absolute image paths

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Jan 26, 2011, 4:57:29 AM1/26/11
to Dragonfly
I'm using dragonfly and wicked_pdf plugin in a rails 3.03 app.
Wicked_pdf transforms html views to pdf files with help of wkhtmltopdf

The problem: The html.pdf template needs absolute paths to all
resources (images, js, css).

Any chance to use wicked_pdf with dragonfly and his relative/absolut
image paths ("src=media/dksfh39f33dfd3249fDHF4545/image.png")?

Getting a solution for my problem I have two possibilities:

1. make dragonfly urls absolute, but dragonfly is a rack app (a route
in a rails app), I think it isn't possible, is it?

With ActionController::Base.asset_host I can make the urls remote

2. change code of wicked_pdf to allow remote images ( it's using
tempfile to create => https://github.com/mileszs/wicked_pdf/tree/master/lib

PS: prawn, an other pdf generator gem uses open-uri to open remote
images (https://github.com/sandal/prawn/blob/master/examples/graphics/

Any idea?

Nathan Hessler

Jan 26, 2011, 11:59:48 AM1/26/11
to dragonf...@googlegroups.com

I may not be understanding your question completely, but depending on my understanding I see 2 solutions. in your dragonfly config you can reset the url_path_prefix to be "/media/" which would give you an absolute path and if you need an absolute url then when you call for the url pass in the hostname like this: image.process(:whatever).url(:host => "http:/yourdomain.com/"). this should give you http://yourdomain.com/media/numbers_and_letters does that answer your question?



Jan 30, 2011, 2:37:50 PM1/30/11
to Dragonfly

I've already tested it with dragonfly url option. Here the code in the
index.pdf.erb file:

Here is the html view in debug mode of wicked_pdf:

All image src paths are absolute and calling /projects.pdf brings a
nice pdf file with google remote image (src=http://www.google.de/

But doing this :

<%= image_tag @players.image.thumb("320x240>").url(:host => prefix) #
=> same like in http://pastie.org/1512394

breaks the pdf generation (an endless request)

So is this a problem of dragonfly? Perhaps locking problem?

PS: Nathan Hessler, do you speak German?

Nathan Hessler

Jan 31, 2011, 11:25:31 AM1/31/11
to dragonf...@googlegroups.com
I don't speak german. sorry.  I'm also, not familiar enough with wicked_pdf to speak to many of the errors, but the urls work fine in html debug mode so I'm not really sure why the links wouldn't work in pdf mode. I did notice that the code you put in the email says @players.image and you probably want @player.image, but it was fine in the pastie link so I'm guessing that was just an email typo. do you have anymore debugging/log info you could pass along?


Jan 31, 2011, 1:11:38 PM1/31/11
to Dragonfly
hi nathan,

a new app version is online now, pdf generation works

But still the same problem in development mode on my pc.

I' have tested it also on 3 other computers. I have checked the source
code of wicked_pdf and the problem is in the pdf_from_file method into
the :
def pdf_from_string(string, options={})
command_for_stdin_stdout = "#{@exe_path} #{parse_options(options)}
-q - - " # -q for no errors on stdout
p "*"*15 + command_for_stdin_stdout + "*"*15 unless defined?
(Rails) and Rails.env != 'development'
pdf, err = begin
Open3.popen3(command_for_stdin_stdout) do |stdin, stdout,
[stdout.read, stderr.read]
rescue Exception => e
raise "Failed to execute #{@exe_path}: #{e}"
raise "PDF could not be generated!\n#{err}" if pdf and pdf.length
== 0

I always using thin to start rails apps on my local machine, but
because I did some code changes in the plugin I used shotgun gem.

I started my app with shotgun and got the pdf with only 2 of 4 images

That's the output in the console of shotgun:

"***************/home/neo/Projekte/wicked/bin/wkhtmltopdf-i386 -q
- - ***************"
(eval):3: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [i486-linux]

[2011-01-31 19:05:43] ERROR EOFError: end of file reached

So, I think it's not a wicked_pdf or dragonfly error? But a server

Any thoughts?

PS: And thats the output in the browser view by checking stdin of

RuntimeError in ProjectsController#index

PDF could not be generated!
Loading pages (1/5)
[> ] 0%
[======> ] 10%
[======> ] 11%
[======> ] 11%
[========> ] 14%
[=========> ] 16%
[==========> ] 18%
[============> ] 20%
[=============> ] 23%

That is the output of wkhtmltopdf in the command, so the tool can't
get all resources of the pdf.


Jan 31, 2011, 1:15:52 PM1/31/11
to Dragonfly
I have made a rails 3.0.3 app for testing.

Here's the link https://github.com/skeller1/dragonfly_wicked_pdf

The repo has two versions of wkhtmltopdf inside the bin folder.
Please choose the right version (i386 or amd64) in the wicked_pdf.er
in initializer folder:


Ryan Detert

Jan 31, 2011, 3:39:08 PM1/31/11
to dragonf...@googlegroups.com
I'm about to start doing some pdf generation myself in the next day or two. Before I started using Dragonfly I was using gem 'pdfkit', which I'll let you know how it works.

I cloned your repo and couldn't get it to work on my Mac  

/Users/ryan/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p330/lib/ruby/1.8/open3.rb:73:in `exec': Exec format error - /Users/ryan/tmp/dragonfly_wicked_pdf/bin/wkhtmltopdf-i386      -q - -  (Errno::ENOEXEC)

[ 530.400.3185 | aim: bruceius | @rdetert ]


Jan 31, 2011, 3:43:49 PM1/31/11
to Dragonfly
I have no experiences with wkhtmltopdf, but you need a mac version.

Here is the link



Jan 31, 2011, 3:45:53 PM1/31/11
to Dragonfly
sorry, I have no experiences with wkhtmltopdf under OSX, so good luck


Jan 31, 2011, 3:56:47 PM1/31/11
to Dragonfly
I already know pdfkit, but I don't want use a middleware and doing the
pdf routing for only a few controllers is not the right way in my
But in the end, I have already tested pdfkit and dragonfly and the
result is the same. wicked_pdf and pdfkit are using the same command
in the console. so there's no difference between both. Only the
registration process (middleware and action controller renderer)

Nathan Hessler

Feb 4, 2011, 11:50:53 AM2/4/11
to dragonf...@googlegroups.com

I'm not sure if thats a wicked_pdf or server issue, but I'm fairly certain it's not a dragonfly issue. I've been proven wrong many times before though. the reason I don't think it's a dragonfly issue is that I'm guessing the same url is build regardless and we know it works when used through the browser so maybe the pdf isn't building a proper request or something or the server is failing in some way. but if the url is the same across all cases then I find it unlikely to be dragonfly that is causing the error.
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