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Issues with bulk load

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Peter Hayward

Jan 31, 2023, 1:54:02 PM1/31/23
to Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community

We are running into issues with the bulk load of patients/practitioners.  Any help/guidance would be terrific.  See below:

"I am able to add a single patient, however, running into issues, such as timeouts for a bundles with 50 or more patients, and errors with both sample and /practitioner JSON data files. I have a python script that does this all.

Message for a successful patient load - sharing non PHI and anonymized sample data:

{'resourceType': 'Patient', 'id': 'b97746c1-56b1-4e9f-a6c2-5f267fe7b9e7', 'meta': {'lastUpdated': '2023-01-30T13:20:19.299+00:00', 'profile': ['']}, 'identifier': [{'system': '', 'value': '1SQ3F00AA00'}], 'name': [{'family': 'Smith', 'given': ['John']}], 'gender': 'male', 'birthDate': '1942-06-08', 'managingOrganization': {'reference': 'Organization/34c0e4d7-a62b-4e9a-8e17-eabe0cf3e6f9’}}

Error message when loading practitioner:

{'resourceType': 'OperationOutcome', 'id': 'bf4b0d033df493ad', 'issue': [{'severity': 'error', 'code': 'exception', 'diagnostics': 'HTTP 400 Bad Request'}]}

Error message when loading large bundle:

{'resourceType': 'OperationOutcome', 'id': 'da8c9126bf562b74', 'issue': [{'severity': 'fatal', 'details': {'text': ' java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 30000/30000 ms'}}]}

Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community

Feb 6, 2023, 3:43:12 PM2/6/23
to Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community

Hi Peter,

Thanks for writing! After our Engineering team looked into this, we have a few suggestions:

For the error loading practitioners:

  • We weren’t able to replicate this. Please double-check the JSON, and re-download a clean copy of the Postman Collection and try again.
  • Make sure to request practitioner and patient info in separate bundles.

Regarding the timeout error:

  • This may simply be a matter of the bundle size, please try limiting requests to smaller bundle requests.
  • While the Sandbox application wasn’t built to handle bulk requests of this size, this should not be an issue in the current Pilot Production environment.

Please let us know if you have further questions.


The DPC Team

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