David W Van Ness
unread,Dec 4, 2009, 5:55:33 PM12/4/09Sign in to reply to author
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to dorkb...@googlegroups.com
Dear Dorkbotters and all that follow the dorkbot group,
I need lecturers for a kinetic/interactive sculpture class at UNT. I
need experts in a specific area, someone that could run a workshop and
or do a though job of talking about a specific subject when it comes
to electronic kinetic sculpture or similar fields. I don't know what
type of budget if any I can offer. I'd be happy to pay with my
stacking cows, my good word or whatever else I you might want to
barter. I cannot offer anything from the school or my co-teacher
David Hanson. Let me know if there are any interested parties and
what you might be able to talk about.
The Class is Tuesday/Thursday 8:00-10:50 and at UNT.
David Van Ness