Engineers Without Borders Project Competition

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Nov 13, 2007, 10:46:13 AM11/13/07
to Dragonfly County

Written by Jodi Gentry

Engineers Without Borders-KU is competing in a national contest to win
$20,000 with our "Wagering for Water: No Limit Texas Hold 'Em
Tournament" fundraiser!

What: The GrabLife GiveLife contest, sponsored by Dodge, is an online
competition where college students create, nominate and vote on
philanthropic events. Competition is fierce for the $20,000 grand
prize. The first event that receives $20,000 votes wins; lesser
prizes will be awarded to 2nd through 6th place as well.

Where: Online at

When: Voting started Sunday, October 21. You can vote every day!

Why: All winning student groups donate prize money to the non-profit
organization of their choice. EWB-KU will be donating to EWB-USA,
which will in turn help us fund future humanitarian projects performed
by our chapter. We're currently in the final application stages for a
project to establish a clean, reliable and safe water supply in Puerto
de Valle, Mexico- a small community of 2,250 people.

Engineers Without Borders-KU url

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