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Natural Resource Conference Presentation

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Alison Reber

Dec 27, 2007, 2:03:51 PM12/27/07
to,,,, Sandy Sanders,
Hi, below is the presentation proposal I made for the first ever Kansas Natural Resources Conference.  The formal proposal review committee will meet next week but I've been given a soft acceptance.  The conference is in Wichita at the end of February.  We might be able to help with travel costs if someone would like to attend as a KVHA project partner.  -Alison

The Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance (KVHA) is public-private partnership organization in the Kansas (Kaw) River Valley.  Kansas StreamLink is KVHA's watershed education program.  Community education and engagement is critical for achieving sustainable and ongoing watershed restoration and protection.   KVHA provides technical and tactical support for community-based environmental protection projects. This presentation will explore how an urban camp is responding to a major sewer line construction project that impacted several streams and forested area.  The stream's riparian zone was significantly altered.  An adjacent meadow completely succumbed to mud under the heavy equipment.  The excavation process has altered the soil profile.   We'll look at the camp's pre-construction expectations, mid-construction reactions, and post-construction responses.  KVHA has loosely strung this and other projects together in order to highlight diverse approaches to conservation as well as the process of restoration. Additional project sites include a large one-year old reservoir backwaters wetland restoration, a one-year old stormwater detention area, a three year old vernal pond, and a high quality restored wetland complex with 30+ years of intensive management.   

Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance

Keep Up with KVHA at Dragonfly County


Dec 27, 2007, 6:12:54 PM12/27/07
to Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance
Congratulations, Alison! That's great!

- Stephanie

On Dec 27, 1:03 pm, "Alison Reber" <> wrote:
> Hi, below is the presentation proposal I made for the first ever Kansas
> Natural Resources Conference <>.  The
> formal proposal review committee will meet next week but I've been given a
> soft acceptance.  The conference is in Wichita at the end of February.  We
> might be able to help with travel costs if someone would like to attend as a
> KVHA project partner.  -Alison
> __________________________
> The Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance (KVHA) is public-private partnership
> organization in the Kansas (Kaw) River Valley.  Kansas StreamLink is KVHA's
> watershed education program.  Community education and engagement is critical
> for achieving sustainable and ongoing watershed restoration and protection.
> KVHA provides technical and tactical support for community-based
> environmental protection projects. This presentation will explore how an
> urban camp is responding to a major sewer line construction project that
> impacted several streams and forested area.  The stream's riparian zone was
> significantly altered.  An adjacent meadow completely succumbed to mud under
> the heavy equipment.  The excavation process has altered the soil profile.
> We'll look at the camp's pre-construction expectations, mid-construction
> reactions, and post-construction responses.  KVHA has loosely strung this
> and other projects together in order to highlight diverse approaches to
> conservation as well as the process of restoration. Additional project sites
> include a large one-year old reservoir backwaters wetland restoration, a
> one-year old stormwater detention area, a three year old vernal pond, and a
> high quality restored wetland complex with 30+ years of intensive
> management.    ________________________________
>   Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance
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