Please find my comments inline your proposal, also I updated the API requirements accordingly:
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Luca Deri
Sent: jeudi 11 décembre 2014 08:56
Subject: My view
Hi all,
sorry for the delay but the year end is always a rush. I think that in order to stick with the original goal we need to define an API. The initial proposal is good but it is mostly incomplete as 1. it has too many void* that makes is complicated to use as it leaves open too many options
[Harold LABRUYERE] It is important to work as much as possible with handles (or void *) and provide data accessor in order to ensure ABI compatibility easy to maintain. It is important to avoid specific structures as much as possible
2. it does not define a way to map “local protocols” to a static one. Example, if nDPI identified HTTP as protocol X and QoSMos as protocolId Y, the API must return for HTTP a single and uniform identifier. This because the app using the API should not be aware of any difference
[Harold LABRUYERE] I added this requirement in the configuration API.
3. I am open to define protocols in layers, so you can have TCP/HTTP/Facebook for instance
[Harold LABRUYERE] I think here, I would propose on one end a protocol part up to L7 : IP/TCP/HTTP then we have different type of potential informations
1) Application or Service : Facebook, Facebook Application. 0-n occurrences per flow
2) Client application : Vuze, Chrome, Botnet. 0-n occurrences per flow
3) Workflow information : "File Download", "Facebook Login". 0-n occurrences per flow
4) Category : "Networking", "P2P", "Video" : 0-n occurrences per flow
5) Content Delivery Network : "Akamai", "Google", "Microsoft"...
This said we need to move forward with the API. I don’t think google groups is good for that. If you have a github account or so, I can start pushing changes to the initial API
Regards Luca
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