Pool\Swim lane deletion and resizing

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Jared D.

Jul 5, 2017, 12:32:57 PM7/5/17
to draw.io

I have just recently found draw.io and am loving it.. I want to use the Pool and swimlanes but I cannot seem to figure out how to properly delete a swim lane. 

When I delete a single lane from a pool it leaves a space off to the right in the pool. I have tried to autosize the pool but it doesnt get rid of that blank lane. I can resize the lanes after deleting the third but any pool adjustments end up showing the blank swimlane again and do not auto adjust the swimlanes that are still there.


Sep 28, 2017, 11:10:45 AM9/28/17
to draw.io
Hey Jared - Did you ever figure this out?

Gaudenz Alder

Sep 28, 2017, 11:13:36 AM9/28/17
to dra...@googlegroups.com
Try adding resizeParentMax=0; to the style of the pool (this is now default for all containers of this type).

Sandra C

Oct 7, 2017, 7:29:17 AM10/7/17
to draw.io
Hey! I found a way around this. Mark the lanes (ctrl/cmd + click) you wish to have and all items in them, e.g. 2 lanes. Leave out the pool! Group them. Copy paste. You might have to mark everything you just pasted, items and lanes, and then group again. Now you can move your new schebackle around. 

Gaudenz Alder

Oct 7, 2017, 7:43:18 AM10/7/17
to draw.io

Jeremy Seitz

Apr 13, 2020, 2:03:41 PM4/13/20
to draw.io
This is fantastic, but where do I access the box <<Style bearbieiten>> where I can modify the Style? I'm pretty sure I checked every menu item and option on the page, but I couldn't find it.

Gaudenz Alder

Apr 14, 2020, 12:59:43 AM4/14/20
to draw.io
Via Edit, Edit Style (Ctrl+E) or the button labelled Edit Style in the format panel to the right when the cell is selected. We will also add a popup menu item for this.
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