Re: The Dungeon - Tier One

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Feb 5, 2009, 7:24:50 PM2/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

All Members should post which Group they are with:
Mika or White Bolt.

From now on:
All Players need to post what Round their Actions are for.

This will reduce confusion, for both Players and DM
- especailly with two groups for me to track.

Use the following as an example:
White Bolt's Group
Round Five

White Bolt takes to the air, and flies behind the Kobolds.
(They are less then 100 feet away.)

White Bolt readies an attack action, to aid them - but waits to
see if they can handle this challenge.
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Feb 5, 2009, 8:19:13 PM2/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
White Bolt Group - Round #3

> Tarrik'Val Eyeballs the Howler and grins.
> Both claws come in 2 quick jabs
> Tarrik'Val fells his foe and them glares at the remaing ones.

Snirt in shock will point his finger at the holwer that attacked his
uncle,"SNIRT!" Another magic missle will stream out of his finger to
attack the deadly creature [damage = 3].
Smarc in agony will cast defensively [roll#32, 8 + 10 = 18] and
points two fingers at the howling beast,"snirt-snirt."[magic missle
damage = 3 + 3 = 6!].
Snirt will call out in Draconic, "PLEASE GOD SAVE US!"


Feb 5, 2009, 9:13:53 PM2/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Howler HP 40 - 6 magic missiles = 34.

White Bolt will sping to the attack in response.
Bite Roll TAKE TEN + 8 = 18 * 9 Dmg (25)
Claw Roll TAKE TEN + 8 = 18 * 6 Dmg (19)
Claw Roll TAKE TEN + 8 = 18 * 6 Dmg (13)
Claw Roll TAKE TEN + 8 = 18 * 6 Dmg (07)
Claw Roll TAKE TEN + 8 = 18 * 6 Dmg (01)
Tail Roll TAKE TEN + 8 = 18 * 5 Dmg (-4)

The last Howler vanishes from sight.

*** End of Combat for White Bolt Group***
White Bolt looks down the hallway at the
Ferral Wood Elf, and gives a slight bow.

While the Elf was very strong, in his own eyes,
White Bolt is still more powerful.

White Bolts waits to see if Tarrik respects him:
Sense Motive TAKES TWENTY + 13 = 33.


Feb 5, 2009, 9:21:32 PM2/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Mika's group
Round One

Three Goblins get through the
spiders, and attack.

Black Tye
Roll 20 + 0 BaB + 3 Str + 2 Flank + 1 MW = 24
Roll 16 + 0 BaB + 3 Str + 2 Flank = 21 *
Damage 24 = 6 Wn + 6 Str
+ 8 Power Attack + 4 Magic

Roll 16 + 3 BaB + 2 Str + 2 Flank = 23
Damage 21 = 3 Wpn + 2 Str
+ 1 magic + 8 Pychic Strike
+ 7 Psionic Weapon.

Roll 18 + 4 BaB + 3 Str + 2 Flank = 25 *
Damage 16 = 3 Wn + 2 Str
+ 9 Sneak Attack + 2 Magic

End Round One


Feb 5, 2009, 9:26:07 PM2/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
DM NOTE: The goblins keep changing positions
to confuse their foes.
Spot Check DC 20 to identify any single Goblin.

Joseph Beland

Feb 5, 2009, 9:47:17 PM2/5/09
Tarrik'Val walks up to White bolt with obvious lethal intent.
When Tarrik gets up to 5 feet, His face contorts with obvious pain as he attempts to take control of himself and end his rage which he is capable of doing.
Tarrik'Val gives a wide toothy grin and gives Whitebolt a big pat on the back as though to give a sign of respect.

Tarrik's eyes turn to see a pair of kobolds, one injured and one trying to calm the other.
Tarrik moves up to them and then casts cure light wounds for 7 points.

Sean Froc

Feb 6, 2009, 10:51:45 AM2/6/09
Mentock wonders how three attackers could possibly ever flank three defenders at once, shrugs his shoulders, and continues to concentrate on his spider swarm.


Feb 6, 2009, 11:06:21 AM2/6/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
How are the Goblin's getting flank when there are three of them and
three of us and we were facing them? So unless they provoked attacks
of opportunity by trying to get past us but their buddies are 15-20
feet away in the spider swarm, so even then they couldn't get flank
unless they are double or triple teaming each one of us, but then they
only get flank on one of us. So what exactly is going on?


Feb 6, 2009, 3:05:25 PM2/6/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

> Tarrik'Val walks up to White bolt with obvious lethal intent.
> When Tarrik gets up to 5 feet, His face contorts with obvious pain as he
> attempts to take control of himself and end his rage which he is capable of
> doing.
> "Good...Job...You...Helped...Me..There."
> Tarrik'Val gives a wide toothy grin and gives Whitebolt a big pat on the
> back as though to give a sign of respect.
> Tarrik's eyes turn to see a pair of kobolds, one injured and one trying to
> calm the other.
> Tarrik moves up to them and then casts cure light wounds for 7 points.
> "For..Now..That..All.I..Can..Do..You..Need..To..Leave..NOW!"

Snirt will look around and see if he can now see the vile gnome
[Search: roll#33, 02 + 2 + 4 = 8].
"Thank you for saving us supreme being - I Snirt greatly appreciate
all your efforts. If I could ask one small favour? Where is that
nasty gnome?" [Diplomacy: roll#34, 07 + 4 = 11]. Snirt bows low to
the ground in front of White Bolt.
Smarc will have reached into his handy haversack and obtained a
potion. However, before he drinks it he will say, "Thank you my lord
god for saving my life and the life of my dear nephew. Do you need to
drink this potion?"[Diplomacy: roll:35, 8 + 5 = 13]. Smarc will then
look around at his surroundings [Search: Roll#36, 16 + 7 = 23].
Both Kobolds have ignored the wild elf in favour of their diety in
front of them.


Feb 6, 2009, 3:33:22 PM2/6/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

> Mika's group
> Round One
>  Goblins
In order to reach the others in Mika's group Black Tye will take an
attack of opportunity.
Roll#37, 19 + 2 BAB + 2 STR + 1HMWBS +1 goblinoids - 4 monkeygrip = 21
Roll#38, - to confirm critical hit - 17 + 2 BAB + 2 STR + 1HMWBS +1
goblinoids - 4 monkeygrip = 19

Damage = 3d8 + STR&1/2 x 2 = 12 + 3 x 2 = 30 damage.

Black Tye will grunt in pain but maintain his attack stance [took
critical hit -->24-28=4 hit points left]. He will then take a five
foot step in order to flank one of the goblins and smite [roll #39, 20
+ 2 BAB + 2 STR + 1HMWBS + 2 flank + 2 CHA - 4 monkeygrip = 25 to hit!
roll#40, 19 + 2 BAB + 2 STR + 1HMWBS + 2 flank + 2 CHA - 4 monkeygrip
= 24 to confirm]. he will call out in common, "Elmer - can you heal

Damage = 3d8 + STR&1/2 + 1 Paladin x 2 = 12 + 3 x 2 = 32 damage + 1d6
sneak = 32 + 3 = 35 damage
Goblin must make a Will save DC 16 or dazed for one round!


Feb 6, 2009, 4:03:15 PM2/6/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

> Black Tye will grunt in pain but maintain his attack stance [took
> critical hit -->24-28=4 hit points left]. He will then take a five
> foot step in order to flank one of the goblins and smite [roll #39, 20
> + 2 BAB + 2 STR + 1HMWBS + 2 flank + 2 CHA - 4 monkeygrip = 25 to hit!
> roll#40, 19 + 2 BAB + 2 STR + 1HMWBS + 2 flank + 2 CHA - 4 monkeygrip
> = 24 to confirm].  he will call out in common, "Elmer - can you heal
> me?"
Rolls 39 & 40 I forgot to include the +1 for goblinoids.
Meaning 26 to hit and 25 to confirm.


Feb 6, 2009, 4:13:51 PM2/6/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
> DM NOTE: The goblins keep changing positions
> to confuse their foes.
> Spot Check DC 20 to identify any single Goblin.

Black Tye will see one of the goblins moving into postion trading
place with the other. As the move out of the threatened square he
will slash with his huge hand a half sword [roll#41, 17 + 2 BAB + 2
STR + 1HMWBS + 1 goblinoids + 2 flank - 4 monkeygrip = 21]. Black Tye
is unsure which ones he has swung at though as they have traded
postions [Spot: roll#42, 02 + 6 = 8].
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Feb 6, 2009, 4:21:32 PM2/6/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
> > Black Tye will see one of the goblins moving into postion trading
> > place with the other.  As the move out of the threatened square he
> > will slash with his huge hand a half sword [roll#41, 17 + 2 BAB + 2
> > STR + 1HMWBS + 1 goblinoids + 2 flank - 4 monkeygrip = 21].  Black Tye
> > is unsure which ones he has swung at though as they have traded
> > postions [Spot: roll#42, 02 + 6 = 8].
*Whoops --> Damage = 3d8 + 3 + 1d6 = 18 damage for attack of

joe b

Feb 6, 2009, 5:58:39 PM2/6/09
OoC sorry been kinda busy
Elmer dashes over to black and casts cure moderate (
2d8=10+8(augmented)+4(healing hands) 22


Feb 6, 2009, 6:05:49 PM2/6/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
> Elmer dashes over to black and casts cure moderate (
> 2d8=10+8(augmented)+4(healing hands) 22

Black Tye feels the healing hands of Elmer and notices that the healer
has been cautious in his approach; so as not to suffer any attack of
opportunity from the goblins. Black Tye smiles at Elmer's cunning and
quickly nods his head in thanks as he resumes his deadly dance with
the goblins [4 hit points + 22 = 26 hit points].


Feb 6, 2009, 6:25:39 PM2/6/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will look through the gem (which has detect magic on it). He
will also back up five more feet. Then drop his light crossbow and
draw his short sword and hold his attack until he is attacked, again.
occ - Remember that I am holding a lantern and if they are under a
blur spell, I will still see them through the gem)


Feb 7, 2009, 2:47:46 PM2/7/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Please forgive me, I had to change the original - and was too tired to
catch and remove the Flank.
Only the three goblins got though.
They do not get flank, and did not provoke any Attacks of Opportunity.

Tye drops the goblin that he attacked.
It is not dead, but very much out of the fight.


Feb 7, 2009, 4:00:26 PM2/7/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
The seven remaining goblins are forced to deal with the Spider Swarm.
End Round Two for Mika's Group.

Mika has not posted as of yet. As the DM, I choose to NPC her as only
being defensive, attacking when attacked.
Blue Flames was not listed as leaving the X-Time Saloon, and so is not
in the area, or in the fight.
(I hope that I have not forgotten any other Players. I'm doing the
best that I can with the time that I have.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.)


Mentock - Because Invocations are spell-like abilities: Mentock needs
to make a Concentration Check DC 10 + damage (Total DC = 31) to keep
his Spider Swarm active. If Mentock fails, the spiders will still
remain and attack the nearest creature for two rounds afterwards.
Note: except for being able to place them where he wants, Mentock does
not have any control over the spiders that he summoned. (As per
Complete Arcane and the PHB).
I need to look up Swarms in the Monster Manual. I will try to find it,
and either post it, or email it to Mentock's Player.

* Also, please remember that to avoid provoking an Attack of
Opportunity, Mentock needs to make a Concentration Check DC 15 +
Invocation level.

Ningel - The Goblins are not under a Blur spell, they are using an
unusual tactic.
Round two tells you that the magic is focused on their weapons, and
has a Faint aura.


Feb 7, 2009, 4:05:54 PM2/7/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

~ White Bolt ~
I watch closely as Tarrik'Val comes to me, and though he tries to be
polite in his means of showing respect, I dislike being touched. I am
not a pet, to be thanked by petting.

I quickly answer the two Kobolds before me, in Draconic: “You are
welcome. While I am powerful, my Ancestors are more so. Do not confuse
me for a God, lest you incur the wrath of one of the true Dragon Gods.
I am not harmed, and do not need the potion. Excuse me a moment, and
then tell me your names.”

I then 'stand up' and glare at the Wood Elf, and say, in common:
“While these two are not as powerful as us, do not disrespect them for
their efforts to aid us. If you wish to continue to hunt with me, then
you will respect me, and those that I deem worthy of being with me. I
am not familiar with your people, much less one that is Ferral. I do
not know how to show you respect. However, if you but tell me, I shall
endeavor to remember how to do so, from now on. Now, which will you
do: Stay and hunt with me; or hunt alone?” White Bolt readies an
action to attack, should the Wood Elf show any signs of attacking.
Sense motive TAKE TEN + 13 = 23.

Sean Froc

Feb 7, 2009, 6:29:33 PM2/7/09


> Mentock - Because Invocations are spell-like abilities: Mentock needs
> to make a Concentration Check DC 10 + damage (Total DC = 31) to keep
> his Spider Swarm active. If Mentock fails, the spiders will still
> remain and attack the nearest creature for two rounds afterwards.
> Note: except for being able to place them where he wants, Mentock does
> not have any control over the spiders that he summoned. (As per
> Complete Arcane and the PHB).
> I need to look up Swarms in the Monster Manual. I will try to find it,
> and either post it, or email it to Mentock's Player
The warlock summon swarm ability works a little bit differently than the spell. Instead of Concentration + 2 rounds, it only lasts when you are concentrating on it. If Mentock does take damage, he will not bother concentrating on it, he will just back up five feet (trying to prevent attacks of opportunity) and will invoke a new swarm. The description of the Warlock Summon Swarm invocation is listed on page 135 of the Complete Arcane. Swarms can be found in the Monster Manual on page 237 to page 240. Notes on the swarm subtype can be found starting on page 315.


Feb 7, 2009, 9:46:52 PM2/7/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
OoC - That is not what I read out of the Complete Arcane. "As per
Summon Swarm spell."
However, this is fine as well.


Feb 7, 2009, 10:13:15 PM2/7/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
What? You can post where to find it, but not what it is? (LoL !!)
It pertains to your Character, and therefore is allowed for you to
post it.
- recap = 10x10 square of 2 HD diminuative spiders that deal 3 hp
damage per round.
AC = 17 * HP = 09.

For their part, the Goblins are not affected by the swarm's posion,
and will move forward into the party's area, hoping that the spider
swarm will now also affect their foes.

OoC - I don't want to be seen as a Rule Nazi. I just don't want the
vital stats of the creatures and monsters that you are fighting placed
up here - from any of the Monster Books. Especally when there would
not be anything to indicate (or it's hard to Spot) that that they are

Found the rest of the Invocation.
Thank you.

On Feb 7, 5:29 pm, Sean Froc

Joseph Beland

Feb 8, 2009, 6:28:41 AM2/8/09
tarrik stands up really close to the dragon's face and looks quite frustrated
He will wait for a reply for a few moments then procede to talk
Tarrik being not a nice guy and seeing that his partner did not enjoy
his pat of respect he will tickle white bolts chin, "Good..dragon"
with a HUGE grin
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