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Humanities Council Digital Short Proposal

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Nov 29, 2007, 9:06:58 PM11/29/07
to Dragonfly County
Greetings! I submitted a draft proposal to the Kansas Humanities
Council. Here's the project summary -

Project Summary
Focusing on the wetlands in the Wakarusa River Valley (especially the
historic Haskell/Baker Wetlands), a digital short will explore themes
cultural and environmental connectedness and change over the last 200
years conversion. The production will be influenced by the Wetland
Learners Project. The final product will be cross-promoted with a Kaw
Valley River Roots Book currently in production.

Google Groups doesn't allow links in the discussion posts'll
have to check out the next post to read and comment on the prop. KHC
will make comments and then we'll have until the middle of December to
submit a final proposal.

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