Re: Ghoxton * The X-Time Saloon

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Blue Scales

Oct 13, 2009, 6:36:11 PM10/13/09
Sven sighs and looks at the sky wondering why his deity Bahamut would send him out this way as he looks a thte saloon, "I have seen better well kepted Saloon's along my way my lord Bahamut but why do you want me to come here of all place," he sighs before entering and looks around as the light catch his golden skin as his eyes narrow into slits as he calls out, "I would like a room to rest in and a hot meal to eat if that is ok." he looks around still wondering why his lord Bahamut would send hmi to this Saloon.

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Joseph Beland

Oct 13, 2009, 7:18:23 PM10/13/09
I look up at this dragonoid fellow.
"Well greetings to the X-Time Saloon, I can get ye a room as fast as i can, but I may request ye dunnat bash me Saloon"
I jot down the room this fellas gonna take.
"So ye be on the third door upstairs to ye right, and what name should I put ye under? also remember the rules alrighty? no fightin or else. Now then sir, can ye also tell me what ye have come here for? perhaps it be our grand dungeon!"

Blue Flames

Oct 14, 2009, 2:12:42 AM10/14/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Seven sighs and looks to who was speaking to him as his eyes would've
fitted onto a dragon but suited him well, "Put the room under Sven
Great-Fang and I'm only here casue my lord Bahamut had told me to came
and is there lace for me to pary at cause I need to pary to my lord
Bahamut soon for my thanks and for leading me here and also I would
like to buy some things while I'm here but bring my a drink first" he
sighs and walks over a table and takes seat making sure he got one
that half hidden in shadow.

Joseph Beland

Oct 14, 2009, 7:18:35 PM10/14/09

"Aye, I'll get ye that drink likkity split!"
I pour Sven a draft of me finest ale. I then walk up and to his table and place it in front of him.
"Now, me friend, your on a quest fer yer god, Bahumat right? Well this "divine quest" sure does sound like fightin' through our dungeon, Plenty o adventurers come here fer it, but few make a scratch, But hey , that be okay with me! it brings in more paying folks round here. But I be going on. If I be right about this and I usually am, ye will be needing a group to go with ye. We got a group down in there right now, that coulod use yer help!"
I begin to turn, Im sure ive got him hooked, and he'll be runnin' in there pretty fast, but hey his tab be still runnin' fer his room! Har har har.

Blue Flames

Oct 15, 2009, 4:36:16 AM10/15/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

Sven smiles and chuckles softly, *A group already in there and I
though be the fools would be back when I got here, Bahamut I wonder
what they are playing down there I hope they aren't thinking of
leaving a corspe down there for me to fine,* he smiles as he sips his
drink tasting the Ale, *he calls this ale Ihad better Ale when I was
back at your temple my lord Bahamut but I guess beggers can't choses
then.* he thinks to himself as he wonders where he could buy a staff
from, "Excuse me kind sir is there a weapon shop near by that I can
buy a staff from." he ask.

Joseph Beland

Oct 15, 2009, 6:47:23 PM10/15/09
I am slightly irked by this fellows response. I thought I had him hooked.
I turn back around.
"Aye Laddie, I know 'bout a weapon store, close by here, it be just out of the saloon and ye can not be missin it to ye left,"
It also seems that he expects me favorite group to just come to him.
as I wonder this I see the door to the dungeon open up.
"Well Laddie, ye may be gettin' yer wish, looks like they may be comin' here now!"

Joseph Beland

Oct 15, 2009, 6:51:34 PM10/15/09
Bah! these team mates are useless!, without Whitebolt, why bother with these others, they are just to unreactive!
I open the door that I was at and... My god! its the Saloon!
I walk out and see Gar, with a small dragon-man.
"Oi! Dwarf! Im Back!"
I walk up to him and I look up and down this new comer.
"Well Dwarf, do you got some fresh blood for the dungeon? I hope so, my teams kinda done, they cant keep up BWHAHAHA!"
I take a seat.
"My names Tarrik'Val, Druid Warrior, who are you?"

Blue Flames

Oct 15, 2009, 10:11:59 PM10/15/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
"Thank you kind sir Bahamut smiles apond you," Sven smiles and nods
his head before turning his attention Tarrik'Val, "Well meet
Tarrik'Val, I am Sven Great-Fang, servent to lord Bahamut and monk
fighter," he lowers his hood and smiles leeting Tarrik'Val get a good
at his face and golden skin, "as you can see I'm gifted by Bahamut
himself for I am a half-breed but you would my hybird appance as
Draconic Dragonborn Halfling and as for why I'm here my lord Bahamut
had sent me here to look for something that he can use so that he may
once again walk among you." he smiles sips drink as he looks over the
top of his Ale.

Joseph Beland

Oct 18, 2009, 9:14:49 PM10/18/09
"Hmm, Dragonborn draconic littleman? You sound like you could be fun to be with..BWHAHAHA!"
I close into myself as I ponder what Sven's quest is.
"Well, I can garantee that there is an artifact in this here dungeon that can help you out, what it is, Im not sure, oh but it is in there! So how bout it, you and me head in there in the morning?"

joe b

Oct 18, 2009, 10:10:53 PM10/18/09
I refocus from my drifting off and see Tarrik step through a door. I immideatly bolt to the door, I rather be with Tarrik, then the others for they are not doing much.
I creep through the door and see, my friend with a gold dragon smallfellow. I stroll in.
"Well met Gar, It is a pleasure as always, and Tarrik, why would you leave me in there, oh never mind it doesnt matter, and who is this? Is he planning on joining us, I hope you weren't planning on ditching me!"

Blue Flames

Oct 19, 2009, 3:28:12 AM10/19/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Sven looks up and as he looks over the new comer and sighs, "No Tarrik
not an artifact something with great power over the elements themself
more like a dragon from a lost tribe that once ruled over the elements
them selfs but Bahamut only wants the thing to study and find out its
secerts on cheating death it self but any other artifact would be nice
to translate," he takes a sip of his ale, "tell me something do either
of you know what I'm speaking of." he pulls out a drawing that had
taken from a book back from where he was from puts it down on the
table between them as it displays a dragin incase in ember.

Joseph Beland

Oct 19, 2009, 6:08:40 PM10/19/09
"Hmmm, Elemental Dragon.... well I knew 2 dragons, White Bolt and Blue Flames, and well White turned into a monster, and we locked Blue in with him, White was a bit mean, but this Blue fellow was some sort a prince who was for some reason very depressed, If I remember he did Fire breathing and something with water, I guess he could be an elemental dragon, But I dont even know if he's alive. Me and Selmer, we could go in there and see if he is, but you gotta come with us"
I pull out a chair. "Selmer take a seat!" I grab a pitcher from a passing waiter and take a big swig.
"So Sven have we got a deal?"

Blue Flames

Oct 20, 2009, 9:59:20 PM10/20/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Sven's eyes light up slightly at the mention of an elemental dragon,
*Hmmm it looks like my lord will have his gift.* he thinks to himself
as he nods and sips his ale.

"Yes that is what my lord Bahamut is looking for and I think we do
have a deal but first I would need to get some weapons or a staff that
I can use in battle instead of my talons," he taps the table with one
talon as he drinks his ale, "I rather brandy and chicken blood as my

Joseph Beland

Oct 20, 2009, 11:50:08 PM10/20/09
Perfect! more cash in my pocket.
"Yes! I can get everything you need, just give me a moment"
I go into the back and pull together Sven's drink and walk out balancing it ono a quarterstaff, that should please em!
"Here ye are laddie, Kitchen be closin' soon so finish up and head up to ye room...Tarrik, I want no trouble tonight from ye, ye undertand me? Aye, thats good"

Joseph Beland

Oct 22, 2009, 5:24:46 PM10/22/09
I grunt at hte thought of no fighting, That would be a great way to go to sleep.
"Fine, I wont do anything, So Sven... Tell me what is it you do, while you look tough, are you?"
I ready for a fight if Sven starts something, for that comment may start something, but Im fairly sure it wont.

Blue Flames

Oct 24, 2009, 4:39:29 AM10/24/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Sven looks at Tarrik as his eyes narrows into slit, "Don't you worry
about me in fight Tarrik cause it would be those that attack that
would have be careful in fight," he smiles and downs the rest of his
drink as he place his mug down and licks his lips as he place some
gold for barowner to find, "besides I'm going tobed after I have
paryed to my lord Bahamut and have cleaned up, I'll meet you down here
so that we can get ready and take what ever we need to help."

Joseph Beland

Oct 24, 2009, 1:03:10 PM10/24/09
I nod at Sven's response.
"Very well, See you in the morn"
I sit at my table, for I require no sleep

joe b

Oct 24, 2009, 1:24:57 PM10/24/09
I let out a bit of a yawn.
"Yes, I am heading off to bed myself, goodnight all"

Blue Flames

Oct 24, 2009, 8:34:01 PM10/24/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
"May Lord Bahamut watch over while you sleep friend." Sven smiles and
bows as he walks over to the bar owner and ask where the room to pray
is so that he can pray to his lord Bahamut and tell him the good news
of his findings.

Joseph Beland

Oct 25, 2009, 4:37:10 PM10/25/09
"Well ye see Sven, this Bar is a very diversified group, when it comes to them dietys, so really the only place ye can pay is in yer own room, like I said is upstairs"

Blue Flames

Oct 26, 2009, 3:17:13 AM10/26/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Sven nods and bows before leaving for his room, *This is not good
cause anyone could walk in on me while I'm making my pray to Bahamut
but I guess it'll do for now.* he lets out a deep breath as he lets
his robes hide his fist as he opens the door to his room and closes it
with a dull thud beofre locking the door.

"Lord Bahamut your servent is for you to guide and trust in your
search and may I keep servering you for as long as I live to serve you
and please you." Sven prays and says the same line again for 10
minutes before going to bed.

Joseph Beland

Oct 26, 2009, 6:14:45 PM10/26/09
I watch as my favorite brigade heads off, too sleep and what not.
I spend several hours cleaning up the tavern, then I myself sleep for several hours.
I awake hours before everybody except maybe for Tarrik, to begin preparations.

Blue Flames

Oct 29, 2009, 4:04:33 AM10/29/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Sven yawns and rubs the sleep out of his eyes as his slowly wakes
giving a prayer to Bahamut of a restful sleep as he walks over to the
door and unlocks it as he blinks his eyes adjust to the light the was
creeping into his room.

Joseph Beland

Oct 29, 2009, 6:21:00 PM10/29/09
I sit at the chair I was at all night.
"Oi! Dwarf! I need some Boar Flank and water over here!"
I begin to devor my food as I wait for my two partners to show up.

Blue Flames

Nov 9, 2009, 2:16:05 AM11/9/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
BUMP [waiting on others to reply]

Joseph Beland

Nov 9, 2009, 7:08:35 PM11/9/09
I grow impatient as the others begin to take to long.
I run up the stairs and knock on Selmer's door REALLY LOUD.
I then run up over to Sven.
"Come on Dragon boy! Eat up and lets go!"

joe b

Nov 11, 2009, 1:15:08 AM11/11/09

"Eh? Whats happening!?"
Oh I have to get up Goodie...
I quickly strap on my gear and cast my divine spells and race down to the bar.
"Quick Gar, some bread and ham please!"
I gorge down the food.
"Now, when do we go?"

Blue Scales

Nov 12, 2009, 1:41:56 AM11/12/09
"Damn it Tarrik I was coming and next time keep your voice down or I'll shut your mouth for you next time." Sven opens the door and looks at Tarrik with slited eyes before pushing him out of the way as he makes his way down stairs for something to eat, *Stuipd Tarrik next time he does that I'll throw a bucket of cold water at him.* he thinks and smiles chuckling softly as he orders raw-midrare meat.

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Joseph Beland

Nov 12, 2009, 5:03:04 PM11/12/09
"Ahh the fellows are up!"
I quickly prepare the dishes for them.
"Now then Sven, Selmer, Tarrik, how soon till you set off?"
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Dec 4, 2009, 4:53:13 PM12/4/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
~ Payme ~

The front door slams open, the heavy stone doors banging loudly
against the marble walls to either side.
An Half-Ogre/Orc stomps into the main room and glares around.
Dressed only in enough clothes to make his presense acceptable to
Human society, there is a blattle axe within easy reach of his right
Striding up to the table full of Hobgoblins, he simply glares at them
with a mean look as he walks.
They all decide that there was a better place to be, right now!!

The Ogre sits down on three chairs, and yells: "Food and Beer !!!"

Joseph Beland

Dec 4, 2009, 9:20:16 PM12/4/09
I look over to this demi human, haha look at him trying to be all intimidating.
I stiffle a smirk, but regardless I have a large grin
I grab my meal from my server and give a nod.
I whisper to my 2 companions.
"This guy looks like fun, haha"
I care not if he hears me.


Dec 5, 2009, 3:30:25 PM12/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
~ Payme ~

I start to get angry because I am still not eating.
I see a Wild Elf laughing at me and this decreases my mood.
I look right at him and growl:
"Fun? You want a taste of my idea of Fun, Elf?"

Joseph Beland

Dec 6, 2009, 12:09:27 AM12/6/09
I let out an even bigger grin and look over to my companions.
"Well that depends, is it sweet or sour?...BWHAHAHA!"
I casually extend my claws.
"I suggest you step off, only natural weapons allowed here, and that seems to push it, I'm at a slight advantage"
I ready to strike if he does decide to go aggresive, but my demeanor does not show anger or a want of a fight"

joe b

Dec 6, 2009, 5:14:19 PM12/6/09
I look up at this..thing.
"Tarrik Step back, we do not need another one of your bar brawls, ecspecially this early in the morning."
I turn my attention to this brute
"Now then my large fellow, we are not here to start anything unnessacary, you see we are actually about to depart, to the dungeon"
I too am prepared to act if nessacary.

Blue Flames

Dec 7, 2009, 2:13:44 AM12/7/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Sven sighs and watch's as he keeps his eyes on what was happening in
front of him as he hood keeps his face hidden as he snarls, "Either
sit or leave us be and if you so much as start a bar bawl I wont be
help accounted for to what happens to you in the end seeing as I'm
only here to do my lords Bahamut's bidding and find him something that
will bring him back into this world." he smiles and taps the table as
he looks to the elf and nods to the seat wanting to start the day
without anything happening before getting into the dungeon.

Joseph Beland

Dec 16, 2009, 9:47:56 PM12/16/09
My grin drops as Selmer tells me to step down.
"Fine Selmer, have it your way, but its not my fault if I kill someone in self-defense"
I look at Sven and then Payme.
"Now then orc, what do you want?"


Dec 17, 2009, 7:56:19 PM12/17/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

"Well, Elf, you have at least some skill to back your courage. And in
actuality, the Laws of this place state that lethal force is not
So the use of your natural weapons, spells, innate powers, or magical
items are all counted as equal."

The food and drink had arrived during their talking and eating it took
almost no time for me.

My gaze shifts to the hooded one as he hurls threats in my direction.
"I can tolerate those statements from the Elf, since he has at least
some skill in his power.
And does not hide himself from view. As for the Cleric, he is a healer
first and a fighter last.
I can even respect that, so long as he does not shy away from battle
when the time comes for it."

I stand to my full height and gaze down at the hooded one.
"Going to the Dungeon, eh? Humm. Good. I need more money for food, for
it will not be long that I am hungry again.
Larger groups have a better chance to survive. So long as I get what I
want - equal share of all treasure found, you can be with me."

I walk over to the exit door and into the outer chamber. I care not if
anyone joins me.

Joseph Beland

Dec 17, 2009, 8:30:50 PM12/17/09
Hmm this lad reminds me of white bolt, good but uncaring.
I stand up and walk over.
"Well boys we may as well leave now!"
I move to jump through the exit.

Blue Scales

Dec 22, 2009, 2:03:59 AM12/22/09
Sven sighs and stands up, "I'm coming too but I'll tell you more when are in the this dungeon." he makes sure his hood was covering his face as he walks over to the portal.

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Dec 28, 2009, 9:11:40 PM12/28/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Payme steps though the magical portal, that appears as a Door.

(OoC - New Thread for The DUNGEON. Please post there.)

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