroiditis was
found at autopsy. (1) It seems that everyone is low thyroid nowadays.
Anna Nicole Smith was also said to be taking human growth hormone
(HGH), which is typical for an Anti-Aging program. Of course, this
wasn't mentioned in the autopsy report. Although the use of HGH for
Anti-Aging (2) is firmly opposed by mainstream medicine, it seems to
have caught the attention of seniors groups (3), and is catching on
despite opposition provided by The Institute of Medicine and JAMA (4).

Thyroid Hormone, The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Instead of human growth hormone (HGH), thyroid hormone is the missing
piece of the puzzle, and I spent a week learning about this puzzle at
the Cenegenics Clinic in Las Vegas (5 ) with Alan Mintz MD about two
years ago. You may have seen Dr. Alan Mintz recently when he appeared
on CBS Television 60 Minutes (6).to describe his clinic program and
talk about the Age Management Medicine Protocols offered there (7).
Fter seeing the inside of the clinic with my own eyes, I can
wholeheartedly recommend Cenegenics as a world class medical clinic
with excellent doctors and support staff. In this same CBS 60 minutes
report, it was disclosed publicly that about 800 of the Cenegenics
patients are on human growth hormone, also called HGH, based on their
protocol for the indication of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (8).

Natural Desiccated Thyroid as Anti-Aging

Various hormone treatments such as HGH (human growth hormone),
testosterone, DHEA, estrogen and progesterone are considered by some
to be Anti-Aging. However, natural thyroid hormone treatment by
itself can be Anti-Aging since it changes the body composition, and
skin and hair quality giving a more youthful appearance. Yet, most if
not all of the larger Anti-Aging clinics tend to be conservative when
it comes to thyroid treatment. Following mainstream medicine, many of
these clinics will not usually give thyroid. And if they do give
thyroid, it is usually Synthroid rather than natural desiccated
thyroid hormone such as Nature-Throid from Western Research (9).

Synthroid is the synthetic thyroid pill which contains only T4, while
the natural thyroid pill contains both T3 and T4, accounting for
superior clinical results.

Mainstream medical practice relies on the TSH test to determine when
to treat with thyroid hormone (lab range 0.5 - 5.5) , so most people
with low thyroid are missed by the system and are not given thyroid
hormone. These normal ranges have been changed a number of times and
the more recent range is .0.4 to 3.0

On November 2002, the American Association of Clinical
Endocrinologists (10) changed the normal ranges for TSH values.

Previous normal bounds were 0.5 to 5.0, and these were changed to 0.3
to 3.0. The National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry wants to change
them again and says "In the future, the upper limit of the serum TSH
reference range will be reduced to 2.5 mIU/L " In addition, "A serum
TSH result between 0.5 and 2.0 mIU/L is generally considered the
therapeutic target for a standard L-T4 (thyroid hormone) replacement
dose for primary hypothyroidism. There is still controversy about the
correct reference interval of serum TSH. (11) (12) (13) (14)

Mark Starr and Type Two Hypothyroidism

A few months after I had the pleasure of meeting with Alan Mintz, M.D.
at the Cenegenics clinic, I attended a medical meeting of the ICIM
(Integrative and Complementary Medicine in Grand Rapids MI). At this
meeting, I spoke with Mark Starr, MD who gave the lecture on
hypothyroidism where he discussed his approach to diagnosing and
treating the low thyroid condition which he called Type Two
Hypothyroidism (15).

Mark Starr's lecture and his book on the same topic were a real eye
opener for me because he claimed that while 30% of the population is
low thyroid, they are ignored and go untreated by mainstream
medicine. These unfortunate souls drag themselves from doctor to
doctor with labels such as chronic fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue,
and suffer from hair loss, constipation, depression and a host of
other symptoms described by Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (16).

Dr. Starr explained why the thyroid blood tests ( namely the TSH ) is
unreliable, and Dr. Starr instead relies on old fashioned clinical
judgment to decide when to treat with thyroid hormone and how much to
give. (17) (18) (19)

Enter The Thyroflex Machine

One of the tried and true clinical parameters of thyroid function is
the delayed Achilles reflex time which the old time docs routinely
used for practical management of low thyroid before the blood tests
were devised.(20)(21)

I was therefore really excited to meet Drs. Konrad Kail (22) and Daryl
Turner at their booth at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
Meeting (23) two years ago. The two of them developed the Thyroflex
instrument which is a reflex hammer connected to a laptop computer
which measures reflex time in milliseconds. They do not use the
Achilles Tendon reflex, though. They instead decided to use the
Brachio-Radialis muscle of the forearm which is more convenient while
seated in a comfortable chair. The delayed reflex time is the finding
which indicates low thyroid.

They found excellent correlation between reflex time and thyroid
function as measured by basal metabolic rate in patients before and
after treatment with natural thyroid. Their study found a predictive
Value of a Positive Test = 0.95 and a Predictive Value of a Negative
Test= 0.017, which I thought was quite good. (24) (25)

Our Thyroflex Experience at TrueMedMD

We are proud to be the only medical clinic in Florida to offer this
noninvasive Thyroflex test which really represents the best modern
medicine has to offer while at the same time bringing back the
original truths of clinical practice. After using the Thyroflex
machine for about one year, we have found it to be especially useful
in those cases in which the TSH is paradoxically low even though the
patient is low thyroid. Note: a low TSH indicates high thyroid
function, while a high TSH indicates low thyroid function. Many
doctors and even endocrinologists are confused by this paradoxically
low TSH is called hypothalamic dysfunction. (26)

Since the TSH is below 3, no mainstream doctor is willing to give
thyroid hormone treatment to these unfortunate souls. With the
confidence of a delayed reflex time from the Thyroflex test, we feel
comfortable giving these people the badly needed thyroid, and the
results have been astounding. Our approach to diagnosis of low
thyroid uses a lengthy questionnaire which goes over 70 symptoms of
low thyroid, a complete thyroid blood panel including TSH, free T3 and
free T4, a physical examination which includes thyrid palpation and
thyroid sonogram if indicated, and measurement of reflex time with the
Thyroflex. Also included is a basal body temperature chart filled out
by the patient at home.

A Trial of Low Dose Thyroid is Very Safe

Once it has been determined that thyroid hormone is likely to be
beneficial, a trial of low dose Nature-Throid from Western Research is
given with a small tablet every other day, while a log book is kept by
the patient describing any changes in energy or other symptoms. Any
symptoms of thyroid excess such as palpitations, feeling of warmth,
anxiety or insomnia are noted. After 10-14 days the log book is
reviewed to determine if the thyroid was of benefit. In addition,
Iodine supplementation with Iodoral is given which was described in a
previous newsletter. (27)

We have found that by having the patient monitor symptoms recorded
into a log book, and small gradual incremental increases every 2 to 4
weeks in thyroid dosage, this makes the program very safe. We feel
that thyroid is the final piece of the Anti-Aging Puzzle.

For more information, visit this thyroid page.

You might find this interesting; Stop the Thyroid Madness.com, Blog,
website and forum dedicated to Natural Thyroid http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

References by Number with Links:

(1) http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2007/0326071anna1.html
(2) http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/11/17/MNGEV33KQD1.DTL
(3) http://www.seniormag.com/caregiverresources/articles/hgh.htm
(4) http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/294/16/2086
(5 ) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17840738/site/newsweek/page/2/
(6) http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/04/19/60minutes/main1512855.shtml
(7) http://www.cenegenics.com/
(8) http://www.cenegenicsfoundation.org/library/Guidelines_hGH_Rx_on_LH.pdf
(9) http://www.westernresearchlaboratories.com/
(10) http://www.aace.com/pub/positionstatements/subclinical.php
(11) http://www.eje-online.org/cgi/content/full/154/5/633
(12) http://www.clinchem.org/cgi/content/full/52/2/329
(13) http://www.clinchem.org/cgi/content/full/52/2/335
(14) http://www.clinchem.org/cgi/content/full/52/2/337
(15) http://www.type2hypothyroidism.com/
(16) http://www.healthy.net/scr/column.asp?ColumnId=28&Id=648
(17) http://www.vitality101.com/
(18) http://www.mercola.com/article/hypothyroid/diagnosis_comp.htm
(19) http://www.mercola.com/2003/mar/1/hypothyroidism.htm
(21) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?itool=abstractplus&db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=abstractplus&list_uids=5520306
(22) http://www.naturopathicfamilycare.com/konradkail.htm
(23) http://www.worldhealth.net/
(24) http://www.thyroflex.com/
(24) http://www.thyroflex.com/docs/Predictability%20of%20Brachioradialis%20Reflexometry.doc
(25) http://www.thyroflex.com/docs/Subclinical%20Hypothroidism.doc
(26) http://www.townsendletter.com/Oct_2002/fibromyalgia1002.htm

Common Symptoms of Low thyroid:

____Weight gain
____Puffy face
____Loss or thinning of eyebrows
____Cold intolerance
____Low sex drive
____Abdominal bloating
____Cold hands or feet
____Dry or thinning hair
____Joint or muscle pain
____Thickening of the skin
____Thin, brittle fingernails

Longer List of Commonly Reported Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

1. Dry skin
2. Thick, scaling skin
3. Coarse skin
4. Fineness of hair
5. Dry, coarse, brittle hair
6. Sparse eyebrows, especially outer ends
7. Hair loss
8. Brittle nails
9. Dry ridges down nails
10. Cold skin
11. Swelling of face (edema)
12. Swelling around the eyes (edema)
13. Swelling of eyelids (edema)
14. Nonpitting edema of ankles
15. Fluid accumulation in abdomen (ascites)
16. Thick tongue
17. Swelling of ankles
18. Paleness of skin
19. Paleness of lips
20. Bluish or purplish coloration of skin, nail beds, lips
21. Weight gain unexplainably
22. Hoarseness
23. Low basal & activity level temperature
24. Protrusion of one or both eyeballs (exophthalmos)
25. Slow speech
26. Slow pulse rate despite low physical fitness
27. Slow thinking
28. Sluggish movement
29. Slow relaxation phase of the knee or ankle reflex
30. Listless, dull look to eyes
31. Wasting of tongue
32. Nervousness
33. Rapid heart rate with weak force of contraction
34. Slow heart rate despite low aerobic fitness
35. Pounding heart beat
36. Cardiac enlargement on x-ray
37. Indistinct or faint heart tones
38. Low QRS voltage on ECG
39. Long-normal intervals on ECG
40. Fluid around heart (pericardial effusion)
41. Changes at the back of the eye (at fundus oculi)

References on Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:

Lowe, J.C., Reichman, A., & Yellin, J.: The process of change with T3
therapy for euthyroid fibromyalgia: a double-blind placebo-controlled
crossover study. Clin. Bull. Myofascial Ther., 2(2/3):91-124, 1997.

References on reflex time for determination of thyroid function:









Jeffrey Dach MD Web Site; http://www.drdach.com

Catalog of NewsLetters by Jeffrey Dach, M.D. TrueMedMD

My Vitamins Are Killing Me by Jeffrey Dach MD !!!

Stroke Prevention and Vitamin C by Jeffrey Dach MD

Testosterone Risks and Benefits by Jeffrey Dach MD

Medical School Days and SSRI Research by Jeffrey Dach MD

Iodine and Breast Cancer Prevention by Jeffrey Dach MD

Hypothyroidism Part One by Jeffrey Dach MD

Catalog of Articles Published on Hank Barnes World You Bet Your Life,
by Jeffrey Dach MD

Lipitor and "The Dracula of Modern Technology" by Jeffrey Dach MD

Osteoporosis, Bisphosphonate Drugs and Toulouse Lautrec by Jeffrey
Dach MD

Prozac, Paxil and SSRI Drugs - Part One by Jeffrey Dach MD

Prozac, Paxil and SSRI Drugs - Part Two by Jeffrey Dach MD

Max Essex and Virological Failure in the NEJM by Jeffrey Dach MD

The Origins of HIV by Jeffrey Dach MD

A Medical Article by Jeffrey Dach Published in 1980:


Dach J, Patel N, Patel S, Petasnick J. Peritoneal mesothelioma: CT,
sonography, and gallium-67 scan. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1980 Sep;135(3):

http://www.www.drdach.com Jeffrey Dach, M.D

http://www.brodabarnes.org/ The Broda O. Barnes, M.D. Research
Foundation, Inc.

http://www.starrpainclinic.com/ Mark Starr MD

http://www.thyroidpower.com/linksfr.html Richard L. Shames, M.D.

Mary Shomon, M.D. CFS Site

http://thyroid.about.com/ Mary Shomon, M.D. Thyroid Site

http://members.aol.com/jefferiesw/ William McK. Jefferies, M.D.

Jeffrey Dach at American Academy of Anti Aging Medicine A4M


Breast Cancer Prevention Group
Vitamin C Group


Conflict of Interest Disclaimer: We receive no money from the
pharmaceutical industry or from the NIH. We do not sell any products
to the public at large. We do however; make available selected
nutritional supplements to our office clients at a small markup to
cover our costs.

Disclaimer see this page: http://www.drdach.com/wst_page20.html

The information contained on these web pages are NOT intended to
diagnose or treat any existing disease or ailment. Please note that
all contents of this message, including any advice, suggestions, and/
or recommendations has NOT been generated as part of any professional
evaluation. No patient has been examined prior to making these
comments; no professional fee has been charged by or paid to myself.
The reader is advised to discuss these comments with his/her personal
physicians and to only act upon the advice of his/her personal
physician. Also note that concerning an answer which appears as an
electronically posted question, I am NOT creating a physician --
patient relationship. Although identities will remain confidential as
much as possible, as I can not control the media, I can not take
responsibility for any breaches of confidentiality that may occur.
Finally, the material produced by myself may be reproduced for
personal use, provided that appropriate credit is given; but this
material may not be reprinted or reproduced in any format for any
other purpose.

(c) 2007 Jeffrey Dach MD All rights Reserved

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Drdach drdach drdach drdach drach drdach
Low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid
Low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid
Low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid
Low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid
Low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid
Low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid
Low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid
Low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid
Low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid low thyroid
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drdrach drdoch drdach drdask jefrey dash jeffrey dach
drdrach drdoch drdach drdask jefrey dash jeffrey dach

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