InstallerLinker not installing .NET 4.6.1

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David Thielen

Feb 6, 2020, 6:33:51 PM2/6/20
to dotnetinstaller

We are using InstallerLinker to build an install.exe that first installs any prerequisites. We have the below to tell it to install .NET 4.6.1 if it's not on a system. But it's not doing so. It seems to think it's installed (it's not).

Do we need to do something else/different?

thanks - dave

    <component executable="#CABPATH\dotnetfx461setup.exe" executable_silent="" executable_basic="" install_directory="" responsefile_source="" responsefile_target="" responsefile_format="none" uninstall_executable="" uninstall_executable_silent="" uninstall_executable_basic="" uninstall_responsefile_source="" uninstall_responsefile_target="" returncodes_success="" returncodes_reboot="" exeparameters="" exeparameters_basic="" exeparameters_silent="" uninstall_exeparameters="" uninstall_exeparameters_basic="" uninstall_exeparameters_silent="" disable_wow64_fs_redirection="False" id="dotnetfx461setup.exe" display_name=".NET 4.6.1 Install" uninstall_display_name="" os_filter="" os_filter_min="" os_filter_max="" os_filter_lcid="" type="exe" installcompletemessage="" uninstallcompletemessage="" mustreboot="False" reboot_required="" must_reboot_required="False" failed_exec_command_continue="" allow_continue_on_error="True" default_continue_on_error="False" required_install="True" required_uninstall="True" selected_install="True" selected_uninstall="True" note="" processor_architecture_filter="" status_installed="" status_notinstalled="" supports_install="True" supports_uninstall="False" show_progress_dialog="True" show_cab_dialog="True">
        <installedcheck path="Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4" fieldname="Install" fieldvalue="0" defaultvalue="False" fieldtype="REG_DWORD" comparison="key_exists" rootkey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" wowoption="NONE" type="check_registry_value" description="Installed Check: .NET 4.0"/>
        <installedcheck path="Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" fieldname="Version" fieldvalue="4.6.1" defaultvalue="False" fieldtype="REG_SZ" comparison="version_ge" rootkey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" wowoption="NONE" type="check_registry_value" description="Installed Check: .NET 4.6.1"/>
        <downloaddialog dialog_caption=".NET Distribution 4.6.1 - Download" dialog_message="Press 'Start' to download the .NET Framework distribution (required)" dialog_message_downloading="Downloading ..." dialog_message_copying="Copying ..." dialog_message_connecting="Connecting ..." dialog_message_sendingrequest="Sending request ..." autostartdownload="True" buttonstart_caption="Start" buttoncancel_caption="Cancel">
            <download componentname="Download File" sourceurl="" sourcepath="" destinationpath="#CABPATH" destinationfilename="dotnetfx461setup.exe" alwaysdownload="True" clear_cache="False"/>

Rami AbuGhazaleh

Feb 6, 2020, 8:52:50 PM2/6/20
to dotnetinstaller
Create a log file during installation.

What data is in the registry values in those registry paths you specified to check if .NET 4.6.1 is installed?

Thank you.

David Thielen

Feb 10, 2020, 1:15:18 PM2/10/20

Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately, we created a fresh Windows install on a VM and installed .net 4.6 to verify our installer would then install 4.6.1.


But this puts in a Release value of 394271 which is not in the list on the Microsoft site and is greater than the 4.6.1 value of 394254.


Any idea what’s going on here?


Thanks – dave


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Rami AbuGhazaleh

Feb 10, 2020, 1:53:57 PM2/10/20
to dotnetinstaller
394271 is listed in the link to the article I had provided.

What does the dotNetInstaller log file indicate?

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David Thielen

Feb 10, 2020, 2:05:46 PM2/10/20

Sorry, yes you’re right. I went straight to the table which was a mistake.

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