Khadas VIM3 with npu and parallel true/false

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Søren Hyltoft

Jun 24, 2024, 9:43:14 AM (14 days ago) Jun 24
to doubango-ai
Parallel seems to work, but npu do not!
Running benchmark with npu=true/false, produces these 2 listings.
The error seems to be "Serial number is empty. Required for Amlogic path mapping"
From the documentation: /assets/models.amlogic_npu/, the serial number should be in 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Serial' but it is empty.
But I can find it here: 'cat /proc/cpu_chipid' = 290b1000011117000017383333424250
So is it possible that the SDK should look for the serialnumber else where?

--positive /home/khadas/assets/images/lic_us_1280x720.jpg \
--negative /home/khadas/assets/images/london_traffic.jpg \
--assets /home/khadas/assets \
--npu_enabled false \
--parallel true \
--charset latin \
--loops 10 \
--rate 0.2

*[ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: Starting benchmark...
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine]Call: init
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine]jsonConfig: {"debug_level": "info","debug_write_input_image_enabled": false,"debug_internal_data_path": ".","gpgpu_enabled": true,"asm_enabled": true,"intrin_enabled": true,"max_latency": -1,"klass_vcr_gamma": 1.5,"detect_tf_gpu_memory_alloc_max_percent": 1.0,"recogn_tf_gpu_memory_alloc_max_percent": 1.0,"pyramidal_search_tf_gpu_memory_alloc_max_percent": 1.0,"detect_roi": [0, 0, 0, 0],"detect_minscore": 0.1,"pyramidal_search_enabled": false,"pyramidal_search_sensitivity": 0.28,"pyramidal_search_minscore": 0.8,"pyramidal_search_min_image_size_inpixels": 800,"recogn_minscore": 0.3,"recogn_score_type": "min","assets_folder": "/home/khadas/assets","charset": "latin","num_threads": -1,"recogn_rectify_enabled": false,"ienv_enabled": false,"openvino_enabled": false,"openvino_device": "CPU","npu_enabled": false,"trt_enabled": false,"asm_enabled": true,"intrin_enabled": true,"klass_lpci_enabled": false,"klass_vcr_enabled": false,"klass_vmmr_enabled": false,"klass_vbsr_enabled": false}
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine]**** Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Doubango Telecom <> ****
ultimateALPR-SDK <> version 3.13.2

*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Initializing [base] modules (v 1.0.0, nt -1)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] sizeof(compv_scalar_t)= #8
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] sizeof(float)= #4
*[COMPV INFO]: Initializing window registery
*[COMPV INFO]: [ImageDecoder] Initializing image decoder...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] H: 'Khadas VIM3', S: '', M: '', MN: ''
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU features: [arm];[arm64];neon;neon_fma;vfpv4;
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU cores: online=#6, conf=#6
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU cache1: line size: #64B, size :#0KB
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU Phys RAM size: #3700GB
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU endianness: LITTLE
*[COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/compv/base/compv_base.cxx' in function 'init' starting at line #195: Not optimized -> Your ARM OS is neither Android nor Raspberry Pi nor iOS nor NVIDIA Jetson. You may miss some optimizations. Let us know what's your OS.
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Binary type: AArch64
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Intrinsic enabled
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Assembler enabled
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Code built with option /arch:NEON
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] OS name: Generic Linux
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Math Fast Trig.: true
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Math Fixed Point: true
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVMathExp] Init
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Default alignment: #32
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Best alignment: #32
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Heap limit: #262144KB (#256MB)
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVParallel] Initializing [parallel] module...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=0,set=useless, threadId:0x7f83ab30a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=1,set=useless, threadId:0x7f832a30a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=2,set=useless, threadId:0x7f82a930a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=3,set=useless, threadId:0x7f822830a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=4,set=useless, threadId:0x7f81a730a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVThreadDispatcher] Thread dispatcher created with #6 threads/#6 cores
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=5,set=useless, threadId:0x7f812630a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVParallel] [Parallel] module initialized
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] [Base] modules initialized
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVCore] Initializing [core] module (v 1.0.0)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 1 and name = 'FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 8 and name = 'ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 27 and name = 'Sobel edge detector'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 28 and name = 'Scharr edge detector'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 29 and name = 'Prewitt edge detector'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 20 and name = 'Canny edge detector'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 30 and name = 'Hough standard (STD)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 31 and name = 'Kernel-based Hough transform (KHT)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 41 and name = 'Standard Histogram of oriented gradients (S-HOG)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVMatcher] Registering matcher factory with id = 0 and name = 'Brute force matcher'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVConnectedComponentLabeling] Registering connected component labeling factory with id = 1 and name = 'PLSL (Parallel Light Speed Labeling)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVConnectedComponentLabeling] Registering connected component labeling factory with id = 19 and name = 'LMSER (Linear Time Maximally Stable Extremal Regions)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVGL] Initializing [gl] module (v 1.0.0)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVGL] GL module initialized
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVGpu] Initializing [gpu] module (v 1.0.0)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVSharedLib] Loading shared library from
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVGpu] Failed to open CUDA lib
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVCamera] Initializing [camera] module (v 1.0.0)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] Initializing [drawing] module (v 1.0.0)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] /!\ No jpeg decoder found
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] Drawing module initialized
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVGpu] GPU enabled: true
*[COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/ultimateBase/lib/source/ultimate_base_engine.cxx' in function 'init' starting at line #75: Not optimized for GPU -> GPGPU computing not enabled or deactivated
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltBaseOpenCL] Trying to load []
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVSharedLib] Loading shared library from
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltBaseOpenCL] Failed to load []
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltOcrEngine] Tensorflow version: 1.12.3
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]**** Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Doubango Telecom <> ****
You're using an unlicensed version of ultimateALPR-SDK <>
without the rights to include the SDK in any form of commercial product.
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]IC took 0 millis
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] Enabling asm code
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] Enabling intrinsic code
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]recogn_tf_num_threads: 6, acceleration backend:
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVThreadDispatcher] Not optimized -> Your system have #6 cores but you're only using #4. Sad!!
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=0,set=useless, threadId:0x7f80a530a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=1,set=useless, threadId:0x7f802430a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=2,set=useless, threadId:0x7f7fa330a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVThreadDispatcher] Thread dispatcher created with #4 threads/#6 cores
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=3,set=useless, threadId:0x7f7f2230a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprRecognizer] TensorRT not enabled, do not create the plugin for the OCR model.
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltOcrRecognizer] Your OCR module is neither GPU nor NPU optimized.
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltOcrTensorflowSessionOptions] Alloc session with gpu_memory_alloc_max_percent = 100%
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltOcrRecognizer] OCR module backend: Tensorflow
*[COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/compv/base/compv_mem.cxx' in function 'CompVMemCopy_C' starting at line #985: Not optimized -> No SIMD implementation found. On ARM consider
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]*** Entering parallel process for job #0 ***
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine]Call: warmUp
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]*** Entering parallel delivery ***
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]*** Entering parallel process for job #1 ***
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]*** Entering parallel process for job #2 ***
*[COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_detector.cxx' in function 'process' starting at line #29: Not optimized -> Batching will not be activated for this function
*[COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/ultimateOCR/lib/source/ultimate_ocr_tensorflowlite_session_detect.cxx' in function 'process' starting at line #56: Not optimized -> Batching not supported for this function
*[COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/compv/base/intrin/arm/compv_mem_intrin_neon.cxx' in function 'CompVMemUnpack3_Intrin_NEON' starting at line #96: Not optimized -> ASM code faster
*[COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/compv/base/intrin/arm/compv_mem_intrin_neon.cxx' in function 'CompVMemUnpack3_Intrin_NEON' starting at line #96: Not optimized -> ASM code faster
*[ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: MyUltAlprSdkParallelDeliveryCallback::onNewResult(0, OK, 1): {"frame_id":2,"job_idx":0,"latency":0,"plates":[{"car":{"confidence":99.60938,"warpedBox":[78.40557,151.3893,1095.845,151.3893,1095.845,619.1255,78.40557,619.1255]},"confidences":[88.4746,99.60938,90.47166,90.48418,89.7915,90.56657,91.12022,90.56379,88.4746],"text":"3PEDLM*","warpedBox":[821.1327,337.2377,913.8901,337.2377,913.8901,397.0274,821.1327,397.0274]}]}
*[ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: MyUltAlprSdkParallelDeliveryCallback::onNewResult(0, OK, 2): {"frame_id":5,"job_idx":1,"latency":0,"plates":[{"car":{"confidence":99.60938,"warpedBox":[78.40557,151.3893,1095.845,151.3893,1095.845,619.1255,78.40557,619.1255]},"confidences":[88.4746,99.60938,90.47166,90.48418,89.7915,90.56657,91.12022,90.56379,88.4746],"text":"3PEDLM*","warpedBox":[821.1327,337.2377,913.8901,337.2377,913.8901,397.0274,821.1327,397.0274]}]}
*[ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: Elapsed time (ALPR) = [[[ 464.714943 millis ]]]
*[ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: result: {"duration":40,"frame_id":9,"latency":0}
*[ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: *** elapsedTimeInMillis: 464.714943, estimatedFps: 21.518568 ***
*[ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: Press any key to terminate !!
*[ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: Ending benchmark...

--positive /home/khadas/assets/images/lic_us_1280x720.jpg \
--negative /home/khadas/assets/images/london_traffic.jpg \
--assets /home/khadas/assets \
--npu_enabled true \
--parallel true \
--charset latin \
--loops 10 \
--rate 0.2

*[ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: Starting benchmark...
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine]Call: init
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine]jsonConfig: {"debug_level": "info","debug_write_input_image_enabled": false,"debug_internal_data_path": ".","gpgpu_enabled": true,"asm_enabled": true,"intrin_enabled": true,"max_latency": -1,"klass_vcr_gamma": 1.5,"detect_tf_gpu_memory_alloc_max_percent": 1.0,"recogn_tf_gpu_memory_alloc_max_percent": 1.0,"pyramidal_search_tf_gpu_memory_alloc_max_percent": 1.0,"detect_roi": [0, 0, 0, 0],"detect_minscore": 0.1,"pyramidal_search_enabled": false,"pyramidal_search_sensitivity": 0.28,"pyramidal_search_minscore": 0.8,"pyramidal_search_min_image_size_inpixels": 800,"recogn_minscore": 0.3,"recogn_score_type": "min","assets_folder": "/home/khadas/assets","charset": "latin","num_threads": -1,"recogn_rectify_enabled": false,"ienv_enabled": false,"openvino_enabled": false,"openvino_device": "CPU","npu_enabled": true,"trt_enabled": false,"asm_enabled": true,"intrin_enabled": true,"klass_lpci_enabled": false,"klass_vcr_enabled": false,"klass_vmmr_enabled": false,"klass_vbsr_enabled": false}
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine]**** Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Doubango Telecom <> ****
ultimateALPR-SDK <> version 3.13.2

*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Initializing [base] modules (v 1.0.0, nt -1)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] sizeof(compv_scalar_t)= #8
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] sizeof(float)= #4
*[COMPV INFO]: Initializing window registery
*[COMPV INFO]: [ImageDecoder] Initializing image decoder...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] H: 'Khadas VIM3', S: '', M: '', MN: ''
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU features: [arm];[arm64];neon;neon_fma;vfpv4;
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU cores: online=#6, conf=#6
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU cache1: line size: #64B, size :#0KB
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU Phys RAM size: #3700GB
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU endianness: LITTLE
*[COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/compv/base/compv_base.cxx' in function 'init' starting at line #195: Not optimized -> Your ARM OS is neither Android nor Raspberry Pi nor iOS nor NVIDIA Jetson. You may miss some optimizations. Let us know what's your OS.
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Binary type: AArch64
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Intrinsic enabled
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Assembler enabled
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Code built with option /arch:NEON
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] OS name: Generic Linux
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Math Fast Trig.: true
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Math Fixed Point: true
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVMathExp] Init
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Default alignment: #32
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Best alignment: #32
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Heap limit: #262144KB (#256MB)
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVParallel] Initializing [parallel] module...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=0,set=useless, threadId:0x7f931330a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=1,set=useless, threadId:0x7f929230a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=2,set=useless, threadId:0x7f921130a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=3,set=useless, threadId:0x7f919030a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=4,set=useless, threadId:0x7f910f30a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVThreadDispatcher] Thread dispatcher created with #6 threads/#6 cores
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVParallel] [Parallel] module initialized
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=5,set=useless, threadId:0x7f908e30a0, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] [Base] modules initialized
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVCore] Initializing [core] module (v 1.0.0)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 1 and name = 'FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 8 and name = 'ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 27 and name = 'Sobel edge detector'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 28 and name = 'Scharr edge detector'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 29 and name = 'Prewitt edge detector'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 20 and name = 'Canny edge detector'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 30 and name = 'Hough standard (STD)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 31 and name = 'Kernel-based Hough transform (KHT)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 41 and name = 'Standard Histogram of oriented gradients (S-HOG)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVMatcher] Registering matcher factory with id = 0 and name = 'Brute force matcher'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVConnectedComponentLabeling] Registering connected component labeling factory with id = 1 and name = 'PLSL (Parallel Light Speed Labeling)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVConnectedComponentLabeling] Registering connected component labeling factory with id = 19 and name = 'LMSER (Linear Time Maximally Stable Extremal Regions)'...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVGL] Initializing [gl] module (v 1.0.0)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVGL] GL module initialized
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVGpu] Initializing [gpu] module (v 1.0.0)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVSharedLib] Loading shared library from
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVGpu] Failed to open CUDA lib
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVCamera] Initializing [camera] module (v 1.0.0)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] Initializing [drawing] module (v 1.0.0)...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] /!\ No jpeg decoder found
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] Drawing module initialized
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]Line in /home/khadas/assets/models.amlogic_npu/supported_hardware.txt -> [Khadas VIM3]
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]Your hardware (Khadas VIM3) is registered in /home/khadas/assets/models.amlogic_npu/supported_hardware.txt
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVGpu] GPU enabled: true
*[COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/ultimateBase/lib/source/ultimate_base_engine.cxx' in function 'init' starting at line #75: Not optimized for GPU -> GPGPU computing not enabled or deactivated
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltBaseOpenCL] Trying to load []
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVSharedLib] Loading shared library from
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltBaseOpenCL] Failed to load []
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltOcrEngine] Tensorflow version: 1.12.3
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprPlugin] Loading plugin: /home/khadas/binaries/ ...
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVSharedLib] Loading shared library from /home/khadas/binaries/
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVSharedLib] Loaded shared lib: /home/khadas/binaries/
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]**** Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Doubango Telecom <> ****
You're using an unlicensed version of ultimateALPR-SDK <>
without the rights to include the SDK in any form of commercial product.
*[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate]IC took 0 millis
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] Enabling asm code
*[COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] Enabling intrinsic code
***[COMPV ERROR]: function: "UltimateBaseDebugPrint()"
file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/../../../ultimateBase/lib/include/ultimate_base_debug.h"
line: "51"
message: [[Check Code]]Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER) -> Serial number is empty. Required for Amlogic path mapping.
***[COMPV ERROR]: function: "UltimateBaseDebugPrint()"
file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/../../../ultimateBase/lib/include/ultimate_base_debug.h"
line: "51"
message: [[Check Code]]Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_INVALID_PARAMETER) -> PathToNPU failed
***[COMPV ERROR]: function: "UltimateBaseDebugPrint()"
file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/../../../ultimateBase/lib/include/ultimate_base_debug.h"
line: "51"
message: [UltAlprSdkEngine]Failed to initialize the engine
****[ULTALPR_SDK FATAL]: function: "main()"
file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dist/samples/c++/benchmark/benchmark.cxx"
line: "310"
message: Assertion failed!

Mamadou DIOP

Jun 24, 2024, 9:58:05 AM (14 days ago) Jun 24
to Søren Hyltoft, doubango-ai
Run uname -a and share output

Sent from my iPhone

On 24 Jun 2024, at 13:43, Søren Hyltoft <> wrote:

Parallel seems to work, but npu do not!
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Søren Hyltoft

Jun 25, 2024, 2:38:01 AM (13 days ago) Jun 25
to doubango-ai
SBC is VIM3 pro with SoC = A311D
Ubuntu 22.04 server installed.

:~$ cat /proc/cpu_chipid
Serial:          290b1000011117000017383333424250
Hardware:        Khadas VIM3

:~$ uname -a
Linux Khadas 5.15.119 # SMP PREEMPT Thu Jun 20 09:22:43 CST 2024 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Mamadou DIOP

Jun 25, 2024, 3:47:55 AM (13 days ago) Jun 25
to Søren Hyltoft, doubango-ai

Søren Hyltoft

Jun 25, 2024, 4:37:51 AM (13 days ago) Jun 25
to doubango-ai
Okay thanks.
Should we address this issue to Khadas, and ask if they would implement support for NPU in latest Ubuntu OS, or is it simply because UltimateALPR don't look for the serial number the right place?
It would be nice to be able to use the latest OS.

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