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Day 2 wrap up notes

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Nejc Zupan

Dec 6, 2016, 11:59:35 AM12/6/16
to dragonsprint

A lot of things is going on for Websauna project. Several bugs fixed, pyramid_notebook is updated, documentation improved, cookiecutter implementation is almost done (tests and documentation needed to be fixed).

Pylons community is getting a new site which will make pyramid more approachable for newcomers so be sure to check it out once it’s published. Preview available on

CSRF implementation for Pyramid is almost done. Expect PR soon.

SQLAlchemy debugging toolbar is already in alfa stage. Demo was presented and it looks very promising. In the following days new features will be added (filtering, alerts, etc). It will also be possible to add it to pyramid debug toolbar.

A lot of issues were fixed for Chameleon template engine and a few new features added. In the coming days we might see Chameleon 3.0 release.

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