DoorDash gift card hack **[GET!] Free DoorDash gift card generator

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A hack on food-delivery service DoorDash leaked the personal data of 4.9 million customers, delivery workers, and merchants, the organization revealed on Thursday.

The breach took place on May 4, but DoorDash officials didn't learn of it until earlier this month if they noticed unusual activity involving an unnamed third-party service provider. That's what DoorDash says in post, which began: "We take the security of our community very seriously." Data obtained by the attacker could include names, email addresses, delivery addresses, order histories, phone numbers, and cryptographically hashed and salted passwords.

Also exposed were the last four digits of customers' payment cards and the last four digits of delivery workers' and merchants' bank accounts. Drivers license numbers for about 100,000 delivery workers were also accessed.

DoorDash doesn't have evidence to point individuals who joined the service after April 5, 2018, had their data taken. The 4.9 million figure includes just a percentage of users who joined on or before that date. The business said it's along the way of directly notifying those affected