Using Extradata from Authorization Endpoint and getting it at Token endpoint.

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Chinmaya Padhi

Sep 23, 2014, 9:09:21 AM9/23/14
Hi , 

I am using DNOA for OAuth implementation in the webapplication. I am trying to send some extra data in the below method 

Public Function ApproveAuthorizationRequest(request As OAuth2AuthorizationRequest, userID As Guid) As OAuth2AuthorizationResponse

If request Is Nothing Then

Throw New ArgumentNullException("request")

End If

Dim userAuthorizationRequest As OAuth2UserAuthorizationRequest = TryCast(request, OAuth2UserAuthorizationRequest)

Dim userName As String = Environment.User.UserName

If Not New Guid(Environment.User.ID) = userID Then

userName = CStr(New QueryBuilder(Connection, "UserName", "Users", "ID").QueryDatabase(DatabaseTypes.Hosting, EDLQueryOptions.SingleValue, userID))

End If

If Not CheckAsVascoUser(userName) Then

userAuthorizationRequest.Message.ExtraData.Add("Vasco", "RefreshTokenNeeded")


userAuthorizationRequest.Message.ExtraData.Add("Vasco", "RefreshTokenNotNeeded")

End If

Dim authorizationReponse As EndUserAuthorizationSuccessResponseBase = AuthorizationServer.PrepareApproveAuthorizationRequest(userAuthorizationRequest.Message, userName)

Dim response As New OAuth2AuthorizationSuccessResponse(AuthorizationServer.Channel, authorizationReponse)

' Persist the relation in the Database

Dim qb As QueryBuilder = OAuth2Queries.OAuthClientAuthorizedByUser(Connection)

If qb.QueryDatabase(DatabaseTypes.Hosting, EDLQueryOptions.SingleRow, New Object() {userID, request.Client.Id}) Is Nothing Then

' It is not necesarry to set the user on the business component because it is set by default

Dim ocu As New OAuthClientUserBC(Environment)


ocu.UserID.Value = userID

ocu.OAuthClient.Value = request.Client.Id


End If

Return response

End Function


And then try to get the extra data in the CreateAccessToken method 


Function CreateAccessToken(accessTokenRequestMessage As IAccessTokenRequest) As AccessTokenResult Implements IAuthorizationServerHost.CreateAccessToken

Dim accessToken As New AuthorizationServerAccessToken()

accessToken.Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Environment.Setting(Core.SettingType.General, "OAuthAccessTokenLifetime", 10))

accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey = CreateAuthorizationServerSigningKey()

accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = CreateResourceServerEncryptionKey()

If accessTokenRequestMessage.ExtraData.ContainsKey("Vasco") Then

Dim vascoExtraParam As String = accessToken.ExtraData.Item("Vasco")

'Do not send refresh tokens for vasco users. Decided as a security for them.

If vascoExtraParam = "RefreshTokenNeeded" Then

Return New AccessTokenResult(accessToken) With {.AllowRefreshToken = False}

End If

End If

Return New AccessTokenResult(accessToken)

End Function

Please share how can i get the extra data from the authorization endpoint to the token access endpoint.

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