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2008 calendar - biology & biology education in Kansas

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Alison Reber

Feb 3, 2008, 9:04:35 PM2/3/08
from Stan Roth

Date: 9 January 2008
 Calendar dates  
Events Calendar for those that study and interpret biology in Kansas - 2008
19 Jan              KABT winter board meeting, Camp Williamson, Venango KS
21-23 Feb        Kansas Natural Resources Conference, combined meeting -  Airport Hilton, Wichita KS
                            1.  Great Plains Society of American Forestry
                            2.  Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams
                            3.  Kansas Chapter:  American Fisheries Society
                            4.  Kansas Chapter:  Soil and Water Conservation Society
                            5.  Kansas Chapter:  The Wildlife Society
                            6.  Kansas Section:  Society for Range Management
4 March            Kansas Nongame Wildlife Advisory Council, KDWP Hq., Topeka KS
17-23 March    Spring Break for Kansas Regents Schools
28-29 March    Kansas Academy of Science annual meeting, Emporia State Univ., Emporia KS
10-12 April       SouthWestern Association of Naturalists annual meeting, Memphis Univ., Memphis TN
19 April             Kansas Entomological Society annual meeting, Iowa State Univ., Ames IA
25-27 April       Kansas Assn. of Teachers of Science KATS Kamp, Rock Springs, KS  
25-27 April       Kansas Herpetological Society spring field trip, Parsons Lake KS
2-4 May            Kansas Ornithological Society spring field trip, Goodland KS
31 May              Kansas Assn. of Biology Teachers spring field trip, Ash Fall State Park, NB
20 Sept.            Kansas Assn. of Biology Teachers annual meeting [Land Institute, Salina KS?]
3-5 Oct.             Kansas Ornithological Society annual meeting, Ft. Hays State Univ., Hays KS
3-5 Oct.             Kansas Native Plant Society, Ft. Hays State Univ., Hays KS 
3-5 Oct.             Kansas Herpetological Society fall field trip, TBA
10-12 Oct.        Central Plains Society of Mammalogists annual meeting  
15-18 Oct.         Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education annual meeting, Wichita KS
7-9 Nov.            Kansas Herpetological Society annual meeting, Friends University, Wichita KS
2 Dec.                Kansas Nongame Wildlife Advisory Council, KDWP Hq., Topeka KS
For explanation and/or further information, please contact Stan Roth <>.  Also contact S.R. if you have other calendar events of interest to KS biology teachers, naturalists & biologists.

Stan Roth                       (h) 785/843-4764  
532 Oklahoma Street             (m) 785/691-6381
Lawrence, KS 66046-4834         (w) 785/864-1546     

Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance

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Events Calendar, Jan. 2008.doc
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