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Jan 7th - KVHA Strategic Planning

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Jan 2, 2008, 3:40:33 AM1/2/08
to Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance
Meeting Specs - Monday, January 7th at 1 PM at KVHA, 412 East 9th,

Extremely Brief Background:
Over the last few years we've had the benefit of funding that allowed
us to interweave grant obligations with partner support and new
project development. We've especially tried to focus attention on
stand alone partner projects that could be aligned to compliment each

Funding opportunities that presented themselves gave us a way to
advance projects that partners had been nudging forward for many

>The StreamLink Program was initially launched as a volunteer stream monitoring program but overtime we've developed several additional hands-on
educational endeavors.

>In developing the Upper Wakarusa Watershed Restoration and Projection Strategy (WRAPS) we were able to put into play KVHA's wholistic vision of watershed balance and diverse stakeholder cooperation.

Embedded in both these major grants were also the vehicles to maintain
partnerships, tie in legacy projects from past grants, and establish a
staff & operations.

There have been complicated changes in the grant program we've
previously been funded through. Unfortunately these changes have
impacted both StreamLink and the WRAPS as well as the partner project
starts we've been able to spin into the grants.

Thinking positively, being unfettered by grant obligations means we
have wide creative latitude. :)

I'm very much looking forward to everyone being together - many of you
meeting each other for the first time! This meeting is shaping up to
be quite a partner round table.

I believe this is the breathing room we need to collectively look at
how KVHA is functioning and to sew together critical needs with
project opportunities.


(Please reply to this discussion if you're planning on attending and
haven't already confirmed = THANKS!)


Jan 3, 2008, 6:19:38 AM1/3/08
to Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance
Still seeking "Lost Legends" of Dragonfly County ???

On Jan 2, 2:40 am, Alison <> wrote:
> Meeting Specs -  Monday, January 7th at 1 PM at KVHA, 412 East 9th,
> Lawrence.
> Extremely Brief Background:
> Over the last few years we've had the benefit of funding that allowed
> us to interweave grant obligations with partner support and new
> project development. We've especially tried to focus attention on
> stand alone partner projects that could be aligned to compliment each
> other.
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