Radio Programmes

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Jun 10, 2008, 6:05:57 AM6/10/08
to Dost Fm Amoral
Radio Programmes


Part of the Honour-Related Violence Project involves the production of
a radio programme intended for young people. Programmes are mainly in
Kurdish, but according to the situation we will broaden the scope of
our programmes so as to reach other groups that the programme contents
concern. The programmes may also include sections in Finnish, if
necessary. Programme broadcasts will be made via the local station
Lähiradio, which broadcasts in the capital area. In the future it will
be possible to listen to our programmes online from our website.


The main aim of the radio programme is to support the Honour-Related
Violence Project. The radio programme works as a kind of virtual
bridge between the project’s target group and those who carry it out.
The radio programmes deal with all issues to do with honour-related
violence that concern young people. The main themes of the programmes
are to do with equality between men and women, dealing with family
problems affecting young people and informing young people about their
rights and responsibilities from the angle of gender equality. It’s
important that the language of the programmes is as straightforward
and clear as possible.

Youth problems, particularly those confronting girls, are one
aspect of the difficulties facing families. Because of this, it’s
important that the programmes convey the right messages to parents.
The point of the programmes is not just to inform, but to stimulate
discussion within society by dealing with issues that are sensitively
compiled and presented.

Preparing programmes:

The programmes do not aim simply to offer a one-sided service for
young people. To realise the aims of the broadcasts it’s important
that they are themselves included in preparing the programmes. Those
interested in the project can take part in the different stages of
producing the programmes. The nature of the programme’s contents is
such that it’s possible to prepare the broadcasts either one one’s own
or in a team. The project director acts as a coordinator in this
process. But despite the flexible working methods used in devising
programmes, their production is carried out in a precise and planned
way. The key aim of transferring responsibility to the young
participants is that by taking charge of issues related to equality
they will also become interested in pursuing them in the future. The
process of programme making will become a type of self-training for
those taking part in it.

Programme contents:

The programme contents will be as diverse as possible, within the
limits of radio. The programmes deal with different aspects equality
issues. The issue of equality as a universal challenge offers much
scope to take up a range of questions regardless of time or place.
However, there are also specific areas that need to be addressed

Programmes contain both news and reports. They cover the following:

* Coverage of women’s activities both in Finland and abroad
* News coverage of cases involving violence
* Reports on the successful work of individual women and women’s
* Information on upcoming events, such as conferences and
* Information on available training opportunities and employment
* Reports on the latest research on equality issues.
* News about the work of the Honour-Related Violence Project.
* Programmes about the family problems of young Kurds living in
* Discussions about the challenges facing movements promoting
equality, particularly in the Middle East.
* Interviews

In addition to these programmes we intend to open a phone line to
have direct contact with young people, especially girls, and those
actors whose expertise we draw on when needed.

Successful radio depends on live programming. This is a challenge
that we have to be prepared for – and as with similar activities, the
precondition for successful radio programmes is the existence of an
active and critical audience. In overcoming challenges it’s important
to forge a creative relationship with listeners – the programmes’
target audience. Broadcasts via internet are one way that will help
broaden our communications network.

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