關於DRBL SSI mode 配置問題

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Dec 1, 2011, 5:55:09 AM12/1/11
/opt/drbl/sbin/drblpush -i
1. Full DRBL mode 安裝 Full Clonezilla mode 可正常開機

2. DRBL SSI mode 安裝 Full Clonezilla mode 開機發生找不到檔案

3. 設定皆選擇不保存old setting

於Vmware player 4.0.1 build-528992安裝 Centos 5.6 64位元
rpm 版本 drbl-1.10.31-1drbl.i386.rpm


DRBL SSI mode: I use tmpfs /etc and /var, based on tarball templates.
Creating one-time-use dir… /root… tar: /drbl_ssi/template_root.tgz:
Cannot open: no such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
/etc… tar: /drblssi/template_etc.tgz: Cannot open: no such file or
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
/etc… tar: /drblssi/template_var.tgz: Cannot open: no such file or
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Mounting NFS dir /usr… done!
Mounting NFS dir /opt… done!
grep: /etc/hosts: No such file or directory
Can’t open /etc/sysconfig/network: No such file or directory
Can’t open /etc/yp.conf: No such file or directory
Try to remove nosharecache in /etc/fstab…
grep: /etc/fstab: No such file or directory
Done. NFS-root directories are mounted.
Let original init take over…
INIT version 2.86 booting
INIT: No inittab file found
Enter runlevel:

萬分感謝. :)

Steven Shiau

Dec 1, 2011, 7:14:56 AM12/1/11
to dr...@googlegroups.com

On 12/01/2011 06:55 PM, 毛先生 wrote:
> 大家好:
> 今天在學習DRBL軟體安裝時出現一些狀況,
> /opt/drbl/sbin/drblpush -i
> 1. Full DRBL mode 安裝 Full Clonezilla mode 可正常開機
> 2. DRBL SSI mode 安裝 Full Clonezilla mode 開機發生找不到檔案
> 3. 設定皆選擇不保存old setting



Steven Shiau <steven _at_ nchc org tw> <steven _at_ stevenshiau org>
National Center for High-performance Computing, Taiwan.
Public Key Server PGP Key ID: 1024D/9762755A
Fingerprint: A2A1 08B7 C22C 3D06 34DB F4BC 08B3 E3D7 9762 755A


Dec 1, 2011, 9:14:08 AM12/1/11
to dr...@googlegroups.com
Hi Steven:
基本上沒看到甚麼錯誤訊息...  因為編譯都很正常,我重覆做了幾次 Full 和SSI ,  Full 都運作正常..
就因為這樣所以覺得很奇怪.. XD
any idea ?


Dec 1, 2011, 9:05:46 PM12/1/11
to dr...@googlegroups.com
Hi Steven:
OK! Let's do it!
Checking the necessary disk space... done!
Copying the config file to /etc/drbl... done!
Backup the original /etc/hosts as /etc/hosts.drblsave... done!
Generate the /etc/hosts for clients connected to eth1... done!
Cleaning the stale files of the diskless nodes if they exist... done!
The version number for your GNU/Linux: CO5.6
Completely cleaning old common root files if they exist... done !
Completely cleaning old nodes if they exist... done !
Creating common root files... This might take several minutes...........Copying normal dir /lib64 to /tftpboot/node_root/... done!
Update the kernel for client if necessary...
The DRBL client uses x86_64 kernel with version 2.6.18-238.el5...
Trying to update the /tftpboot/node_root/lib/modules/2.6.18-238.el5 from server's /lib/modules/... This might take several minutes...
Found kernel modules in /lib/modules/2.6.18-238.el5 and its arch "x86_64" matches client's "x86_64"...
Syncing /lib/modules/2.6.18-238.el5 to client's common root...
Syncing /boot/*-2.6.18-238.el5* to client's common root...
Generating the /tftpboot/node_root/lib/modules/2.6.18-238.el5/modules.dep
Syncing /lib/firmware/ to client's common root...
Copying the directory /etc/ to clients common root /tftpboot/node_root...
Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_dsa_key copied from server... done!
Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_dsa_key.pub copied from server... done!
Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_key copied from server... done!
Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_key.pub copied from server... done!
Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_rsa_key copied from server... done!
Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_rsa_key.pub copied from server... done!
Commenting the TCPwrapper related file /tftpboot/node_root/etc/hosts.deny copied from server... done!
Commenting the TCPwrapper related file /tftpboot/node_root/etc/hosts.allow copied from server... done!
The startup services for DRBL client are:
firstboot netfs portmap crond nfslock sshd crond xfs ypbind kudzu haldaemon messagebus acpid gpm pcscd cpuspeed drblthincli mkswapfile arm-wol
Using udev for clients... Deleting the accounts (except root) in the clients common root template... done!
Enabling the NIS client in the common root template... done!
Creating some necessary files in the clients common root template...... done!
Creating DRBL client: ggg1120 Change the root's password for DRBL client!
Creating DRBL client: ggg1121 Change the root's password for DRBL client!
Modifying option diskless_client_os in drbl-ocs.conf...
Disable the password in pxelinux simple menu for all clients...
Disabling PXE password in config file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/default...
Now add necessary services to this DRBL server: DHCP, TFTP, NFS, NIS...
Generating the NFS exports for DRBL clients...
Backup the original /etc/exports as /etc/exports.drblsave
Exporting to clients by IP address line-by-line...
Full DRBL or Full Clonezilla mode, exporting client's directories etc, var, root...
The /etc/exports setting is ok now!
Now generate the firewall rules for NAT service...
Warning! /etc/sysconfig//iptables is renamed as iptables.drblsave!
Your firewall rules is overwritten!!! We set the NAT for clients to access this DRBL server!
Stop the NAT service first...
Flushing firewall rules:                                   [  OK  ]
Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: nat filter                [  OK  ]
Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:          [  OK  ]
ip_forward is already on.
Now set the YP securenets...
Backup the original /var/yp/securenets as /var/yp/securenets.drblsave
The /var/yp/securenets setting is done!
Update YP...
Now add the service:  dhcpd xinetd portmap iptables ypserv ypbind yppasswdd ypxfrd nfs nfslock
Force to add dhcpd service in this RH-like DRBL server...
Force to add xinetd service in this RH-like DRBL server...
Force to add portmap service in this RH-like DRBL server...
Force to add iptables service in this RH-like DRBL server...
Force to add ypserv service in this RH-like DRBL server...
Force to add ypbind service in this RH-like DRBL server...
Force to add yppasswdd service in this RH-like DRBL server...
Force to add ypxfrd service in this RH-like DRBL server...
Force to add nfs service in this RH-like DRBL server...
Force to add nfslock service in this RH-like DRBL server...
Now start the service:  dhcpd xinetd portmap iptables ypserv ypbind yppasswdd ypxfrd nfs nfslock
Starting dhcpd:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting xinetd:                                           [  OK  ]
Stopping portmap:                                          [  OK  ]
Starting portmap:                                          [  OK  ]
Flushing firewall rules:                                   [  OK  ]
Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: nat filter                [  OK  ]
Applying iptables firewall rules:                          [  OK  ]
Loading additional iptables modules: ip_conntrack_netbios_n[  OK  ]
Stopping YP server services:                               [  OK  ]
Starting YP server services:                               [  OK  ]
Shutting down NIS services:                                [  OK  ]
Binding to the NIS domain:                                 [  OK  ]
Listening for an NIS domain server.
Stopping YP passwd service:                                [  OK  ]
Starting YP passwd service:                                [  OK  ]
Stopping YP map server:                                    [  OK  ]
Starting YP map server:                                    [  OK  ]
Shutting down NFS mountd:                                  [  OK  ]
Shutting down NFS daemon:                                  [  OK  ]
Shutting down NFS quotas:                                  [  OK  ]
Shutting down NFS services:                                [  OK  ]
Starting NFS services:                                     [  OK  ]
Starting NFS quotas:                                       [  OK  ]
Starting NFS daemon:                                       [  OK  ]
Starting NFS mountd:                                       [  OK  ]
Stopping NFS locking:                                      [  OK  ]
Stopping NFS statd:                                        [  OK  ]
Starting NFS statd:                                        [  OK  ]
ip_forward is already on.
The GDM or KDM config file is NOT found! Skip setting the DM! Maybe you will not be able to make this DRBL server as thin client server!
Clean all the previous saved config file if they exist...done!
Turn on the boot prompt for PXE client...done!
Turn off the thin client option in PXE boot menu...done!
Modifying /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/default to let DRBL client use text PXE boot menu... done!
DRBL SSI mode. Set clientdir opt for label drbl in pxelinux config...
Setting drbl_mode="drbl_ssi_mode" in /etc/drbl/drbl_deploy.conf and /etc/drbl/drblpush.conf... done!
Full clonezilla mode. Remove clientdir opt for label clonezilla in pxelinux config...
Setting clonezilla_mode="full_clonezilla_mode" in /etc/drbl/drbl_deploy.conf and /etc/drbl/drblpush.conf... done!
You have to use "/opt/drbl/sbin/dcs" -> clonezilla-start to start Clonezilla service, so that there will be a Clonezilla menu when client boots
Enjoy DRBL!!!
http://drbl.nchc.org.tw; http://drbl.name
NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan. http://free.nchc.org.tw
If you like, you can reboot the DRBL server now to make sure everything is ready...(This is not necessary, just an option)
The DRBL server is ready! Now set the client machines to boot from PXE or Etherboot. (refer to http://drbl.sourceforge.net for more details)
NOTE! If Etherboot is used on client computers, version 5.4.0 or newer is required!
P.S. The config file is saved as /etc/drbl/drblpush.conf. Therefore if you want to run drblpush with the same config again, you may run it as: /opt/drbl/sbin/drblpush -c /etc/drbl/drblpush.conf

Steven Shiau

Dec 5, 2011, 8:53:25 AM12/5/11
to dr...@googlegroups.com


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Dec 5, 2011, 11:57:53 AM12/5/11
to dr...@googlegroups.com
Hi Steven:
請問 drbl-1.10.69-1drbl 是要到 sourceforge 還是哪邊下載呢?
謝謝 :)

Steven Shiau

Dec 5, 2011, 7:01:03 PM12/5/11
to dr...@googlegroups.com



Jul 5, 2024, 10:40:33 PM (10 days ago) Jul 5

在 client 端的 /etc,是由 /tftpboot/nodes/ 提供,那  /tftpboot/node_root/etc 這個目錄是做什麼用的呢?

毛先生 在 2011年12月1日 星期四下午6:55:09 [UTC+8] 的信中寫道:

Steven Shiau

Jul 5, 2024, 10:57:27 PM (10 days ago) Jul 5
to dr...@googlegroups.com

On 2024/7/6 10:08, Martin wrote:

在 client 端的 /etc,是由 /tftpboot/nodes/ 提供,那  /tftpboot/node_root/etc 這個目錄是做什麼用的呢?



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如要在網路上查看這項討論,請造訪 https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/drbl/c164540e-f481-4078-b171-a264cf31eb1en%40googlegroups.com
Steven Shiau <steven _at_ stevenshiau org>
Public Key Server PGP Key ID: 4096R/163E3FB0
Fingerprint: EB1D D5BF 6F88 820B BCF5  356C 8E94 C9CD 163E 3FB0
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