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Fibula fracture and physiotherapy treatment

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Dr Gholam Sarwar

Sep 2, 2021, 6:25:06 AM9/2/21
to Dr Sarwar Physiotherapy Centre

Fibula Fracture Physiotherapy.jpg

Physiotherapy in Dwarka can treat fibula fractures to ensure better walking. It is important to treat this type of condition as soon as possible to ensure optimal results.

What is the fibula?

The fibula is a long bone in the leg, parallel to the tibia, which connects the knee to the foot. These two bones are similar, although the fibula is much thinner.

Fractures of the fibula are sometimes associated with fractures of the tibia, but some injuries are unique to them. The isolated fracture of the external malleolus of the fibula is caused by a force that brings the foot into abduction (lateral deviation of the forefoot) and external rotation (eversion of the foot) causing an impact between the external malleolus (fibula). and the embankment.

The deltoid ligament located medially to the ankle can also be damaged, making the fracture unstable, explains the Best Physiotherapist in Dwarka.

Signs and symptoms of a fibula fracture

The fibula fracture usually presents with complete inability to weight the affected limb due to pain, localized pain in the external malleolus, swelling that appears quickly, bruising / bruising, and significant loss of muscle mass. amplitude in all movements at the ankle. A deformation (misalignment) can sometimes be visible. Morning stiffness may be reported due to swelling and increased pain during the night (inflammatory process), says the Physiotherapist in Dwarka.

Physiotherapy treatments in Dwarka

After the intervention of a doctor to ensure the reduction and immobilization of the fractured bone (plaster / splint / surgery), physiotherapy in Dwarka is essential to recover from a fractured fibula.

During immobilization, Physiotherapist in Janakpuri aims to control edema and pain, avoid complications (thrombophlebitis, complex regional pain syndrome, etc.), protect the ankle by not being loaded, maintain the amplitudes of hip and knee muscle movement and strength, ensure a safe walking pattern, maintain the person’s autonomy in transfers and movements, and maintain good cardiovascular condition.

During your first appointment, the physiotherapist in Janakpuri will do a complete evaluation not only of the affected limb but also of the adjacent joints, while paying attention to ensure that there are no complications during healing. Among other things, he could measure ranges of motion and assess muscle strength, depending on what is allowed with the stage of healing.

After immobilization (period of approximately 2 months), the physiotherapist can begin the rehabilitation of the affected limb while respecting the contraindications and precautions issued by the orthopaedist.

Different modalities can be used: advice on activity dosage, pain and inflammation management, use of a walking accessory; modalities to reduce pain and edema and promote the healing process; teaching flexibility, mobility, strengthening, motor control and weight-bearing exercises; manual orthopedic and soft tissue therapy techniques; correcting the pattern of walking and on the stairs, states the Physiotherapist in Uttam Nagar.

Among the possible interventions, there are different types of mobilizations, carried out by the Physiotherapist in Uttam Nagar or by the patient himself, which will be used to gradually regain the normal mobility of the affected limb. Gradual stretching and strengthening exercises adapted to the stage of healing will also be taught. Different advice, especially on pain and swelling management, will be given to help you better manage these inconveniences. As you heal, the exercises will become more and more targeted depending on the activities and sports you want to resume. Physiotherapy in Dwarka can help achieve your goals and return to your active lifestyle so that this fracture is just a bad memory!!

Recovery from a fibula fracture typically takes three to four months, after which it is possible to walk and walk up and down stairs normally, says the Physiotherapist in Dwarka.

Predisposed people

Although anyone can suffer a fibula fracture from some type of trauma, many people are more prone to it. Older people may be, as may people with osteoporosis or osteopenia, using steroids or drugs that decrease bone density over a long period of time, or having a history of ankle sprains or strains. other ankle or foot injuries.

Athletes may also be at greater risk of being affected by fibula fractures. If necessary, the sports physiotherapy services offered at Physiotherapy centre in Dwarka can help relieve these injuries during the practice of a sport at the recreational or professional level.

Our physiotherapy professionals at Physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka can establish specific rehabilitation treatments according to your condition. Do not hesitate to consult the Best Physiotherapist in Dwarka.

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