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adding meat birds to genetics?

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Jul 20, 2010, 3:15:31 AM7/20/10
to Dorkings in Australia
Hi just read a number of people talking about crossing meat chickens
to " improve the standared" ie, bigger frames etc. Personally i think
this would be a tragic mistake as it looses the hundreds of years of
selective breeding that has been done.


Jul 21, 2010, 10:38:43 PM7/21/10
to Dorkings in Australia
A while ago I toyed with the idea of the broiler outcross to try and
increase the size, but decided against it. Did I really want indian
game shaped Dorkings with no stamina or mobility, no disease
resistance and poor fertility? I'm working on improving size with the
help of a set of scales. I admit I'm a bit obsessive about weighing my
birds, but it gives me something concrete to use when choosing the
culls and the keepers. And it does work, slowly they are getting
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