401 error while requesting new job id for download

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aditi malvankar

Jul 14, 2023, 12:11:04 PM7/14/23
to Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community
Hello DPC team, 

We are getting 401 error while requesting new job id for download, please refer the attached error in this email. Can somebody help us with this?
401_DPC error.PNG

Aditi Malvankar

Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community

Jul 17, 2023, 8:23:45 PM7/17/23
to Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community
Hi Aditi,

Thanks for reaching out! Our team is working to get you a response and we'll get back to you shortly. 

The DPC Team

Please be careful not to share either Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as defined in the Privacy Act of 1974 or Protected Health Information (PHI) when communicating with our team via email or in our Google Group. In certain circumstances, CMS may ask you to provide a data file to assist us in troubleshooting a problem that you bring to our attention. In those instances, we will provide you with instructions for how to handle the transmission. 

Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community

Jul 18, 2023, 4:43:36 PM7/18/23
to Data at the Point of Care (DPC) Community

This user received a private message to troubleshoot their question.

For production users experiencing similar issues:

There are multiple reasons why DPC users may see 401 errors unexpectedly. Further documentation is forthcoming to explain some common scenarios, and ways that users can troubleshoot the issue on their end. In the meantime, you can report any such issues here, or reach out to dpc...@cms.hhs.gov.

Please be careful not to share either Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as defined in the Privacy Act of 1974 or Protected Health Information (PHI) when communicating with our team via email or in our Google Group. In certain circumstances, CMS may ask you to provide a data file to assist us in troubleshooting a problem that you bring to our attention. In those instances, we will provide you with instructions for how to handle the transmission. 
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