Update on pause in DPC pilot onboarding

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Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community

Jun 6, 2023, 5:24:37 PM6/6/23
to Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community

Hello DPC community!

DPC is currently in a pilot with an initial group of participants. As an outcome of their collaboration and feedback, the DPC team is implementing an improved authorization and onboarding experience. During this process, we're pausing on issuing additional API credentials. We'll provide an update in July of 2023 with more information on the length of the pause and changes to the onboarding process. Here's how the temporary pause may affect community members:  

If you've requested access to the API and are waiting to onboard

If you've requested access to DPC, and we've confirmed receipt of your request, you'll keep your current place in the onboarding queue. We're excited to finish our new process. After it's completed we can welcome you into our community of active users.

If you're an existing pilot participant

You can keep using the API while onboarding is paused. We'll let you know if there are any re-authorization steps required of you. The onboarding enhancement is just one example of an improvement we've identified thanks to your participation.

If you're interested in DPC, but haven't requested access to the API

We'll provide updates both here and on the DPC website

We appreciate all of you for your participation, patience, and interest!


The DPC team

Maddy Blakeslee

Aug 1, 2023, 11:34:57 AM8/1/23
to Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community
Hi all - What is the new timeline for providing an update on the new process and access for existing requests?

Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community

Aug 1, 2023, 3:03:19 PM8/1/23
to Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community

Hello Maddy,

Thank you for your patience as we drafted the update which was recently posted here. The team will continue to provide updates through Google Groups and the Updates page of the dpc.cms.gov website.


The DPC Team

Please be careful not to share either Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as defined in the Privacy Act of 1974 or Protected Health Information (PHI) when communicating with our team via email or in our Google Group. In certain circumstances, CMS may ask you to provide a data file to assist us in troubleshooting a problem that you bring to our attention. In those instances, we will provide you with instructions for how to handle the transmission. 

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