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Nature & Culture Poetry Series Update

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Alison Reber

Jan 14, 2008, 2:44:59 PM1/14/08
to RJBurkhart-Sunflower,
Here's the short of the long:

1 - Stephanie will be doing a radio interview with Hank Booth later this week re: the nature & culture poetry series
2 - Beth Schultz confirmed for the 28th of February & is willing to be recorded. 
3 - Lisa Eitner has made room arrangements  - Alderson Auditorium in the Union.
4 - Mark Crabtree is getting together a cost estimate for recording on the 28th.
5 - Beth is willing to meet with us to discuss how we could use poetry to augment some facet of Wetland Learners.  (After January 28th)

Stephanie Barrows Thu, Jan 10, 2008 at 5:09 PM
To: Elizabeth Schultz
Cc: Alison Reber & Eitner, Lisa

Dear Beth,

I hope all is going well with you, these days.  Are you doing more
traveling with your upcoming workshop preparations?

I've been busily writing, organizing poetry series and trying to
figure out my life's direction.  All of these seem to involve KVHA, at
this point; that's part of the reason I'm sending this message.

A few things:

February poetry performance at KU: Are you available to read on the
night of February 28th?  That's the fourth Thursday, which seems to
work best for the 3 months selected for the Nature and Culture series.
 Lisa Eitner (Oread Bookshop) informed me that Alderson Auditorium is
open for that date.

Would you mind if we digitally recorded your performance?  We are
seriously considering the option of creating a DVD with performers'
work on it.  It could also include music, still photos of visual
artwork, and video clips from the Wakarusa Wetland Learners project.

The idea is to create a multi-media product that supports the Arts and
Sciences AND the WWL project.  It would be a service to the
artists/writers who contribute work , b/c they could potentially
expand the audiences for their work.  Plus, new and experienced
artists/writers would have a "publication" to list on their resumés
and vitas.  I don't know if this could be utilized as a fund-raiser,
or not.  It depends on the cost and energy required for its creation
and distribution.

I plan to contact Mark Crabtree of KU Media Productions about the
details, this week.

Finally, Alison Reber and I would like to meet with you about adding a
stronger creative writing component to the WWL project.  In my mind,
it would involve more community outreach to the schools with a
possible connection to middle and high school –aged groups.  This
could result in a DVD (mentioned above) or a CD/CD-ROM.

We've also discussed the possibility of publishing a book with
participants' poems in it.  This could apply to the Nature and Culture
series (adults) and/or the WWL creative writing participants.

Either way, I would like to hear your input on these issues.  Please
let me know if you know other, KU-affiliated poets who could read
their (appropriately-themed) poetry on that date.

Thanks again for all your help, Beth!

Take care, and I hope to hear from you soon.



On 1/11/08, Elizabeth Schultz wrote:
> Thank you, Stephanie, for your ongoing good work in promoting and
> stimulating poetry happenings in our community! I would be very glad to
> read on February 28, and, no, I wouldn't mind being recorded. And, yes,
> I'd be glad to meet with you and Alison Reber to think of creative
> writing projects for kids--I can free up time after Jan. 28 if you can
> wait that long. Be well, Beth

On 1/11/08, Eitner, Lisa  wrote:
> Hi, Stephanie -
> I gather from reading this that Feb. 28 has been selected rather than Feb. 21. If so, I will cancel the alternate reservation I made for the Pine Room on Feb. 21.
> Mark Crabtree is interested to hear from you about what you have in mind for recording or filming.
> Have you heard anything further from Brian Daldorph?
> As soon as the major outlines of the event are decided, this will allow me to go ahead with ordering the advertising.
> Thanks,
> Lisa

Stephanie to Beth Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 6:11 PM

Thanks, Beth!  I will forward your message on to Alison Reber.

I've already found someone who is interested in applying my ideas -
combining mind-body awareness + exercise/movement, hands-on learning
in an outdoor environment (ethnoecology bent?) and creative
writing/art - to an elementary school/pre-school-age environment!  She
is the lead teacher at a Montessori school in North Lawrence.

THAT is very exciting.  But, first things first, as they say....

Talk with you soon,

Stephanie Ann Barrows

Stephanie to Lisa     Sat, Jan 12, 2008 at 6:21 PM
Hi, Lisa ~

Yes, it looks like 28 February is the official date for that month's
reading.  Brian is busy with other things in England.  He will be
returning on 15 Jan, if all goes as planned.  So, he will probably be
more geared up to help with the event after then.

I've already confirmed a grad student to read that night.  Brian
recommended him, and I have already read some of this guy's poetry:
it's quite good, I believe.

I will be doing an interview on 1320AM  (or 1230? I need to confirm
that.)  It will be with Hank Booth, who does a show on weekday
mornings.  I also have a meeting with Lori Tapahonso at HINU,
hopefully before the interview.  We'll see how it works out.

I plan on contacting people about production costs and options next week.

What kind of information will you need for advertising, at this point?
 Let me know.

Thanks for your continued support, and I will talk with you soon.

Have a great weekend,

Stephanie Ann Barrows
Lawrence Poetry Community
Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance


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