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FW: the Deep Packet Inspection API Standardization Group

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Mar 5, 2015, 8:15:48 AM3/5/15

Dear group members,


Please welcome Akis onboard!


BTW, the group has been quiet lately, so don’t hesitate to provide/complete the API (github) and the specifications.


Best Regards,



From: Akis Kourtis []
Sent: jeudi 5 mars 2015 13:02
To: Franck BAUDIN
Subject: Re: the Deep Packet Inspection API Standardization Group




I am a research associate at NCSR Demokritos, the national research center of Greece,

and we are currently leading the FP7 project T-NOVA, which is about network function virtualization.

We are interested in following and contributing to the group, whenever that is possible, as we are currently developing a

virtualized solution, based on nDPI library, for the purposes of the project, but also researching on various virtualized network solutions. 

I have followed Qosmos work, and attended a presentation at the last OpenStack Summit in Paris.


Best Regards,


Akis Kourtis

Research Associate, NCSR Demokritos


On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 6:24 PM, Franck BAUDIN <> wrote:


Would it be possible to introduce yourself in order to join the group? Just few lines, thanks

Best Regards,

Franck Baudin
Senior Software Engineer – Advanced Technologies

Phone  +33 1 70 81 18 59
Fax  +33 1 40 37 00 02

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