Ghoxton * The X-Time Saloon

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Dec 10, 2008, 5:55:45 PM12/10/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
From: Dragon DM Sent: 10/3/2008 8:29 PM

Gar looks around and says: “Quite a crowd here.” giving each an
appraising look and says: “Let me see if I can guess right: ” (Sense
Motive Check – Takes 10 + 15 Ranks + 5 Wis = 30)

Points at Ou-Tah! And says: “Ghostwise Halfling – Barbarian.”

Points at Mika and says: “Night Elf – Rogue.”

Points at Sarur and says: “Human – Dread Necromancer.”

Points at Elmer and says: “Human – Healer.”

Points at Tam and says: “Human – Bard.”

Points at Kaku and says: “Ye look like a cat folk, but that's not
right. Sorry, I don't know what race ye be. But, you are a Psychic
Warrior, that I can tell.”

Points at White Bolt and says: “And a Wyrmling Blue Dragon!”

Gar says: “My, what a surprise. But although ye might be acquainted
with each other, I know ye not. Please introduce yourselves.” And Gar
patiently waits...
From: RexDragon Sent: 10/3/2008 8:49 PM
- White Bolt -

As soon as I arrive and I realize that I am no longer where I was, I
immediately fly up to the ceiling and then move into the nearest
corner, which is above a stone door.

I snap a look around the room, and see that the ones that I had just
got done leaving are standing below me, but none seem hostile towards
me at the moment.

A Dwarven male walks in and I have to blink the confusion from my
eyes. {What kind of hat is that?} I wonder. The Ancestor Spirits only
laugh at me.
The Dwarf explains some things, and the sight of the words over the
door, and those statues are more then what they seem. {Great danger
lies here, for those that do not obey.} and I realize that in order to
remain here, I must pay some of my hard earned coins. Still, getting
food and safe sleep seems a fair trade.

I look down at the others, and wait to see what they will do...
From: joejoejoe580 Sent: 10/3/2008 9:57 PM
"Greetings fine sir! My name is Elmer, of Pelor."
"Five gold coins sounds more then fair, and im sure i can serve tables
as well."
{Please Pelor no conflict till tommorow}
From: Oddbit0 Sent: 10/3/2008 10:22 PM
Greetings and well met, sir.
I am Tam Briarblood of Brookshire Manor to the west. I'll not be
serving tables tonight, but if your patrons are in need of
entertainment, I shall be more than happy to play a tune or three in
exchange for the right to occupy the dance floor with whatever maid
happens to catch my fancy.

The gold for the room is not a problem, I'll cover that before my
first meal.

*hands over 5 gold and adds 5 silver for a tip*
From: Rashaka13 Sent: 10/3/2008 10:24 PM
*Ou-Tah! will blink in suprise at the sudden transport, and look
around with a look of terror on his face at their new surroundings.
He will focus on the words of Gar, and watch his face. When Gar
finishes, he will dump the pile of what ever random loot he picked up
from the hobgoblins, and speak quickly to him.*

"Ou-Tah! Ou-Tah! Snarf Nyaggggg-Tah! Ou-grrrr-tah! Ou-Tah! Ou-

(in Gar's head in trade common.) "This Hin called Ou-Tah!, This Hin
also Mighty Warrior! This Hin want know if that Dwarf called Gar,
know where this called Ou-Tah! can make this into shiney for meat and
From: Dragon DM Sent: 10/3/2008 10:37 PM
Gar smiles and responds in kind: "Salutations, in return, Elmer and
Tam." Gar takes the gold and silver from Tam, and smiles warmly.

Gar 'listens' to Ou-Tah! and replies "This is where things that are
not shiny but still of value can be exchanged for coins of silver and
gold. But, you must either look for those that have interest in what
you offer, or go out and find the correct Shoppe that will accept

Gar then slaps himself on the forehead and says: "Oh! I forgot to
address the other dragon, that is with you. Please, join in with the
others in introducing yourselves." And Gar remains standing, waiting
From: BluesScales2 Sent: 10/4/2008 2:38 AM
Blue Flames sighs and looks what he was given and says thanks to his
friend that transported them here, "I'm Blue Flames the last of the
king of dragons and i'll give six gold for a room and meal and maybe a
bath too."
From: Rashaka13 Sent: 10/4/2008 10:44 AM
*Ou-Tah! will look up at White Bolt, look at Gar's hat, and says to
White Bolt*

(in his head in common) "This Hin called Ou-Tah! This Hin told that
dragon called White Bolt. This Hin no sure what hat that dwarf called
Gar wear, only know that hat worn by creatures who make strange
foods. This Hin called Ou-Tah! have learned that those creatures who
wear strange hats like the hat that dwarf called Gar wear, called
'Chefs' Why that dragon called White Bolt hide up there? That dwarf
called Gar said no fight, it that dwarf called Gar territory, so Ou-
Tah! no fight."
From: Tokakaku Sent: 10/4/2008 2:01 PM
(Ooc: Okay, need to catch up a little...Can only post about once a
day. *sighs* If that.)

Kaku is about half way toward the fight before he realizes that the
last clearly defined foe has fallen to the ground by the small
Barbarian, or what he assumes might be a barbarian (DM can check for
that if he likes). He sighs in disappointment, and turns back to the
semi- conflict, more of a stale mate, at his back. There's tension,
but not all around, it would seem. And then the young one flees,
though he's not sure why, as he was distracted, and did not catch the

Again, something else happens, and what seems to be a ghostly and
regal kobalt appears. He listens to the words of the kobalt closely,
noting particularly that he knows the one with the angry arrow,
otherwisedly the female in the group, and the first dragon. Again, he
is swept away by a bright, un-avoidable light, though he's presently
surprised to know the ghost was speaking the truth. He'd have been
concerned about the ghost's presence, but the thing wasn't about long
enough for Kaku to accumulate worry.

Upon taking in the sight of the tavern/inn's structure, he cannot
supress he joy and relief. The smells his his nose intensely, making
his mouth begin to water with apitite. The sounds are appealing
aswell, the sign of people enjoying themselves."Now this is more like
it!" Before he can move to enter, Gar, the inn keep, greets them. His
appraisal is quite impressive indeed. He observed the rest of the
party, and let's them speak their introductions before attempting at
his own.

He notes vaguely White bolt's bit of difficulty parting with his
coinage. Though he's a young one, he's still a dragon. He should have
enough gold not to worry. Kaku does not understand not spending money
if you have it to spend. Also, Kaku is quite wary of the young one.
His breath has a nasty bite. He can still feels its scorch.

He bows his torso 45 degrees, arm in front, but no flourish, before
standing upright. "Greetings Gar, and a pleasure. I am Tokakaku
Kerkeichiko (Care-ka-ee-chee-koh), but much prefer to be addressed as
Kaku. I will not be resting in this fine establishment tonight, for I
am afraid I attract too much trouble, and would not want to bring that
upon you, no matter how small the chance.... Though I would absolutely
LOVE to have a warm meal, and a strong drink or two before leaving, if
that's not too much to ask. I believe I have enough to cover that."

Oh my.. The was a lot. Speaking so formally to strangers was second
nature to him, though it still struck him as odd to hear his voice in
such a fashion... Normally Kaku saw himself as crude and straight
forward. At first, though, it is best not to rub people the wrong way,
misfortune as easy as it is to court.

"Oh! and you most likely have never heard of my kind... They are
called Soncara, if you wish to inquire. There may be a traveler or two
that have encountered such." Kaku smiles a charming smile, but not
intended to charm specifically, just meant as a friendly gesture.

Again, he looks around at the group of people he had ended up with.
They seem like an interesting bunch. Perhaps, if they would let him
stay along, he would like to get to know some of them... Especially
the elf. She's feisty. Best to be careful with what he says to her...
And the healer. Always good to know a healer on good terms. He's not
completely sure what to make of the rest, so he shrugs it off, turning
his attention back to the dwarven... Cook? He most likely is something
more, or his threat would be half empty, rather than full.

In light of that thought, he makes a note not to bother the bar maids
to intently. The shovanistic male comments would be kept to a minimum

Kaku stretched a long, cat-like stretch, and yawns in the same manner.
He wonders who out of the group may be interested in speaking with him
over drinks. Maybe the small barbarian, though he's prefer the healer
to that, if he drank at all.... The petite killer, though much smaller
than he, scared him a bit. Very doubtfully the elf, but perhaps, if he
could manage, he'd be able to clear up the misunderstanding from
before. Than, of course, there were the rest, which he took no
particular note of just now. He'd no special interest in befriending
the reptilian companions, save that it would be better to know them on
good terms, rather than bad, and he'd not noticed the other ones
enough to reach any substantial amount of interest.
From: silverthedragon Sent: 10/4/2008 9:46 PM
She had gone overlooked by Gar, in the responses, but she did not
care. She merely shrugs and opens her coin purse to see if she carries
enough to make the transaction for her own room and a decent meal. She
notes BlueFlame's coins, seeing that even as a dragon sort, he didnt
have a problem parting with them. She wonders for a moment if he were
raised by those "Good" humans. She smiles slightly to find that her
coin purse is indeed well enough endowed to pay for her needs. She
then raises her eyes to look at Gar, and speaks softly. " I am Mika,
and I do indeed find myself in need of a room and a good meal. Perhaps
you might have a fruity wine, of the elvin brew, perhaps, something
well aged?" She places 10 gold in his hand as she says this. " This
should more than cover my request. A bath does sound as delicious as
the food that you are the way.." She sniffs the air..." I
hope it is almost done, for I find myself near to famished. Rations do
not go too far, as you will probably remember." She smiles,
recognizing his abilities, and that he could not become a great
protector of place if he had not adventured to find said place first.
She would turn to White Bolt then, her eyes glancing over his form. "I
believe, dear child, that if you can keep peace here, you may not find
that those who roam with sword and bow, are not a bad lot to know."
She pauses for a moment...and shakes her head...that was just too
bardish for her. She turns her eyes back to him. "Perhaps we may start
She then turns her eyes to Kaku, who would have been the newcommer
that she had fired upon. "As may we as well. Please, do forgive the
trigger finger, it does tend to be a tad...touchy. You have proved
yourself useful and not a foe, so far. Let us see how far THAT
assumption would run."
She then, if Gar makes way for them to enter, will step through the
open doorway, and find an empty table to sit at.
From: silverthedragon Sent: 10/4/2008 9:48 PM
an edit. She was trying to say that the party would not be a threat to
White Bolt here, if he would but keep his word to Gar. not that he
would find that adventurers were bad people, but that not all of them
were out to kill everything they came across.
From: joejoejoe580 Sent: 10/4/2008 10:05 PM
Elmer pulls of his sack and retrieves 11 gold coins.
"Here you are good sir and may I get some drinks all round"
"Kaku, let us have a drink, I am very intrested in learning more of
your race and.. psionics was it?
With his final wordds Elmer begins following Mika
From: Rashaka13 Sent: 10/17/2008 10:40 AM
*Ou-Tah! Will shrug, and take a drink of the Mocha that Mika offers
him, slurping noisely on it. When he hears Blue Flame, he will perk
an eyebrow up, and say to him*

(in his head, in common)"It no about beat Ou-Tah! Ou-Tah! seen the
sickness inside you inside many other warriors. Ou-Tah! no go to war
with warrior who have fear sickness inside him. That get Ou-Tah! and
friends killed. So Ou-Tah! do what Ou-Tah! had done to heal fear
sickness from him. Ou-Tah! make you forget it with fury."
From: Tokakaku Sent: 10/17/2008 5:50 PM
Kaku looks up with lack-luster surprise at Mika, and mutters his
thanks. He manages a weary smile aswell. He takes a sip, but splutters
at seeing the first punch.

The sudden commotion peeks his interest, and by default, comes to
attention, displaying a bit more awareness. Nothing like a good brawl
to wake you up, right?

He takes a sip, successfully this time. His expression brightens at
the taste, and he drains the rest. Nodding another thanks to Mika,
whether or not she's caught it.

(Fails will save, embarrassingly so.)

Kaku relaxes a little, not completely returning to his tired state,
but his muscles relax. He was ready to act lest things turn awry. The
fight loses his interest, just before it disperses.

He calls out to the chef , looking around for him. When located, or at
least someone who can take his order. His request is quite a bit more
audible this time around.

"Steak or sausage, whichever, and apple juice, or whatever you have as
far as juice goes, before we depart... IF it's not too troublesome
that is."
From: Dragon DM Sent: 10/17/2008 11:10 PM

The Gnome floats over to Elmer and he speaks in a voice that can be
heard by every newcomer: “You were lucky today, Sir Elmer. Normally
the casting of any spell against the wishes of anyone else would
trigger the Guardians that enforce the Laws here, as would the use of
weapons or harmful supernatural abilities: The spirits of two
Adventures that are contained within statues that stand beside the
door that you pass into to get inside the X-Time Saloon. The Dwarf's
name is Arak Azgal, and the Elven lady's name is Firae Kyali. Both of
them have prestige classes and are neigh-epic level. They work as a
team, and are rarely challenged for long. This is not counting my
abilities or that of Gar. Or any of the bouncers that we tend to
employ to keep from waking the Devastating Duo. I would strongly
advise that you find other means to resolve minor conflicts in the

The Gnome makes sure that everyone gets the food that they order, and
he then say in as polite a tone as he can: “Just as a side note, doing
that on those that are your allies can cause them to desire not to
travel with you in the future. I know that you only meant to aid your
friends, but remember that they trust you to protect them. Casting a
spell when it is not needed, especially against those that seek to
simply help someone that might need a little more training is not
going to help. Consider carefully future actions.” The Gnome then
floats back into the kitchen.
From: Rashaka13 Sent: 10/18/2008 5:11 PM
*Ou-Tah! will decide he is hungry now, and will order some food for
breakfest. He will look at the Gnome and will say, not in his head
but in a croak from his mouth.*

Meat! Sandwich!

*then he will grunt and point at the cup of Mocha he is drinking and
hold up 3 fingers.*
From: Dragon DM Sent: 10/18/2008 10:17 PM
The Gnome will nod at Ou-Tah! and disappear into the kitchen. After a
few moments, he returns with a new pot of the dark liquid, and three
more cups.

The Gnome remains polite and as friendly as possible, but he is not
sure if he has offended any of these new arrivals.

(OoC - when you are all ready, just add that you leave the main room
and go into the Entrance of the Saloon. Once there, I can then return
everyone to The Dungeon.)
From: RexDragon Sent: 10/18/2008 10:33 PM
- White Bolt -

I had followed the elven female named Mika's advice and had asked the
Human Wizard about his 'tongues'. He had told me that it would cost
more then I have at this time to get something that could do that.

I watch as the fight starts between the Dragon called Blue Flames and
the Halfling savage named Ou-Tah! Things were just getting
interesting, and I had odds on Ou-Tah!

Then the Healer, the human named Elmer ruins the fun by casting a Calm
Emotions spell. I felt it's affect pass over me like a soothing wave,
but I throw it off my mind like a waterfowl would rain.

This action had cost me some coins. I am angered, on several levels.

I hear the Gnome's words and I consider them carefully. It is very
tempting to try my strength against the one that seems to dislike all
violence. Survival requires it.
{No.} I decide {It is not worth the effort, and would prove nothing,
in the end.}

Since I am done eating, and I have no other business here, it is time
for me to return to the place that everyone here calls The Dungeon. To
me, it has always been 'home'.

I wait until the Gnome has a free moment and I call him over with a
slight gessture of my right claw. Once he arrives, I say: "I desire to
return to The Dungeon. Can you do this?" The Gnome smiles, and I
cannot help but think that it is a pathetic thing compaired to my own.
But he gives me the answer that I desire. I take to the air, and I fly
past the others that I had entered this place in with. I do a flyby
past the crybaby dragon, glaring into his eyes in challenge. Once
past, I nod to Ou-Tah! and Mika in turn, and I ignore the rest. They
had not done anything to impress me.

I fly out past the statues of Arak Azgal & Firae Kyali. And I see that
the stone door is glowing the correct color. I fly right at it, and it
opens as I draw neigh. I fly through, and I return - Home.
From: joejoejoe580 Sent: 10/19/2008 9:53 AM
"I apologize for my actions, but my intent was not leathal, I just saw
a glow in Blue's mouth and I was worried of the statue."
(I hope they dont hate me for my spell)
I then stand up and begin walking to the entrance.
"I am ready to depart, see you in the dungeon"
I reach the entrance and enter the dungeon.
From: Rashaka13 Sent: 10/19/2008 10:53 AM
*Ou-Tah! will pick up his Meatsandwich, and down the pot of Mocha. he
will then munch on the sandwich and scamper off into the portal and
From: Tokakaku Sent: 10/19/2008 8:05 PM
(Sorry, gonna be short... Running out the door.)

Kaku, seeing that his request for food will not be noted, especially
in time to catch up to the others, he himself departs the place to
make his way back.
From: BluesScales2 Sent: 10/19/2008 10:39 PM
Blue Flames sighs as he heads for the protal, Might as well go back to
the dungoen then." he flods his wings closely to him.
From: wild_thing_will Sent: 10/20/2008 11:46 AM
A 2'11" Gnome walks over to the groups of adventurers who appear to be
heading out the door. In a timid voice says "Excuse me but I was
wondering if I could go on this adventure with you?". Everything the
other adventurers see is Masterworked quality that the gnome is
wearing or wielding. He is carrying a MW Light Crossbow, MW Short
sword and a MW Dagger. His adventuring gear is even masterwork
quality. His backpack has a real faint blue glow to it and it appears
to be masterwork. I am called Glim Ningel and I can create quite a few
things. In my clan I am known as an Artificer.
Sent: 10/23/2008 4:10 PM


I acknowledge the nod from White Bolt as he leaves...and push myself
to my feet...I wrap up what is left of my food and stuff it gently in
my pouch for later. I pour what is left of my mocha in an empty
waterskin I carry with me and head toward the door.

"Come friends...mysteries await..."

I push my way past the rest of the crew, sliding between
people...until I feel those little beady eyes of that insufferable
gnome upon me. Then I hear his words.....growl...if it weren't for the
mission...It is sooo tempting to be give in to the eons of
family ties and let the pull drag me into the pool of darkness. But
for now...I resist.

"Of course, little man! Join us...." I say loud enough for the group
to hear...then, mumbling almost inaudibly..."If nothing else, we'll
have bait."

I then push my way through the door that White Bolt had proceeded
through...finding my way back to the dungeon...and one step closer to
completing the mission.
From: Rashaka13 Sent: 10/24/2008 10:31 PM
*Ou-Tah! Will make it a few feet into the dungeon then he will do an
about face. He will quickly run back towards the Gnome, look him over
quickly nod, and then pick him up over his head, and run into the
dungeon with him. The choice seems to have been made for the gnome.*
From: Dragon DM Sent: 10/24/2008 10:51 PM
Next to the stone door stands the faint ghostly image of Verkon, who
does not really expect anyone to notice him being there. All the
members pass though and return to The Dungeon.
From: wild_thing_will Sent: 10/26/2008 1:56 AM
Thank you, big one, and you are (looking at Ou-tah)? Your group seems
to have been together for at least a little while, well anyway you
will find out that I will more than likely be very beneficial for this


Dec 20, 2008, 3:04:02 PM12/20/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
the door of the Saloon is pushed to the side and a large cloaked
figure enters the Saloon.
The Hunter's Feral Eyes look around impatiently and spot the two
With a Sneer that no one can see, out of the the black gap in his hood
one word is heard "Weak"
Terrik'Val Spots an open table and also spots a small creature
sprinting to get to the table.
{I... Can... Reach... Table.. First}
About to move casually at 10 feet a second to get to the table, he
notices a bearded creature looking at him as though to greet him.
{What... He... Want?}
The Hunter waits always ready for the bearded one to make the first
move making sure to conceal his hands and make sure his hood is
properly pulled forward so to prevent anyone from seeing His face.


Dec 20, 2008, 3:21:47 PM12/20/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Upon passing the two statues, the new arrivel feels a very cold breeze
in an otherwise warm area.

The new arrival speeds to an empty table and manages to beat the
Goblin that had been trying to lay claim to it. Said glares at the
hooded figure, but leaves.

Gar, the Dwarf watches all of this and waits for the individual to sit
down. However, the figure notices his slow approach, and so the Dwarf
strids right up to the table and breaks into a wide smile saying:
"Welcome to the X-Time Saloon! I am called Gar." takes out a large
folded piece of stiff paper and lays it on the table near the hooded
figure and says: "Here is a menu, it has pictures as well as
descriptions of all we serve here." (OoC - mostly if you can imagine a
type of food, it's served here. No sentent beings are ever served as
food). "May I inquire as to your name, Sir?" and he waits for a


Dec 20, 2008, 8:05:19 PM12/20/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Returning the goblins glare with a primal growl, that makes the goblin
run out of the Saloon.
Turning to Gar and Struggling with his words Gar hears in a hoarse
voice "I... am... The...Hunter....Tarrik'Val"
"I... Need..Boar..I...Need...Water."
Tarrik'Val Tosses the Item Gar called a menu onto the table as close
to the dwarf as possible.
Tarrik'Val Pulls off his cloak and there sits a Large Brutish Elf with
Spiked hair, bare chested and covered with scars and fur, putting his
bare feet onto the table.

joe b

Dec 20, 2008, 8:41:54 PM12/20/08
Elmer leaves the portal and takes a look around and spots Gar at a table with a large elf.
Elmer walks up to Gar regally.
"Good Sir! My companions and I are taking a quick break, Can I get a table and some drinks at a table ready for the rest of us."
Elmer gets a look at the front of the elf that is sitting and with a quick heal check and knowledge nature check Elmer can tell that the scars on the elf's chest are from wolves and other beasts. Elmer quickly realizes that his jaw is open, so he shuts it promptly.
{This is quite a character, we've got here, and I some of those scars, I can't discern their origins, I shall attempt to talk with this one later.}
Elmer waits for Gar to assign him a seat.


Dec 21, 2008, 12:33:50 PM12/21/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will come striding through the doorway and notice the party
that he was with is already wining and dining. "How did you guy get
here before me when I was one of the first to leave to head back? He
will then look at White Bolt and say "you are a horrible guide!" He
will pull a seat over to the table where everone else is sitting and
take off his backpack put it on the seat then climb up and wait for
the waiter to come over. Ningel will then look around and notice the
newcomer and say "Greetings Elf" then pull out a pillow from his
backpack and set it on the chairseat and hang his backpack from the
the front of the seat. Then sit down and rest against his backpack.
Then look around the room and takeing a survey of the room and its


Dec 21, 2008, 3:15:44 PM12/21/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
{a weak little gnome sit beside Tarrik'Val and call him an elf!}
Tarrik'Val takes his feet off of the table and puts his face so close
to the gnome's that he can smell his breath.
He pulls back and notices the Boy Staring at him.

Blue Flames

Dec 23, 2008, 6:12:49 PM12/23/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Blue Flames walks in and sighs rubbing his sholder, "White Bolt how
about a sholder massager and you can have some food too along with my
drink," he looks up to White Bolt and smiles before looking to Gar,
"Gar a table please and some meat and water for me please and a room
too if you one aviable."

Joseph Beland

Dec 23, 2008, 6:59:23 PM12/23/08
{Dragon... Best..Hunt?}
The Hunter stands up and pushes through the weak people in his way and stand before Blue.


Dec 23, 2008, 7:37:57 PM12/23/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Gar says to Tarrik'Val: "1 silver piece, please. There are several
ways to get to the Dungeon, my friend.." and is interrupted from
explaining further by Elmor's arrival. Even as Gar turns and welcomes
the intrupting individual, a large plate of boar meat, and a large
pitcher of iced water.

Several more follow behind Elmore. Gar smiles and laughs: "Of course,
my Dungeon Exploring friends!" and sees that they will find their own
seats, he simply waits for their orders and payments.


Dec 23, 2008, 7:51:24 PM12/23/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
- White Bolt -

The Gnome speaks to me. Most annoying.
I reply in Draconic: {"Your >following< me does not mean that I was
guiding you."} I then flew away from the source of the annoyance.

Yet another new Creature [The Ancestors tell me that he is a Feral
Wild Elf.] I think: ("How - nice.") pushes his way through the crowds
and confronts the one that is called Blue Flames.

I land on a nearby table, and crouched - I wanted to see what the weak
dragon would do in response....

To my disappointment, the Dwarf named 'Gar' waddled over and told the
Elf that might be as savage as the Halfling named Ou-Tah! the
"No fighting is allowed in the Saloon, nor anywhere inside Ghoxton.
You are free to take your fights outside, if you like...."

I growled at these comments, but since it applied to everyone - I
could, reluctantly, accept them.
I spy a wandering server and fly over to them, land on another table
top and say in common: "I desire a room; and the most special of meals
- I beleive that I will try 'moose'." I reach into the backpack
strapped upon my belly and counted out five gold coins into my claw
and pull them out. I hold them out to the servant, and said takes the
payment and scurries off. Soon, I have my own small table in the far
corner, and a very nice feast set before me.

Joseph Beland

Dec 23, 2008, 8:42:09 PM12/23/08
"Later... Dragon... We...Must...Fight...But...First.."
Tarrik'Val Turns Around and Spots his boar, and begins circling it as though he was a wolf about to pounce on a new meal, and he does just that right onto the table.
Tarrik'Val begins rummaging through his pouch and pulls out a bag of coins.

joe b

Dec 23, 2008, 8:49:04 PM12/23/08
"I apologize For my Blatant Staring, If I could ask, where did you get that scar from?"
Waiting for an answer Elmer takes a seat beside Ningel, calling over a waiter.
"Ah Sir, Could I perchance get a small platter of crackers, cheese and meats, and a glass of mead, not to strong though thank you."
Elmer Passes the server a few gold.
"Also could I have a room prepared, I am getting a little drowsy."


Dec 24, 2008, 11:44:33 AM12/24/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will get up on the table, *looking at the feral elf* "You know
it isn't very polite to judge people by their size or physical
appearance! I might not be as strong physically as you but I have
proved useful in this group! *looking at white bolt sternly*. "Now we
need to lighten the mood!" *pulls out a Master Work Flute and starts
playing, taking 20 + 3 Perform + +2 MW Flute = 25*. Ningel will stop
and say Mr. Gar can I get some spiced bread, some Gnomish Mead, a half
rack of ribs, some whipped butter, some honey and a garden salad,
please!" 'then start playing again.


Dec 24, 2008, 12:28:06 PM12/24/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Tarrik'Val begins rummaging through his pouch and pulls out a bag of

Gar laughs and says: "Such enthusiasm! Good thing those tables are
made of sturdy stone!"
Gar looks at the coins that Tarril'Val has pulled out and points at
each type of coin in turn.
"Copper"... "Silver" .... "Gold".

Gar says to the Wild Elf: "For a room, you will need to give me a

Not long after each of the others finish ordering, their food arrives.

Gar notes that the small Blue Dragon called White Bolt finishes up his
meal, and slowly flies to the hallway that leads to the rooms.

Joseph Beland

Dec 24, 2008, 3:12:25 PM12/24/08
Tarrik'Val Finishes his boar and sits and listens to Ningel play.
With his teeth full of meat he gives a big toothy grin and says.
He sits back on his chair and starts reclining while wiggling his fingers in tune with the song.


Dec 24, 2008, 4:05:00 PM12/24/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
*Ou-Tah! will stroll into the bar, look around for his "friends" and
upon seeing them will saunter over. A quick hop up onto a chair,
where he will holler at Gar "MEAT!!! MILK!!!" then sit down. A half
crazed grin will cross his face at the look on Elmer's face. He will
look at the feral elf, look at the scars, and shrug. He will then
turn to Mika and say*

(Common in her head) "Ou-Tah! see Elmer make love eyes at BIG Elf. Ou-
Tah! think BIG Elf male. Elmer know this?"
> > meal, and slowly flies to the hallway that leads to the rooms.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

joe b

Dec 24, 2008, 4:48:17 PM12/24/08
Elmer begins putting cheese and meats on his crackers and eating them.
"Fantastic Gar, your cooking never ceases to amaze me!"
Elmer Smiles back at !Ou Tah not realizing his conversation with Mika.
"!Ou Tah have you met our new friend Tarrik Val?"


Dec 24, 2008, 8:23:44 PM12/24/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ou-Tah! yells: "MEAT!!!  MILK!!!"  then sit down.

Gar laughs and calls back as he walks over to the basalt bar "Welcome
back, Ou-tah!"
And delivers the plate of Elk meat and a big pitcher of milk to Ou-

Gar pulls up a stool, and waits for Mika and anyone else to order, or
if they need anything else.

DM NOTE - Please remove anything that is not important to your post,
this will save space on the Site, too much 'quoted text' takes up
space, and we don't have as much as we used to.


Dec 27, 2008, 2:32:57 PM12/27/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will continue playing but say "Um Gar how much longer for my
dinner? I don't mean to be rude but I am starving!" Then start singing
a ballad Perform 20 + 3 = 23.


Dec 28, 2008, 5:25:28 PM12/28/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Gar smiles and points at a location under the preforming Gnome and
says: "Right there. If it was still alive, it would have run you over,
me lad!!" and laughs.

Joseph Beland

Dec 28, 2008, 10:36:53 PM12/28/08
Tarrik finishes his boar and then begins listening to ningel with such
attention that he doesn't even notice ou tah enter


Dec 28, 2008, 10:49:21 PM12/28/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
*Ou-Tah! will notice the Boar, lick his lips and DIVE AT IT, tearing a
leg off the Boar, and roll off the table heading back to his seat
prize clutched greedily in hand*

On Dec 28, 9:36 pm, "Joseph Beland" <> wrote:
> "haha!!"
> Tarrik finishes his boar and then begins listening to ningel with such
> attention that he doesn't even notice ou tah enter
> On 12/28/08, DragonDM <> wrote:
> > Gar smiles and points at a location under the preforming Gnome and
> > says: "Right there. If it was still alive, it would have run you over,
> > me lad!!" and laughs.- Hide quoted text -

Blue Flames

Dec 29, 2008, 5:34:37 AM12/29/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Blue Flames sighs and looks over to White bolt before looking to the
night Elf, "Fight no I need rest to recover my strenght." he sighs and
rubs his scares gently.

Joseph Beland

Dec 29, 2008, 3:08:44 PM12/29/08
"Ha!!....This...Is...Scar...I...Fought...pack...Winterwolves..I..Ate..Them, But...I..Got..Bitten,"
Tarrik'Val notices the halfling with his BOAR LEG! He gives a a snarl towards him, but remembers the rules and decides to wait before clobbering the little guy.


Dec 29, 2008, 8:10:11 PM12/29/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
A nearby Orc will say to Tarrik: "Barfights allowed, just no weapons
or killing." and then sits back to see if this starts the suggested
course of action.


Dec 29, 2008, 8:21:15 PM12/29/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs

DM NOTE - because of the loss of the information of past encounters
from the Old Location, All Characters can now advance to 4th level.

Finish the Roleplay and make the adjustments to your Character Sheets
before you re-enter The Dungeon.

This concludes this announcement.
You may resume Roleplaying.....

Joseph Beland

Dec 29, 2008, 8:27:46 PM12/29/08
Tarrik stands up towards ou tah and begins pulling his arm back as
though to haymaker him.
Just before tarrik unwinds his punch he turns and clobbers the Orc
with both his hands latching on to try to grapple with him making sure
it's non lethAl
1st attack taking 10 is 19+ the Orc is flatfooted and sitting
2nd attack is 17
Grapple check for both claws is taking10 is 21
His attazcks deal 1d8+STr and if grapple suceeds automatic claw damage


Dec 29, 2008, 9:53:32 PM12/29/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will stop playing any say "For those of you who enjoyed my
music if you could possibly spare a coin or two!" He then sates a cup
on the table and clambers down. Sits on his pillowed seat and start
eating his dinner feeling a bit sheepish since he didn't notice that
it was served. Ohh mmhh, this is delicious! Taking a swallow of the
Gnomish Mead oh yeah just like home! Then continue eating until there
is absolutely not a crumb on his plate. *Burp* Og Gods that was good!
Then climb back up and start playing again but playing Gnomish dinner


Dec 30, 2008, 6:10:30 PM12/30/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
*Ou-Tah! will notice the Feral Druid hit the Orc, and then grab him.
He will do the only thing he can think to do.*

(Throws his head back and howls) "OU-TAH!!!!"

*he will charge across the floor hefting his meaty lunch/club and
swings it as hard as he can at the Orc*

-2 improvised weapon, +2 charge, + 3 str, +3 BAB - 3 power attack + 17
on dice roll = 20 hit?
DMG meat club (d6) 4 + 5 (str 1 1/2) + 6 (power attack) + 8 (2d6 for
charge attack from Rhino hide) = 23 pts of delicious meaty subdual

On Dec 29, 7:27 pm, "Joseph Beland" <> wrote:
> "really?..hmm"
> Tarrik stands up towards ou tah and begins pulling his arm back as
> though to haymaker him.
> Just before tarrik unwinds his punch he turns and clobbers the Orc
> with both his hands latching on to try to grapple with him making sure
> it's non lethAl
> 1st attack taking 10 is 19+ the Orc is flatfooted and sitting
> 2nd attack is 17
> Grapple check for both claws is taking10 is 21
> His attazcks deal 1d8+STr and if grapple suceeds automatic claw damage
> On 12/29/08, DragonDM <> wrote:
> > A nearby Orc will say to Tarrik: "Barfights allowed, just no weapons
> > or killing." and then sits back to see if this starts the suggested
> > course of action.- Hide quoted text -


Dec 30, 2008, 9:08:40 PM12/30/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
The cry of "Barfight!" issues from another Orc, and the next thing
anyone knows - the entire room errupts into a fight
The Orc that was being wrestled by the Feral Wild Elf is knocked
unconsious by Ou-Tah's meat-club.

Gar is suddenly encased in Full Dwarven Battleplate, a tower shield,
and drops into a defensive fighting stance. (AC 30)

Two Orcs will attack each member of the party.
(AC 18. HP 25. Attack = +7)
[they use the first ten rolls, below.]

These Rolls must be used in the order that they are listed. (Prior
posts to this are exempt).
Please remember to list all things used: Attacks, Saves, and Skills.

001: 09
002: 12
003: 11
004: 08
005: 15
006: 06
007: 12
008: 19
009: 08
010: 11
011: 06
012: 19
013: 18
014: 06
015: 09
016: 11
017: 18
018: 12
019: 08
020: 10
021: 15
022: 14
023: 02
024: 09
025: 17
026: 14
027: 15
028: 10
029: 16
030: 19
031: 09
032: 03
033: 15
034: 13
035: 10
036: 09
037: 20
038: 03
039: 06
040: 10
041: 18
042: 15
043: 13
044: 10
045: 18
046: 08
047: 11
048: 15
049: 04
050: 01
051: 11
052: 01
053: 03
054: 11
055: 02
056: 12
057: 20
058: 04
059: 16
060: 16
061: 02
062: 19
063: 15
064: 08
065: 06
066: 01
067: 06
068: 01
069: 17
070: 19
071: 11
072: 17
073: 15
074: 13
075: 13
076: 16
077: 19
078: 04
079: 08
080: 04
081: 04
082: 20
083: 05
084: 04
085: 04
086: 01
087: 07
088: 16
089: 19
090: 15
091: 16
092: 15
093: 06
094: 09
095: 08
096: 20
097: 07
098: 07
099: 18
100: 19

Joseph Beland

Dec 30, 2008, 11:28:34 PM12/30/08
Nimbly dodging the blow of the Orc
Tarrik leaps at him both hands ready to grab on
"chaos...I!" enters rage
first attack 9+11=20 dealing 15 damage and grapple check of 33 dealing 14 dmage
next attack is 19+9 dealing 16 damage dropping the Orc to the floor.
And smiling menacingly at the next Orc "you'll..taste..good"
Tarrik stands hands wide and chest out challenging the Orc to take the
first swing.

joe b

Dec 31, 2008, 12:52:07 AM12/31/08
"Elf! What have you done?"
Elmer takes a blow shrugging it off moving away from the orcs and
behind Gar casting cure minor to remove amy damage.
"Gar protect me!"


Dec 31, 2008, 12:50:14 PM12/31/08
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will look at the orc that started this and pull out a small
hammer which starts glowing red and try whack the first orc on the
head. (D20 +4, Melee +3, improvised weapon -2, = 5)


Jan 1, 2009, 10:34:52 PM1/1/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

I watch silently as the rest of the party enjoys their meal, my
eyebrow quirks at Ou-Tah! as he beans an orc upside the head with a
rack-o-pig, noticing how quick and nimble the little guy actually is.
I notice that Blue Flame has been making googoo eyes at me and roll my
eyes. I set my mug down hard upon the table just in time for
that really an elf? knock another orc down with a hefty blow of
the fist. I look at Gar and motion toward the upstairs. I will take my
food and drink in my this fight is no place for one of my
possition to be found. Then, I notice the drow sitting at a table
across the way. Whisper is there, I notice, and narrow my eyes as I
see two more seated at the table with him. They are whispering to each
other and look as if they are having shady dealings. Now...understand
that I know that Whisper said he was going to return to the village
where we had met with the dwarves, and if this tavern were truely
connected on a diagonal plane to the dungeon that we were locked
in...what is he doing here? And why does he look so interested in what
the other two drow are saying?

I emperiously approach the table now...I stop a step away from the
rogue drow, eyebrows arched in curiosity of the emperial type. I look
down at him, then across to his "comrads" and then back at him. I open
my mouth and in that soft, musical tone, ask him one question.

"What business brings you to the place where the party meets, if you
were to be back in town?"

I pause, and give him ruse to answer, while preparing a fist beneath
my sleeve. I tighten the muscle and draw back my arm so that the lith
muscle will act as a drawn spring. I do not trust what his answer
might be, and am prepared to hit either him, for his answer, or one of
his company for their reaction to my presence.


Jan 1, 2009, 11:02:06 PM1/1/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
~ Whisper ~

There are times that I hate my job. This is one of them. While the two
that I am dealing with are indeed of my kin, they are from clans that
I know better then to trust any further then I could pick up and throw
the X-Time Saloon.

Suddenly, Lady Mika appears at my table and is giving me the Look, and
asks "What business brings you to the place where the party meets, if
were to be back in town?" While at the same time making slightly
consealed movements. (Bluff #12: 19 + 7 Ranks +2 Cha +2 synergy = 30
and Slight of Hand Roll #11 + 5 = 16)
Has she forgotten that there are seveal magical ways to return to the
X-Time Saloon, and through it into Ghoxton?

However, I notice that my two companions are having bad reactions to
her arrival. (Sense Motive Check Roll #13: 18 + 8 Ranks + 4 Wis +
Nobody's Fool Feat +4 = 34)

[DM Note - the two Drow at the table have
#1 Sense Motive and Spot Checks.
014: 06 + 7 + 2 = 15
015: 09 + 7 + 2 = 18

#2 Sense Motive and Spot Checks
016: 11 + 2 = 13
017: 18 + 2 = 20]

I move forward as if to include Mika in the quiet (well, as much as
possible during a barfight) conversation, when in fact I have placed
the Drow Theif into Flank for Mika's attack. I start to answer: "My
lady.." and as expected the Drow Fighter interupts with a "Hey! We
were here first!" in Deepspeech.

I simply wait.....


Jan 1, 2009, 11:18:14 PM1/1/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
My fist slips out and catches that thief in it's path, inflicting
subdual damage, and not much. (TO HIT 18{#13 up there, MR DM} - 2
{untrained unarmed} +2 {that wonderful flank that Whisper has granted}
+ 3 {which, MR DM, if you would kindly look at the character sheet and
confirm/correct that from the sheet that you have on your nifty
computer} would equal 21 {if the base melee attack was correct})(Dmg
dealt would be D6=4 + Str {DM INSERT STR MOD HERE} = {DM, NEED TOTAL}

After coldcocking him, I simply lower my eyes to him and say, in a
calm and graceful voice and tone:
"Please, scoundrel, that is no way to act in the presence of one such
as myself. Mind your manners."
I then raise my eyes to look at Whisper, a smile and some laughter
dancing in mine eyes reflections, and I say to him:
"You were saying, dear one?"
I then await his response.


Jan 3, 2009, 5:43:36 PM1/3/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
* Gar *
I moved over to where the Healer was at, granting him the armor class
of - me!

- Whisper -
To say that my 'friends' were supprised would like saying that an Ogre
was ugly to a Nymph - an understatement. I quickdraw my blades,
keeping them under the table and out of sight.
Hide Check Roll# 21: 15 + 13 = 28.

I then say in Human Common, so that all can understand me: "I believe
that your business with me is concluded, gentlemen. The lady is a
prior customer and has priority. But, once my business with her is
concluded, you may by all means seek my services then." I look the
fighter in the eyes and I smile, giving him the impression that doing
so would not be a good idea. Intimidate Check Roll #022: 14 + 12 =

The Thief slowly recovered from being stunned and the two Drow get up
and leave, politely bowing to Lady Mika on their way. Whisper puts his
swords away, and to Mika, in Elven, asks: "Would you grant me the
honor of joining me, Lady?" and then waits.

Whister notes two Ogre friends have impossed themselves between his
table and the rest of the barfight. Whisper makes a note to reward
them for their efforts, later.

DM Note:
Roll #018: 12 +2 {that wonderful flank that Whisper has granted} + 2
Dmg dealt would be D3 = 3 + Str {2} +2d6 Sneak Attack (12) =

Mika gets a Spot check Roll #19: 08 + 8 = 16.
This is not enough to notice the fact that Whisper has pulled his
weeapons. But the reactions of the other two Drow give her a clue that
there is a *reason* for their very sudden desire to be 'polite' to
her. Sense Motive: Roll #20: 10 + 7 = 22.
The DC to determine the above was a DC 20.


Jan 4, 2009, 10:44:37 AM1/4/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel realizing that he is pretty much a piece of lamb in the butcher
shop being tenderized if he gets off the table will pull out his flute
again and start playing a Gnomish bar fight tune. (Taking 20 on Perfom
+ 3, Masterwork musical Item +2 = 25)


Jan 4, 2009, 1:53:49 PM1/4/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Orcs AC 18 BaB 4. Str 22 (+6).

029: 16
030: 19
031: 09
032: 03

An Orc swings his fist at Ou-Tah! and misses.
023: 02 + 10 = 12

Three Orcs swing at Blue Flames
024: 09 + 10 = 19. Damage = (3) + 6 = 09
025: 17 + 10 = 27. Damage = (3) + 6 = 09
026: 14 + 60 = 20. Damage = (3) + 6 + 12 = 21

An Orc swings a shair at Ningel screaming "I hate happy music !!!"
027: 15 + 10 = 25. 1d6 (3) + 9 = 12 subdual.
Ningel's Concetration Check to continue playing = 10 + 12 = 22. 028:
10 +9 = 19

Like most barfights, this one will not last long.....

Joseph Beland

Jan 4, 2009, 2:29:46 PM1/4/09

Tarrik'val turns to see the gnome being battered for playing music, (
Tarrik takes a few giant
Strides over to ningel and punches the Orc. 15+9+2 for d8+9 grapple
check of 13+9+2+4=28 Orc check is 10+7=17
Succesfil grapple deald8+9
Next claw attacks for 9+9-2+2 for d8 +9 grapple of 20+9+2+4= 35! Not
gonna bother with his check I won dealing 1d8+9


Jan 4, 2009, 2:43:55 PM1/4/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

*In the flurry of blows and chaos all around him, Ou-Tah see's Mika
punch a drow, two more drow around her, and some OGRES puting
themselves between the rest of the room and Mika. Mika his friend,
and everyone else seems ok, besides he doesn't like Ogres either. He
pivots away from the orc who's punching him, sprints across the floor
(provoking from whomever) throws himself into a tumble between the
ogres, and swings for the fences at the drow Mika punched, with his
boars leg.*

041: 18
042: 15

Tumble 18 + 5 dex + 4 race = 27 more then enough
Attack 15 + 2 flank + 3 bab + 1 size + 2 charge + 5 str -3 power
attack = 25 fair certain a hit
damage = (d6 boars leg) 4 + (str 1/2) 7 + (power attack) 6 + (2d6
rhino hide) 7= 24 subdual dmg to the drow Mika punched.



Jan 4, 2009, 5:48:04 PM1/4/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will pick up one of the broken chair legs, it will start
glowing pale blue. Then he will attack one of the orcs standing by his
table. Attack (043, 13) 13+3-2+1= 15, nothing.
Roll 13 +3 Base Attack -2improvised weapon +1magic.


Jan 4, 2009, 9:17:54 PM1/4/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
The Drow Rogue is suprised by the savage Hafling's attack, and is
knocked out cold!

The Drow Fighter turns to attack the Halfling Barbarian, and the two
Ogres each move into a flank position and pummel him into

044: 10 + 7 BaB + 8 Str - 7 Power Attack + 2 F = 20
1d8 (4) + 8 Str + 14 Power Attack = 26 Subdual

045: 18 + 7 BaB + 8 Str - 7 Power Attack +2 F = 28
1d8 (4) + 8 Str + 14 Power Attack = 26 Subdual

046: 08 + 7 BaB + 8 Str - 7 Power Attack +2 F = 18
1d8 (4) + 8 Str + 14 Power Attack = 26 Subdual

047: 11 + 7 BaB + 8 Str - 7 Power Attack + 2 F = 21
1d8 (4) + 8 Str + 14 Power Attack = 26 Subdual


Jan 4, 2009, 10:24:24 PM1/4/09
I nod my head to Whisper and take a step to join him at the table. Unaware that he has his weapons drawn, I simply sit, oblivious to the threat of him. I raise a brow again, however, when Ou-Tah! pumbles one of the drow that just left her presence....and the Ogres pumble the other one. I smile, a simple gesture of approval to Ou-Tah!, then turn my attention to Whisper, intending on discussing with him the pieces of the dungeon that we have already passed, and perhaps getting suggestions on how to better approach the area that we are supposed to be dealing with. I motion Gar over and quietly request a piece of large parchment, two large inkwells (of two different colors) and two quills. I pull from my pouch my own personal compas/rule contraption and wait, intending to discuss and map the areas that need to be...liberated. I will spend all week if I have to, comparing maps of others and marking passages that are identicle. Room by room, mark by mark, using a series of complex signs and signals, I mark each room that we suspect to be trapped, going by the notes of the former mapmakers and by what I myself have seen while down in the deeps. I save the majority of the paper, starting in one corner, diagonal across the area, requesting more paper as I need to add to the edges. As the ink dries or gets low, I request the same with the oil in the table lamp and the tips of the quills. I make a key, as we work, and carefully put things in order.


Jan 4, 2009, 10:35:46 PM1/4/09

if neccessary we will move to another room to do the map, and studying. My roll for cartography is 26.


Jan 5, 2009, 12:21:45 PM1/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will jump onto the back of the nearest orc and wrap his arm
around its neck, initiating a grapple. (048)15+3 melee = 18
Message has been deleted


Jan 5, 2009, 7:33:02 PM1/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel's Grapple = 049: 04 + BaB 3 - 4 size + 4 prone = 7

Orc's Grappel = 050: 01 + 04 + 4 BaB + 6 Str = 15
This is still not enough to break the Ferral Druid's Grapple upon him.
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Jan 5, 2009, 8:07:35 PM1/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
A long, long, long, very, very, large (huge) sword enters the saloon
carried by a dusty ebony dwarf. The dwarf glances around the saloon
taking into account each and every person [51, 11] Spot = 16. His
eyes are dark and his look is menacing as he readies his shield.
Yet, he is not completely caught off guard by what is happening and
mutters a few words to his deity [detect evil]; attempting to
discover whose side he should be on. He also does his best to
determine see if he should charge into battle with his incredibly
oversized weapon to slay all those who are evil and committing this
lawlessness [52, 01] Sense Motive = 7.
Realizing he needs a better opening [53, 03] INT check = 6. He backs
out into the street. Where he lays his sword on the ground and
enlarges himself. He then picks up the sword before he turns
and begins to stalk his prey by re-entering the saloon [54, 11] Move
silently = 20

joe b

Jan 5, 2009, 8:40:24 PM1/5/09
Elmer sees Mika perfectly safe at a table talking with someone.
(I should head over to the safer area, but
Elmer punches at an Orc and fails miserably (55: 02 makes 5 I think)
Elmer then walks up and passes the ogres and trying to diplomocy to
get him through 12+4=16
Passing the gaurds he stands by mika and asks to sit down.
Looking to this other character and attempts to spot anything wrong
20+4=24 but notices nothing.
"my lady is it possible for me to sit with you away from
the...wreckage on the other side of the brutes?"
Elmer waits to be told to sit before doing so.
On 1/5/09, cigamnogard <> wrote:
> A long, long, long, very, very, large (huge) sword enters the saloon
> carried by a dusty ebony dwarf. The dwarf glances around the saloon
> taking into account each and every person [51, 11] Spot = 10. His
> eyes
> are dark and his look is menacing as he readies his shield.
> Yet, he is not completely caught off guard by what is happening and
> mutters a few words to his deity [detect evil]; attempting to
> discover whose side he should be on. He also does his best to
> determine see if he should charge into battle with his incredibly
> oversized weapon to slay all those who are evil and committing this
> lawlessness [52, 01] Sense Motive = 7.
> Realizing he needs a better opening [53, 03] INT check = 6. He backs
> out into the street. Where he lays his sword on the ground and
> enlarges himself. He then picks up the sword before he turns invisible
> and begin to
> stalk his prey by re-entering the saloon [54, 11] Move silently = 20.
> >


Jan 6, 2009, 11:09:08 AM1/6/09
At Elmer's request, I look up with suprise. Then, with a small smile of approval, I make a small motion with my hand and go back to my work, oblivious to the fact that there is another of my race present. I double check the area of the map I'm working on, comparing it with the 6 maps I have that chart that area ...


Jan 6, 2009, 1:58:28 PM1/6/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Black begins focusing his attention using his detect evil ability [58,
04] Concentration = 8.
By moving at half speed 10’ he - like a ghost - moves into position
[59, 16] Move Silently = 25.
Even at his slow speed he dodges any of the brawlers that come near
him [60, 16] Tumble = 23.


Jan 6, 2009, 8:38:30 PM1/6/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Most of the Orcs are of Chaotic Evil Alignment.
Not all, though.....

There are a lot of other Races in here as well.

Although fighting in a bar is Chaotic, it is not illeagal...

Joseph Beland

Jan 6, 2009, 9:26:17 PM1/6/09
Note: Tarrik'Val is
Neutral evil just so you know.


Jan 7, 2009, 12:17:10 PM1/7/09

There is no evil presence around Mika...
(Scratch the prior racial comment....there's a reason I don't realize there's one of my race in here...thats because there is NO ONE else of my race in here....that I know of....)


Jan 7, 2009, 3:16:05 PM1/7/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

Not realizing that the town watch will not be coming - as the bar
fight is not deemed an illegal act [61, 02] Knowledge local = 9 Black
prepares to bring down his opponent in one fell swoop. His sword
swings forth to inflict subdual damage against his evil target:
[62, 19] +2 Base, + 2 invisible, +3 STR (enlarged), -2 Monkey grip of
Huge weapon, - 1 large size, - 4 using a weapon meant for lethal
damage = 17 (however target denied dex modifier).
*Possible critical [63, 15] = 13
STR = 3
Huge Bastard Sword = 3d8
Smite Evil = +2 CHA

Black Tye shimers into visability.


Jan 7, 2009, 6:41:43 PM1/7/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
DM Note: Black's Player forgot to designate a target. Therefore, I get
to assign one.

+2 Base, + 2 invisible, +3 STR (enlarged), -2 Monkey grip of
Huge weapon, - 1 large size, +2 CHA Smite Evil
- 4 using a weapon meant for lethal
damage = 19 (however target denied dex modifier).
Damage = 3d8 (13) + 4 str + 2 Paladin Smite = 19 HP.

The bad news for Black is that this does not knock the Orc out.

Orc Barbarian Rages, Power Attacks, and two-handed attacks with a
rubber-covered mallet!
063: 15 + 4 BaB -4 Power Attack + 5 Str = 20.
If the Orc hits he does 7 weapon + 7 str + 8 Power Attack = 22

Three more Orcs will then start to move towards the Black Dwarf.....
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Jan 8, 2009, 3:32:45 PM1/8/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
[64, 08] +4 BaB - 4 Power Attack + 5 STR = 13
Misses Black Tye's AC {see files for character sheet} of 17.

*Note Dwarfs also have a +1 to attack Orcs (not included in above
*Also don't forget that the Orc does not get his DEX modifier when
Black Tye is confirming the critical

! Whoops Smiting is done incorrectly above the CHA modifier is to hit
not too damagae with Level I Paladin and Level I Rogue giving two
damage! So, it should look like the following:
His sword swings forth to inflict subdual damage against his evil
[62, 19] +2 Base, + 2 invisible, +3 STR (enlarged), -2 Monkey grip of
Huge weapon, - 1 large size, - 4 using a weapon meant for lethal
damage , +1 for attacking an Orc, + 2 CHA from smite = 20 (however
target denied dex modifier).

* However *Possible critical [63, 15] = 16 (target still denied dex

STR = 3
Huge Bastard Sword = 3d8
Smite Evil = +1 (1 Paladin)

X 2 for crtical damage {if confirmed critical}


Jan 11, 2009, 1:11:34 PM1/11/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will pull out a pendant and pin it on his clothes, he will have
a slight red glow rush over him. Then he draws his dagger and attacks
the orc. (064 - 08) 8 + 7 Melee + 2 flank = 15, dealing 1d4 (Average
2) + 2 str = 4 points subdual damage.
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Jan 12, 2009, 8:12:53 PM1/12/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Black Tye will glance over seeing three Orc scum coming towards him
and he will also watch a gnome [Ningel] ,flash red, and then attack
Orc with a dagger [65, 06] = 12 Spot.
Trying to recollect if the gnome is nobility or royalty he tries to
place the
face with any image or description but he is unsure [66, 01] = 5
Nobility & Royalty.
Just to be on the safe side he flashes a flourish of salute with his
and a bat of his eye - towards the gnome [67, 6] = 15 Diplomacy.
However, he does not for a moment become distracted from the three
Orcs now approaching him.

Joseph Beland

Jan 13, 2009, 1:21:24 AM1/13/09
067: 06
068: 01
069: 17
070: 19
071: 11
072: 17
Tarrik'Val Sees that there are 3 orcs moving towards the newcomer.
{3..on..1, Not..fair,..3..on..2..better!}
Tarrik'Val Charges toward one of the orcs that are moving towards The large Dwarf.
(67) 6+12+2=20 5+9 grapple of (68) 1+15=16
Orcs grapple (69) 17+3=20
Second Claw (70) 19+10+2=31 3+9
grapple of (71) 11+15=26
Orcs grapple of (72) 17+3=20
Claw deals 7+9
Total damage 5+3+7+9+9+9= 42 damage.


Jan 13, 2009, 10:32:21 AM1/13/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will salute back with his dagger. Then he will attack the orc
(063)15 + 4 melee = 29, dealing agerage damage of 4 subdual again.
Black Tye will recognize that the family crest that is on Ningels ring
is not one similar to this plane.


Jan 13, 2009, 2:28:47 PM1/13/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Black Tye snaps a sword salute to the damage dealing evil elf trying
to figure out what motivation drives him [74, 13 = Sense Motive of
19]. Meanwhile, his wary eye catches sight of the gnomes signet ring
when the return salute is given by the gnome [75, 13 = Spot of 19].
Reevaluating his earlier thought process of the gnome's heraldry [76,
16 = Knowledge Nobility & Royalty of 19]; he know realsizes the gnome
is not on his home plane. ~Interesting~
"I am fine, my savior elf, not a scratch upon my person", lisps Black
He then wades into combat with a twenty foot charge hopeing to catch
the ugly Orcs surprised by his maneuver [77, 19 = +4 Base Attack - 4
using a weapon meant for lethal damage - 1 Large Size + 2 flanking
from the feral elf or the gnome + 2 Charge + 1 Masterworked - 2 Monkey
Grip for a Huge Weapon is 23 to attack and a possible crtitical!]

*Damage is
STR +3
Huge MW Bastard Sword 3d8

Watching his massive swing Black Tye watches his foe as he prepares
his back swing [77, 04 +4 Base Attack - 4 using a weapon meant for
lethal damage - 1 Large Size + 2 flanking from the feral elf or the
gnome + 2 Charge + 1 Masterworked - 2 Monkey Grip for a Huge Weapon is

Joseph Beland

Jan 13, 2009, 4:07:17 PM1/13/09
OOC: is black taking-4 to do non lethal,cause he took a-4 to do lethal.


Jan 13, 2009, 5:09:44 PM1/13/09
I continue to work, taking the inks, paper and resource maps upstairs to a much quieter, less bountiful room and working well into the night...trying to not catch the eye of the dark dwarf as I move.
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Jan 13, 2009, 5:21:02 PM1/13/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
On page 146 pf the PHB it states using a lethal
weapon results in a -4 from the blunt side of the blade.
Oh, believe me Black Tye would love to ignore
the -4 to hit as well as gaining his sneak attack +1d6

Joseph Beland

Jan 13, 2009, 5:37:31 PM1/13/09
OOC: Ok Your previous post said you to -4 for using a weapon made for lethal intent, I wasn't sure if it was to make it non-lethal
079: 08
080: 04
081: 04
082: 20

Tarrik'Val Steps up to Black and the Orc that he missed and he punches the orc using the flank provided by his current allies.
[79] 8+12+2=20 d8+9=14
grapple of 19 [80=4]
orcs grapple 7[81=4]
grab damage d8+9 =13
Tarrik'Val drops the orc and then arcs his back and releases a roar that makes everyone turn and look.
intimdate [82] Check of 20
The Hunter turns and looks at all the remaining orcs and ogres. and tallies how many opponents are left and how many are still have the will to fight after Tarrik'Val's few words.

Blue Scales

Jan 14, 2009, 5:17:30 AM1/14/09
Blue Flames sighs and watches as he sits there watching what was going on as he trys to think why he got a odd feeling in the dungeon.

[OOC: sorry if I'm not replying I have new job that I started last week on the 5th of this month.]

Download free Holiday emoticons today! Messenger's gift to you!


Jan 14, 2009, 3:01:21 PM1/14/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
The DM needs to assign the DC for Knowledge planesbut I believe that
is about 18. Ningel will continue hitting the orc until is falls
unconsious. (083-05)attack of +5 + 4 melee +4flank +4 prone
opponent=17, doing average +2 damage=4 subdual


Jan 14, 2009, 3:25:46 PM1/14/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Black Tye has no knowledge of the Planes.
However, he does have knowledge Royalty
and Nobility, he is also a Dwarf and they
typically get along with Gnomes --> ergo he
should have a rough idea that the ring's
heraldry is either not from this Plane. Or an
extremely rare noble house he has never
heard of before. Although, the roll total was
a 19.

Joseph Beland

Jan 14, 2009, 3:53:28 PM1/14/09
Ooc: origanally there were 12 orcs, 8 have been knocked unconcius,
there is currently 1 by ou tah's origanal spot one at blue's spot and
1at elmer's origanal spot+1at white bolts spot.


Jan 14, 2009, 5:47:47 PM1/14/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Black Tye will begin speaking a thickly accented Orcish dialect [84,
04 = Diplomacy of 13 *note the intimidation check from Tarrik'Val has
already modified their behaviour]:
"nitisiyihkâson Black Tye kiya mâka?"


Jan 14, 2009, 7:09:13 PM1/14/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
A total of 19 for Knowledge: Rolaty & Nobility is enough to know that
the signet is unusual, but not enough to know that it is extra-planar.
At least not without a few ranks in Knowledge: Planes.

White Bolt is not in the room.

Cigamnogard - please remember to include translations of any
communications done in a different language.

Due to Blue Flame's Player not being avalilable - he is removed from
the fight.

The other patrons finish up the last of the Orcs, and this ends the

The players are free to have their Characters interact and Roleplay -
then get some sleep.
For soon, we return to The Dungeon !!


Jan 14, 2009, 7:13:15 PM1/14/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Was waiting to see if anyone else had Orcish as a language:
"nitisiyihkâson Black Tye kiya mâka?" translates from Plains
Cree as 'my name is Black Tye what is yours?'


Jan 14, 2009, 7:22:21 PM1/14/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Black Tye will bow his head towards the gnome and the elf. He will
become normal size, strap his shield to his back, and reverently cart
his huge sword over his shoulder as he approaches the bar. He then
waits until he recieves a response from bartender/barmaiden/barkeep.


Jan 14, 2009, 8:01:50 PM1/14/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

After reviewing Black Tye's charcter sheet and feats I have discovered
1.He has a Huge Masterworked Bastard Sword = -4 not the -2 I had
2.He has not a gp, sp, or cp to his name and will have to work for his
and will have to sleep in the stables - hence why he is wating for the
3.Wondering where we are in the amount of XP

Joseph Beland

Jan 14, 2009, 8:18:36 PM1/14/09
Tarrik'Val walks up to Ou Tah and brings him into consciousness via cure spells and plops him onto a stool at the bar.
Tarrik sits down beside him and pulls out one of those coins called a silver and tosses it onto toward the bartender.


Jan 15, 2009, 2:37:59 PM1/15/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Black Tye waits until he recieves any response from bartender/
barmaiden/barkeep. He then will offer to work for a meal and a chance
to sleep in the hayloft.

joe b

Jan 15, 2009, 3:42:02 PM1/15/09
"Good Dwarf, You are not sleeping with the mules, I will not allow it."
"Gar, a room for me and my dwarf friend, If you may."


Jan 15, 2009, 4:16:56 PM1/15/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
"Why thank you - good human" lisps Black Tye. . He continues with
equal flourish," My name is Black Tye, of the Gray Dwarves, and I am
in your debt. I will serve as you wish until I have repaid you - so
long as your service is a path of honour and goodness."


Jan 15, 2009, 7:13:16 PM1/15/09
Upon hearing the general hubbub slak off downstairs, I will take a brief break from my work and head down to get that dinner I had requested...Gar should not be expected to bring it to me...I go down the stairs and survey the damage my party has done...I hand Gar 2 gold pieces to cover the meals and rooms for my party members...whispering in my soft elvin language "If this be not enough, my friend, let me know and I will provide more."
I then turn to the room...and survey the party and the other patrons. (17 sense motive) I nod to the dwarf...and the other newcommer...then look to the party. "Do you have it out of your system yet?" I await their answer as well as the food ordered.

Joseph Beland

Jan 15, 2009, 8:46:45 PM1/15/09
Tarrik'Val Swigs back his ale and lets out a big belch
He then turns to the dark skinned elf who asked him a question
Tarrik Stands up and pats the halfling on the shoulder.
With that Tarrik swiftly steps towards the door and opens the door and steps about 5 feet out where everyone can still see him.


Jan 15, 2009, 11:37:03 PM1/15/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Ningel will climb back up onto the table top and ask "Sir Gar do you
happen to have some aloe, bacon grease, a pinch of salt, a pint of
dwarven stout, two mint leaves, a sliced loaf of bread, a chunk of
gnomish brie, and a sliced goblin ham?" Then Ningel will get down and
walk over to the bar and climb up on a stool which doesn't have anyone
on his left or right but yet seemingly next to the wall. Then set down
his HHH and open it and start looking for something inside of it, by
climbing shoulder deep into it. People can hear coming out of the bag
"Nope, not that, uh maybe later, mmm, nope ah ha!" pulling out five
small boxes about six by six by three. "Ahh these will work"and then
stack them upagainst the wall. Then he reaches in as far as he can
again and pull out a portable Alchemists Lab and set it up. Then pull
out various vials and bottles and beakers. Then pull out a Wizards
Spell Book and open it up and start flipping through the pages,
mmmmmm, ah here is the one. Then he will reach back into the HHH and
pull out a foldable stand and unfold it and set his book on it.
Everyone can now see the book it set at an angle. Then he pulls out
two strips of metal and two other objects (Knowledge Dungeoneering DC
20[Magnet]) and put the metal strip on the back of each page and put
the other object on the front of each page. Then start preparing
something off of the writings on the pages.


Jan 16, 2009, 11:06:23 AM1/16/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Gar and all of the Staff will check to make sure that no-one needs
Clerical Healing.
Noticing that the Duager has gone up to the bar, Gar will call out on
his way there:
"Hagel entfernten Verwandten, und auch erfüllt! Was ist Ihre Freude?"

Translated from German: "Hail distant cousin, and well met! What is
your pleasure?"

> The use of actual Real Life Languages to represent a
> Fantasy Language is nice to see.
> However, doing so might cause a lot of people (myself included)
> asking you where to find a place to learn that language.
> Or at the very least - any links for Translations and/or learning.
> All of the Language Tranlations for my posts were found on
> the iGoogle Translator.


Jan 16, 2009, 11:58:23 AM1/16/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

As soon as all the fallen patrons are taken care of, and possibly
removed to a room to sleep off the effects of their excursions, the
Staff of the X-Time Saloon return to their normal duties, since Gar
cannot be in more then one place at a time.

Everyone is free to include little things in their posts:
Like getting food and drink from any NPC Staff Member.
To make things interesing, take turns 'serving' each other,
just adopt a NPC Staff Member, and simply post them serving another
party member.

Please leave Gar's actions and sayings to me.

An Elven female will catch Tarrik'Val's tossed silver coin, smile at
him and then retrieve to large glasses of strong ale.

A Kobold male will bring Ningel his order and place it on the table,
and glare at him as he leaves.

A Dwarven female will bring Mika her meal.

*Joe B* – please remember to include your Character's name – this
helps others (including me) remember which Character you are playing
without having to look it up every time: and everyone please remember
to try and make long posts. Not every post has to be an essay (Esse
says in Espanol: Qua? = What?) - however the entire point of a Play By
Post Site is to show off your Creative Writing skills – or learn how
to improve them.

Q. Wondering were we are in the amount of XP.
A = The Party Members just went to 4th level, and so everyone should
have 10,000 EXP
and need 15,000 EXP for 5th level.

*Joseph Beland* Please remember that there are seven exits from the X-
Time Saloon.
The largest one leads outside, and the others lead into Ghoxton
While I don't mind anyone going into Ghoxton, I would actually like to
have the entire party do so.
This makes it much easier for me to deal with, for describing the Town
and the people in it.

Once again, I invite the Players to make and play NPCs for the town,
to increase the Roleplay.


Jan 16, 2009, 3:03:11 PM1/16/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Black Tye's eyes seem to take a long time to appraise Gar; taking into
account every single nuance before he replies, "Hallo Cousin! Meine
Freude ist es, Zeit mit Ihnen allein in einem dunklen Raum." He then
winks and produces a large smile as he waits for an answer. He even
seems to be waiting on baited breath!

Used the igoogle translater from German into English. It comes out
all right but you still have to work around the wording to figure out
what Black Tye is getting at. There have been a couple of clues but
I will leave it at that ;)


Jan 16, 2009, 3:54:15 PM1/16/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
> A Kobold male will bring Ningel his order and place it on the table,
> and glare at him as he leaves.

Snirt had already pulled a double shift and his feet were incredible
sore. His complaing thoughts were:
~Great another stinking Dwarf! Even worse this one was a black one!
Ugh! Stupid Dwarves! Stupid Gar! Makes me work eight bells straight
when I should be at the Sorcery School learning the great arts!~
However, there was at last a highlight to his day! Gar had not seen
him snitching a bite of the goblin ham as he had been to ingrossed in
the barfight Yet, the feeling of smugness quickly wore off when he
had to serve the gnome!
~A gnome - yuck! The entire species should be extinct - vile
creatures! Then he even makes fun of me by asking for a pinch of salt!
A pinch! My claws aren't capable of allowing for a pinch of anything!
I would like to take a pinch off of his stupid ugly gnomish face...~
Snirt looked over the black dwarf who reminded him of the gnome except
black and he shivered involuntarily. However, it did make him wonder
why could his uncle Smarc have found him work at the bathhouse heating
the water:
~I could been shoveling nice black charcoal or even better coal. Oh,
why do these horrible things always happen to me?~
Unfortunelty, he was not paying enough attention and walked into the
serving wench Amella who was too busy flashing a winning smile at a
Wild Elf.

Joseph Beland

Jan 16, 2009, 4:21:09 PM1/16/09
From outside the large door Tarrik sees the little runt of a kobold
bump into his fine elven waitress.
This enrages Tarrik but he makes sure to keep a semi-cool head as he
steps over to catch the waitress as she begins to slip and on top of
that he catches the plater with the meal of another patron.
Tarrik releases the elf making sure she is standing upright.
Giving a quick glower towards the kobold, he crouches down to the dogs
height and whispers in his ear
The hunter stands up and makes sure his waitress is not injured.


Jan 16, 2009, 4:47:13 PM1/16/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
"Yipe!" Snirt exclaims as he flees!

Smarc Fletchigar looked up from cooking his latest dish just in time
to see his idiot nephew bolt from underneath a crouching wild elf. He
had hoped his nephew would learn some cultural values under the
watcful eye of the generous Gar but there he was making another mess
of things - again. He had witniseesed Snirt stealing food; which
Smarc would pay Gar out of his own pocket. He often wondered what his
wife saw in Snirt. All Smarc had to do was get Snirt a job at the
bathhouse around the corner and Snirt would be out of his nest of
problems! But, his wife would have nothing to do with that plan. And
Smarc was very much in love with his wife Jas which was not natural
for a Kobold but then Smarc was well past his 120th birthday and
simply blamed everything on his dragonwrought birthright.
He rolled his eyes and went back to the next food order.

joe b

Jan 16, 2009, 5:15:42 PM1/16/09

Doresli finishes dropping off the elf's order, and is quite suprised by the gratitude she receives for a job well done.
"Well me lady, as is said down in me family is dat if it's not good 'nough fer yur family then, its not good 'nough fer me customers!"
Doresli turns and sees the kobold scampering off away from a brute of an elf.
She promptly walks up to the male elf.
Scuse me, but me assistants can't be helpin me if he got wet pants, we do have sanitary rules don't you know."
Then seeing Amella staring at the elf.
"Oi Amella! ye can't stand there all smitten, ye need to get yer job dun an do it now, I swear ye got orcs fer brains!"
Doresli walks off to get her next order. and walks up to smarc who just finishing the order.
Rubbing her stubble she says.
"I swear yer nephew is sometin else, If I was like him when I was a girl, I woulda been sent to clean te battleragers' bathroom!"
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