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Dec 28, 2009, 9:10:25 PM12/28/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
(OoC - The old DUNGEON Thread no longer accepts new posts, so this one
is required to continue.)

A door appears to open on one side of the hallway, and out of it steps
an 8 foot tall Orc, but with the tusks of an Ogre! Dressed only in
enough clothes to make his presense acceptable to Human society, there
is a blattle axe within easy reach of his right hand, which he now
pulls out and readies for combat, looking with care down each
direction of the tunnel for signs of conflict.

Since it is imposable to know what lies in either direction, it is
pointless to care which way to choose.
Turning to his Right, the Half Ogre/Orc starts striding down the

Joseph Beland

Jan 17, 2010, 9:36:26 PM1/17/10
I leap through the door and land in a crouched position.
I sniff the ground in search of new prey, but all I can smell is this animal near me.
"Grrr, lets get moving quickly"

Blue Scales

Jan 18, 2010, 2:01:57 AM1/18/10
Seven lands lightly and smiles, "Then get moving cause I'm eager to get going and to fine what my god wants." he smiles as he looks about as his eyes were acustom to the dark already, *Shame I couldn't lead.* he thinks to himself.

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joe b

Jan 18, 2010, 7:26:43 PM1/18/10
I step through the door as graceful as possible and land on the floor.
I peer in all directions to see a possible destination, which i see but i know not where the rest of my comrades desire to go.
"So then, which way?"

Joseph Beland

Jan 25, 2010, 11:25:16 PM1/25/10
I grow impatieant towards my fellow members. they should be moving!
I run to the nearest door.
"Lets Go!!!"
I proceed to go through it with great bravado

Blue Scales

Jan 27, 2010, 3:12:47 AM1/27/10
Sven sighs and watch's Tarrik run to the nearest door, "And the dumb lead the others in gods knows where." he says under his breath as he shakes his head as his eyes adjust to the dark as he was smiling, *Stupid tarrik running in without thinking.* he thinks to himself.


Feb 1, 2010, 10:04:55 PM2/1/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
~ Payme ~
I was listening for threats when I hear one of those that had come
from the bar run up and trys to pass me.
This annoys me and I see an opening (provokes an Attack of
Opportunity) and I slap the blasted Elf down.

Listen Check = Prerolled # 16: 12 + 13 Listen = 25. No movement
further down the hallway.
Attack Roll 17: 17 + 10 Attack = 27 ---- hit ** Damage = 1d6 +5 str
(Reflex Save DC 22 or be knocked prone.)

This stops Tarrik, long enough for me to growl: "Get yourself killed
if you like, Elf.
If you wish to endanger me, we shall find out who is the more
powerful, here and now.
I know that you do not fear death, but consider how much more you
could gain by not dying needlessly."
The battle axe in my hands starts to glow red as I finish speaking.
An observant person could see that the Red Dragon Amulet upon my chest
also glows red. (Spot Check DC 22 to see)

Without taking my attention away from the Elf, I glare back down the
hallway, and shake my head.
"A Druid, A Monk, A Cleric, and me as a kind of arcane spellcaster.
You did not bring a trap-finder with you?"

I wave the others to come closer, so that I do not need to announce
our presence to the area any sooner then needed.
Once they are close, I will speak softly: "We need a way to
communicate without talking, how many of you know Sign?"
I am not very hopeful for a positive response on this, and so say:
"Cleric, do you have ready the Find Traps power? If so, cast that and
check for danger along this hallway."

(OoC - if anyone attacks Payme, please wait for my response. I will
try to check in everyday.)

Joseph Beland

Feb 1, 2010, 11:04:24 PM2/1/10
I see a hand swiftly approach me and while I try to avoid it, I now have a large handprint on my chest...and the blow knocks me to the ground  (12 Ref Save)
I quickly upright myself, and swiftly send a punch towards this Orc, but I pull back at the final moment. While Im certain I can defeat this buffon, neither of us will end up in good condition.
Spot Check 30. I notice the glowing beast on his chest, while I say nothing I just keep that in the back of my mind.
"We must move on, or nothing will get done!"
I turn my head to Selmer, and inquire of the same thing as Payme, but I don't care too much if he does not know it, we are warriors we can survive anything.
The bruise from Payme swiftly dissapears and I grin for a moment...

joe b

Feb 1, 2010, 11:10:13 PM2/1/10
I look over to Payme with some suprise, no one has ever treated Tarrik like that, and Tarrik has never held back a swing before!
I cross all my arms as I begin to focus on my spells, to the point that I do not notice anything after the swing.
I shake my head as I realise that the spell, Payme is requesting is not part of my list.
"No, I apologize i do not have it... It never even occured to me, hmm this is not good, but what are we to do now?"

Blue Scales

Feb 3, 2010, 3:21:11 AM2/3/10
Sven sighs and looks at the rest, "can anyone see in the dark for all they are wroth." he loos at Payme and pulls his hood back revealing his face that was half covered in scales and alittle longer like a snout as his eyes could be seen for the first time by them as his looks around.

Joseph Beland

Feb 3, 2010, 7:34:29 PM2/3/10
I grin, as Sven asks this question.
"The only one here im not sure has darkvision is Payme, I know I can, and Selmer should, you do as well?"


Feb 5, 2010, 1:02:47 PM2/5/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs

I rumble with amusement at the Elf's attack attempt, and holding his
punch enough to not hit me.

I look at Tarrik, and say, "I know that you are a Wood Elf, but even
you should know that both Orcs and Ogres have darkvsion."
I step back from Tarrik and activate a Ring on my right hand.

I say "This only detects the presence of Magic near me, which will
warn us of magical traps and possibly magically hidden foes. Since it
is a device, it can be fooled by a smart foe."

I look at Tarrik and say: "Since you are in such a hurry, by all means
go first. Do you want the Detect Magic Ring?"

Joseph Beland

Feb 5, 2010, 2:18:53 PM2/5/10
I frown as he calls me on my lack of knowledge about creatures, I just see them as prey, they die, I live nothing more!
Regardless I nod my head.
"If you want to pass me that ring I will take the lead for sure"
I slip on this ring and begin to move out.

Blue Scales

Feb 9, 2010, 8:22:14 PM2/9/10
Sven smiles and watch's, *What an interesting lot this group is and I might be able to find what my Lord Bahamut wants too at the same time.* he thinks to himself as he looks over the group he was with as he smiles inwardly, "Shall we get going then cause I wouldn't want to stay here for much longer," he shudders slightly, " being in one spot isn't good at all cause we could get jumped from anyway if we aren't careful and something might jump at us though the walls too."

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Feb 11, 2010, 4:58:07 PM2/11/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
~ Payme ~

The Elf takes the ring and the lead, which bothers me not at all.
I grin at the Monk's comment, and move out - axe at the ready.
The hallway goes 300 paces and intersects with a T-Tunnel.
The ring on Tarrik's finger glows faintly and vibrates to get his
(Spot Check DC 25 to notice the ring's glow. It is faint and only
meant to
attract the attention of the wearer.)

Joseph Beland

Feb 12, 2010, 7:15:37 PM2/12/10
"Huh? whats this... Theres magic afoot!"
I go down into a crouch and prepare to pounce.
"Where's the magic!?"

Blue Scales

Feb 12, 2010, 11:40:36 PM2/12/10
Sven sighs and shakes his head, "Any money he wont find out where place your bets," he chuckles softly, "your the one wearing ring my friend not me so I don't know where the magic is." he pulls his shelves up rolling them up to free his hands and talons on one hand as he smiles.

Australia's #1 job site If it exists, you'll find it on SEEK.


Feb 14, 2010, 12:59:33 PM2/14/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
~ Payme ~

I close both eyes and touch my left eye with my right hand and
activate a tattoo;
I must keep track of how long I have it on, otherwise I will lose it's
power for the rest of the day.

When I open my eyes, I can see things that are magically Invisible as
well as the auras of magic in affect in the area.
I notice that there is a spot of magic upon the left side wall of the
I walk over to the spot and read aloud: "Warning to those that Dare,
Beware the Bear, but avoid the Fair, Tread with care."

I growl: "I hate riddles."

Joseph Beland

Feb 14, 2010, 1:06:22 PM2/14/10
I grin as this riddle is read out loud.
"This could  be fun hehe"
I begin to walk through the left door but if anyine has an objection then i will stop.

Blue Scales

Feb 14, 2010, 10:08:24 PM2/14/10
Sven sighs and shakes his head as he goes over the riddle in his mind, *Hmmmm Dare, Bear, Fair, Care there has to be something in the riddle that connects all of those words.* he frowns and sighs, "What if the riddle is a warring about traps along the floor cause "Tread with Care" means there are traps right, but the rest doesn't make good on whats telling us." he talks out aloud not thinking that everyone could hear him as he frowns again this time thinking deeply.

joe b

Feb 14, 2010, 11:48:20 PM2/14/10
I pause for a moment as I hear the riddle.
"Perhaps it thats not right, Maybe its! No that doesn'y make sense"
I look in the other direction.
"Mayhaps we should just avoid that way?"


Feb 15, 2010, 9:09:16 PM2/15/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
~ Payme ~

I look at the last one to speak and say:
"As if we knew what was down the other way."

I step up to the door and swing my flaming axe at it.
Break Check Pre-Roll # 18: 02 + 0 BAB + 7 Str (2 handed) +10 Power
Attack = 19
DC was 20. Partial Success.

Damage = 4 axe + 7 Str + 10 Power Attack + 3 Fire - 5 Hardness = 18.
The three pieces of the door slowly fall to the floor. Loudly.
"Heh. Guess they'll know I'm here, huh ?"
I motion for the Druid to once again take the walking lead.


Feb 24, 2010, 8:33:55 PM2/24/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
The other side of the now open portal lies a carved out chamber.
In the left far corner sits a medium wooden chest, with the lid shut.

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There does not appear to be anything else.
Payme has a huge grin on his face, axe ready.

Joseph Beland

Feb 24, 2010, 8:59:17 PM2/24/10
I look into the corner and grin.
"That must be where the magic is coming from!"
I begin to run forward, but stop myself after 5 feet...maybe I should check with everyone else before I bolt in, I look back to see what everyone else thinks.

Blue Scales

Feb 25, 2010, 10:54:52 PM2/25/10
"Your leading Tarrik but do be careful casue I wouldn't want to hev your body out of here if your near death." Sven chuckles softly as he picks at something in between his teeth with a talon claw, *Although getting to my lords prize is the main reason I joined them so I'll be rewarded for my work and these fools wont know what hit them when my lord comes back to his true power.* he thinks to himself as he smiles.

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Joseph Beland

Feb 26, 2010, 7:16:53 PM2/26/10
I grin a big toothy smile.
"All righty then! I continue my walk towards the chest"

joe b

Feb 26, 2010, 7:20:17 PM2/26/10

I watch as everyone begins bolting forward blindly and I shake my head.
"By the great flame, do be careful, I only have so much healing to spare..."
I look over to the chest and by using an orison of detect magic, I know that it is glowing, thus it is magical.
I mumble to myself, but if anyone hears I do not notice.
"Perhaps I should look at it, I do have resistance to various effects..."


Feb 27, 2010, 6:25:50 PM2/27/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
~ Payme ~

I turn my eye towards Selmer and grin as I ask:
"Wonder who will get there first?" and I chuckle.
"Also wonder who first to die !"

I remain ready for combat, and watch.


Feb 28, 2010, 9:13:39 PM2/28/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Dungeon Myster:

The ring on Tarrik's finger vibrates more as he gets closer to the

Selmer - Detect Magic Round 1. There is magic in the room, in the area
where the chest is at.

The chest is 4 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 2 feet tall.
There are small carvings engraved over both the chest and the lid.
There is a key slot in the exact center of the chest, even small
carvings around it.

Blue Scales

Mar 1, 2010, 12:04:10 AM3/1/10
Sven chuckles softly and smiles, "Don't worry Selmer if anything its only a curse that could over came by ourselfs working together besides I our fearless leader is going to need back up." he smiles and chuckles again.

Joseph Beland

Mar 1, 2010, 10:32:39 PM3/1/10
I bend my knees and examin the chest. I look at it closely and sniff it.
I stand back up and shrug.
"Looks fine to me, hahaha"
"Everyone should be careful I think Im going to try and open it, unless anyone objects.."


Mar 4, 2010, 4:09:34 PM3/4/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
~ Payme ~

I simply shrug. Why should I object?
Saves me the trouble of having to deal with it.


Mar 4, 2010, 4:13:14 PM3/4/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
# DM *

Selmer - Detect Magic Round 2.
The source of the magic is the chest.

Joseph Beland

Mar 4, 2010, 7:27:42 PM3/4/10
I give a big grin as i get the go ahead.
First i throw a rock at it to see if it reacts to it.
If nothing happens, I try and open it.


Mar 5, 2010, 7:56:30 PM3/5/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
The Rock bounces off the Chest with no effect.

Tarrik upon touching the Chest, make 2 Saves:
1) Reflex
2) Fortitude

Joseph Beland

Mar 8, 2010, 10:13:46 PM3/8/10
Fort Save 16
Ref Save 19

Blue Scales

Mar 9, 2010, 12:28:34 AM3/9/10
Sven sighs and watch's as he  looks at his talon's, "Tarrik please hurry up if your going open the chest or your not going to shall we press on." he looks tot he others in the group wondering what they want to do.

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Mar 16, 2010, 1:26:16 PM3/16/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
There is a Fiery explosion from the Chest,
followed by a green cloud. (For Save, all others)

Payme Save Roll # 19: 16 + 8 (2 Base +6 Con) = 24
Success. -2 Str, and -1 Con for 1 hour. (DC = 21)

Tarrik takes 15 points (5d6: average 3 x 5)
Tarrilk (Save Failed) feels weaker after breathing
in the Gas: -4 Str, and -2 Con for 1 hour.

Joseph Beland

Mar 16, 2010, 7:09:22 PM3/16/10
I get knocked away from the chest, as I begin to gasp for air.
(I am at 9 HP)
"Grrr, What the Hell was that?"
I look to my comrades to see how they fared, obviously better then i did..

joe b

Mar 16, 2010, 7:19:41 PM3/16/10
I am a little suprised as I am assaulted by a flame.
Fort Save Roll(1d20)+8:13,+8 Total:21
"Well, this is not good... Is everyone all right? Any healing nessacary?"
I brush a bit of dust off my armor and look around. Payme, appears fine, a little hagard, like my self, but fine. Tarrik... I'm suprised he's still standing. I would give him healing, but im certain he will just heal swiftly without my help. I turn to Sven.
"Are you good, my dragon comrade?"


Mar 17, 2010, 10:59:51 AM3/17/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
DM - Round 1

The green cloud of gas pulls itself into a vaguely-bear shaped form.
This turns and tries to bite Tarric
* Roll 20: 05 + 5 Base + 5 Dex = 15.

Joseph Beland

Mar 17, 2010, 3:02:48 PM3/17/10
I quickly step backwards as this gas bear tries to take out a chunk. My wounds still open I 5 Foot away from the bear and quickly expend a charge from my belt of healing(2d8 average 5 equal 10 HP gained) My wounds heal slightly as well. (Was at 9+10 from Belt+2 From Fast Healing I am at 21/24)
I look over to the bear and grin as a great battle will surely start!

Blue Scales

Mar 18, 2010, 1:42:30 AM3/18/10
Sven blinks and looks at the gas form bear, "Something isn't right here." he says out loud even though he was standing close to the door when the chest exploded as he brush some dust off his robes.

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 12:02:48 -0700
Subject: Re: The DUNGEON

I quickly step backwards as this gas bear tries to take out a chunk. My wounds still open I 5 Foot away from the bear and quickly expend a charge from my belt of healing(2d8 average 5 equal 10 HP gained) My wounds heal slightly as well. (Was at 9+10 from Belt+2 From Fast Healing I am at 21/24)
I look over to the bear and grin as a great battle will surely start!

Update for the "Dragons Den and Lairs" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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joe b

Mar 18, 2010, 8:02:43 PM3/18/10
"Sven!? why arent you attacking!?"
I 5 foot  up to the bear and swing with my claws.
Attack 1 Roll(1d20)+8:17,+8Total:25
Attack 2 Roll(1d20)+8:17,+8Total:25
Attack 3Roll(1d20)+8:19,+8 Total:27
Attack 43Roll(1d20)+8:3,+8 Total:11
1d4+5(8 points average) per hit.
if 2 hit then an additional is 2d4+7(13 points) is dealt
I brace for a blow to be sent my way, as I am certain I hurt this bear dearly...

Blue Scales

Mar 22, 2010, 1:45:42 AM3/22/10
Sven chuckles, "Unlike you lot it might be part of the riddle that we saw on our way in so I'm not fighting cause it might be a protector of something that we could use."

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 17:02:43 -0700
Subject: Re: The DUNGEON
Update for the "Dragons Den and Lairs" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to or reply to this email with the words "REMOVE ME" as the subject.


Apr 3, 2010, 11:55:43 PM4/3/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs

On Mar 18, 7:02 pm, joe b <> wrote:
> ~Selmer~

Attack 1 Roll(1d20)+8:17,+8Total:25
> Attack 2 Roll(1d20)+8:17,+8Total:25
> Attack 3 Roll(1d20)+8:19,+8 Total:27
> Attack 4 3Roll(1d20)+8:3,+8 Total:11
> 1d4+5 (8 points average) per hit.

# DM Correction 1d4 (2) + 5 = 7 damage.

> if 2 hit then an additional is 2d4+7 (13 points) is dealt

# DM Correction 2d4 (5) + 7 = 12 damage
*** DR 5 [gaseous] = 11 hp total damage to Spell Bear.

> I brace for a blow to be sent my way, as I am certain I hurt this bear
> dearly...

Each connecting blow spreads the gas over your skin, causing a Save.
Fort Save 1 (Pre-Roll) 21: 12 + 8 = 20 [Fail] -4 Str, and -2 Con for
1 hour.
Fort Save 2 (Pre-Roll) 22: 03 + 8 = 11 [Fail] -4 Str, and -2 Con for
1 hour.
Fort Save 3 (Pre-Roll) 23: 16 + 8 = 24 [Save] -2 Str, and -1 Con for 1
hour. (DC = 21)
Fort Save 4 (Pre-Roll) 24: 02 + 8 = 10 [Fail] -4 Str, and -2 Con for
1 hour.

Total Strength loss = 14 points [18 Base, New Total = 4] Selmer falls
down, suddenly overburdened by his equipment
(Light load = 6 lbs * Moderate Load = 13 lbs * Max load = 20 lbs)

Total Con loss = 7 points [16 Base, new Total = 9. Lose 20 hp until
Con is restored]

The Bear continues to try and attack Tarrik.
25: 06 + 5 Base + 5 Dex = 16

Noting that the bear ignores Selmer's attack, I cast one of the few
non-melee spells that I have:
Magic Missile 1d4 (2) +1 = 3 hp x 3 missiles = 9 damage.

joe b

Apr 5, 2010, 2:49:03 AM4/5/10
Are you serious? Why on earth would any sane person take additional attacks AFTER the first one causes harm? Why would my character keep attacking? thats stupid, hes not attacking all at once, only morons punch with both hands at the same time, and Selmer isnt dumb. Plus in theory the penalties should apply after each hit, not all at the same time. I dunno, just seems kinda Janky is all

Update for the "Dragons Den and Lairs" group.

To post to this group, send email to

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

For more options, visit this group at

To unsubscribe, reply using "remove me" as the subject.


Apr 7, 2010, 12:37:47 AM4/7/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Please, understand that I have to go with what is posted.

If a Player posts that they attack 4 times and the totals do hit,
then I have to give the results for each successful hit.

Now, if you want to say: "My guy is not so dumb as to keep
hitting after the first punch and he losses STR and CON, and
he would stop." Then I can allow that only the first hit takes

It's one of the drawbacks with PBP Gaming.
Ok, so figure out how much STR, CON & HP you have,
and continue from there. (I can do it, but not right now.)

Joseph Beland

Apr 7, 2010, 11:35:15 PM4/7/10
I again Dodge this bear thing as it swipes at my mid-section.
I plan on swinging at the beast, but I look to see Selmer assailed by fumes of some sort.
I look into my repetoire of druidic spells, and find nothing ranged to deal with this thing. I assume Wild Empathy would not work, this is obviously not a natural animal.
I look over to the chest once more to see if anything has changed, if not then I step back 5 feet and crouch into a fully defensive position(i dont remember what its actually called)
If it has changed then I will go around this thing as it is impossible for it too hit me. (AC 25+4 Mobility+1 Dodge= 30 AC vs AoOs) and take a peek in the chest.


Apr 8, 2010, 1:32:18 PM4/8/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
The chest lid is open, and moving over and looking inside:
Tarrik sees that there are some weapons laying neatly inside.
These are no normal, mundane things, being crafted with care
out of refined Steel and having expensive decorations upon them.

One item stands out to Tarrik:
Skill Check: Knowledge: (Nature) DC 25.

> If it has changed then I will go around this thing as it is impossible for
> it too hit me. (AC 25+4 Mobility+1 Dodge= 30 AC vs AoOs) and take a peek in
> the chest.

AC 24 (10 + 3 Dex 6 Natural 5 Wis) + 2 Partial Defensive +1 Dodge =
[You cannot move during Full Defensive, which grants +4 to AC]
Movement does provoke an attack of opportunity. Mobility makes AC 31.
The Bear try to attack Tarrik. 26: 04 + 5 Base + 5 Dex = touch attack
vs AC 25

Joseph Beland

Apr 8, 2010, 7:45:53 PM4/8/10
I spot an item in the chest and it seems to snag my attention, i should know what this thing is. (Knowledge Nature +9) 1d20+9[17,9] = (26)

Blue Scales

Apr 9, 2010, 2:26:56 AM4/9/10
Seven sighs as he was waiting having stayed out of the fight as he didn't want to get into the way of the others as the riddle still puzzled him, "That riddle we read I know there is something like it but where." he frowns slightly before rubbing his temples trying to think of where he he had heard a riddle like it.

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Apr 10, 2010, 7:50:27 PM4/10/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs

On Apr 8, 6:45 pm, Joseph Beland <> wrote:
I spot an item in the chest and it seems to snag my attention, i
should know
what this thing is. (Knowledge Nature +9) 1d20+9 → [17,9] = (26)

The item is a Masterworked Silver/Steel Sickle.
Something that can be used to gather Sacred Mistletoe.
However, the re-enforced hand upon the blade suggests it is used for


Apr 10, 2010, 8:23:44 PM4/10/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
On Apr 9, 1:26 am, Blue Scales <> wrote:
Seven sighs as he was waiting having stayed out of the fight as he
didn't want to get into the way of the others as the riddle still
puzzled him, "That riddle we read I know there is something like it
but where." he frowns slightly before rubbing his temples trying to
think of where he he had heard a riddle like it.

Upon reflection, Seven recalls the words of the warning:

"Warning to those that Dare, Beware the Bear,
but avoid the Fair, Tread with care."

Looking around the room, you can see two other exits:
One is straight as an arrow, it's walls smooth as glass.
Two is rough-hewn, as if torn out by a large clawed creature.

And 1+2= ?......

(OoC - Blue: You really need to put more thought into what you want to
have your Character do. I can allow a wide range of things, both
allowable by the Rules and, if it makes sense, Outside them; BUT you
must still post as much as possible into HOW your at least makes the
attempt. If you are not sure what Feats or Skills + D20 Roll you need
to use, leave that part out and put as much of everything else that
you can.

Also, you ALL really need to work on Teamwork with the rest of the
Group. The Half-Ogre being the exception, since he's not all that
friendly to begin with.
But, I believe that if more people in the Group started showing that
they actually cared about Payme, he could change enough to become a
friend, and not a Mercenary. Just saying.)


Apr 10, 2010, 9:12:55 PM4/10/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
~ Payme ~

I decide to sacrifice one of my daily spells, channeling it through my
Battle Axe.
I strike at the spell-bear Pre-Roll 27: 20 + 4 Class + 7 Str + 2 magic
(33 Total)
Spell-Bear is immune to Critical Hits.

Dealing 1d8 (4) + 9 Str [two handed strike] + 2 magic
(15 sub-Total) + 1D8 (4) + 5 = Total of 24
GHOST TOUCHED Battle Axe means that DR 5 [gaseous] is not applied.

This does cause the Spell Bear to spread Gas over Payme.
Fortitude Save Pre-Roll 28: 08 + 9 = 17 Failed. -4 Str, and -2 Con for
1 hour.
Payme loses 25 Hp until his Con is returned to "normal".


Apr 10, 2010, 9:57:13 PM4/10/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Oops - forgot to mention that Payme cast Shocking Grasp,
Extra Damage is Electrical in nature.

Blue Scales

Apr 12, 2010, 1:45:26 AM4/12/10
[OOC ok and thanks for the heads up]

Seven walks over to Tarrik and slaps on the back of the head as he shakes his head, "Tell me why you attacked the bear when it was part of the trap," he looks at Tarrik before walking over to the other two exits, "something still doesn't sit right here at all," he walks to one exit and carefully rubs his talon hand of the smooth wall, "hmmmm whats 1+2 equals cause I'm not sure about both exits." he walks over to the second exit and has a look down it hopping to spot something.

> Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 17:23:44 -0700
> Subject: Re: The DUNGEON
> From:
> To:
> --
> Update for the "Dragons Den and Lairs" group.
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Apr 15, 2010, 9:43:55 PM4/15/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs

Base Attack + Str (melee/hand-to-hand) OR Dex (Ranged/Thrown).
Touch Attacks ignore some Armor, Shield, and Natural Armor Values.

Blue, your post should have looked like this:

On Apr 12, 12:45 am, Blue Scales <> wrote:
[OOC ok and thanks for the heads up]
Seven walks over to Tarrik and trys to slap him on the back of the
head, as I shake my head
Pre-Rolled #29: 06 + 5 Base + 5 Base = 16 Touch attack.

"Tell me why you attacked the bear when it was part of the trap," he
looks at Tarrik before walking over to the other two exits, "something
still doesn't sit right here at all," he walks to one exit and
carefully rubs his talon hand of the smooth wall, "hmmmm whats 1+2
equals cause I'm not sure about both exits." he walks over to the
second exit and has a look down it hopping to spot something.

The Bear continues to try and attack Tarrik.
Pre-Rolled # 30: 17 + 5 Base + 5 Base = 27 Touch attack.

Seven provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the Spell-Bear.
Pre-Rolled # 31: 04 + 5 Base + 5 Base = 14 Touch attack.
DM - Miss.

Blue Scales

Apr 17, 2010, 9:08:39 PM4/17/10
[OOC My bad had a touch week]

> Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 18:43:55 -0700

> Subject: Re: The DUNGEON
> From:
> To:

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Apr 18, 2010, 9:45:39 PM4/18/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs

I notice that Tarrik has found something in the Chest, and that the
Monk seems to be investigating something.
"Sven, if you want your fair share of anything of value in that chest,
you had best be figuring out how to get rid of this damn bear!"

I walk over to the Chest, the Spell-Bear ignores me, as I had figured.
I look down in, and spot several items of very good craftsmanship, and
each a work of art.
The handle of a Diamond-studded Silver-Steel Double-Bladed Axe catches
my eye.
I put away the Battle Axe that I had in hand and reach in and pick it
As I set my second hand upon the hilt, there is a soft glow, and the
handle extends!
I now wield a Great Axe. However, I take the time to use the Detect
Magic Tattoo to
try and determine exactly what all this Weapon might be capable of.
While I am aware that it might be Cursed, if there is enough benefit,
it may be worth it.

Blue Scales

Apr 20, 2010, 2:15:35 AM4/20/10
"My dear Payme, if I know how I would've done so already but think about what the riddle said and then factor in the bear we have before us," He turns around and smiles, "and besides if my lord Bahamut had shown me how I would've done so already now wouldn't I besides I don't know where to go next cause one tunnle looks like its been dug out and the other, well it looks like its either brunt out with fire or made by fire creature of some sort." he sighs and looks the bear and snorts softly, *Riddles and a bear that is apart of the riddle but is also apart of the the trap.* he thinks again about the riddle and then looks at everyone that had battled with the bear.

"Did the bear touch any of you at all." Sven ask them as something doesn't sit right with him.

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Apr 20, 2010, 4:29:47 PM4/20/10
to Dragons Den and Lairs

I note the Sickle that Tarrik's fascinated with and toss it to him and
then walk behind the Spell-Bear, and position myself to where I will
give Tarrik the most benefit in battle.

I comment: "Sven, your a Monk, not a Cleric. I believe that it's very
rare for Monks to get Visions from their Patron Deity. And if you ever
do, make sure that you understand EXACTLY what it is that they have
shown you. And except for the initial activation of the spell that
became the Bear, it has not hit anyone."
I meet Tarrik's eyes and nod, smiling as I raise the Great Axe in a
striking position, and wait for the Druid to strike....

Joseph Beland

Apr 26, 2010, 6:46:04 PM4/26/10
I catch the sickle in one hand and look at it intently.
"Not so used to these... weapon things"
I shrug my shoulders and swing at the beast with all my force.
OoC: I dont know what penalties i currently have so add those in if you could.
1d20+9[15,9] = (24)
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