We are running into issues with the bulk load of patients/practitioners. Any help/guidance would be terrific. See below:
"I am able to add a single patient, however, running into issues, such as timeouts for a bundles with 50 or more patients, and errors with both sample and /practitioner JSON data files. I have a python script that does this all.
Message for a successful patient load - sharing non PHI and anonymized sample data:
{'resourceType': 'Patient', 'id': 'b97746c1-56b1-4e9f-a6c2-5f267fe7b9e7', 'meta': {'lastUpdated': '2023-01-30T13:20:19.299+00:00', 'profile': ['
https://dpc.cms.gov/api/v1/StructureDefinition/dpc-profile-patient']}, 'identifier': [{'system': '
http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/us-mbi', 'value': '1SQ3F00AA00'}], 'name': [{'family': 'Smith', 'given': ['John']}], 'gender': 'male', 'birthDate': '1942-06-08', 'managingOrganization': {'reference': 'Organization/34c0e4d7-a62b-4e9a-8e17-eabe0cf3e6f9’}}
Error message when loading practitioner:
{'resourceType': 'OperationOutcome', 'id': 'bf4b0d033df493ad', 'issue': [{'severity': 'error', 'code': 'exception', 'diagnostics': 'HTTP 400 Bad Request'}]}
Error message when loading large bundle:
{'resourceType': 'OperationOutcome', 'id': 'da8c9126bf562b74', 'issue': [{'severity': 'fatal', 'details': {'text': 'java.io.IOException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 30000/30000 ms'}}]}