Dorchester Illustration 2241 Washington at Dorchester Heights

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Earl Taylor

Mar 20, 2016, 6:45:52 AM3/20/16

Dorchester Illustration no. 2241


The American patriot troops fortified Dorchester Heights the night of March 4, 1776.  As a result on March 17, 1776, the British evacuated from Boston.  Today's illustration is Gilbert Stuart's portrait of George Washington at Dorchester Heights.  The significance of the battle that didn't happen is that European powers began to understand that the English could be resisted, and in time support was obtained to aid in fighting England.  After the evacuation, the action of the American Revolution moved south to the mid-Atlantic sttes.



Later today at 2:00 p.m., the Dorchester Historical Society presents a program about Dorchester Heights.


Mrs. Baker shares memories of the first Evacuation Day.  -- March 20, 2016, 2 pm, at the William Clapp House, 195 Boston Street



Celebrate Evacuation Day.  Come to hear Mittie Clapp Baker talk about her reminiscences of the events leading up to the fortification of Dorchester Heights and how that fateful night resulted in the British being forced to give up their occupation of Boston without a shot being fired.  Through the magic of time travel, Submit Baker (born Submit Clapp) will share her memories about events and people and Dorchester life in the second half of the 18th century.



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2241 Washington at Dorchester Heights by Gilbert Stuart.jpg
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