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8 Day Countdown to the Final Round

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Lee Zapp Jr.

Jun 22, 2011, 6:47:08 PM6/22/11
The Texas House of Representatives passed HB 3 June 16, 2011 by 99 to 41.
The Texas Senate passed CSHB 3 today, June 22, 2011 by 29 to 0.
Each of these bills was considered almost the same as bills passed by each chamber near the end of the Regular Session.  Each bill is sponsored by the Committee Chairman in that chamber.  Each sponsor has pledged to stand up for his colleagues in the expected conference committee.  There are many differences between the bills, but the one primary distinguishing difference is that the Senate bill retains access to a trial by a local jury for settlement of a dispute against the insurer, Texas Windstorm Insurance Association [TWIA].
An interesting Senatorial courtesy was extended to Chairman John Corona, sponsor of CSHB 3, and Chairman of the Senate Business and Commerce Committee.  He asked for the strength of a unanimous vote, and agreement not to amend the bill passed out of his committee.  Three Senators had filed amendments, but withdrew them in trust of Senator Corona to include the amendment concepts in the conference committee process.
Senator Troy Fraser offerred SB 44, which had been co-authored by 20 Senators, as an amendment.  It would have required closing TWIA as soon as practicable.  Fraser withdrew the amendment upon the statement by Corona that this life changing idea would be given the study it needed and deserved by the Legislative Interim Committee created in both Houe and Senate bills.
The House is expected to appoint 5 conferees Friday, June 24, 2011, after which the Senate will appoint its 5 conferees.  Those 10 Members will attempt to reconcile the differences in the bills to achieve one bill with which a majority of each chamber's conferees will concur.  The Special Session ends Thursday, June 30, 2011 at midnight.
Posted June 22, 2011 by Coastal Windstorm Insurance Coalition [CWIC}, 4800 Seawall Boulevard, Galveston, TX 77551, Ph#409-744-6655, Lee Otis Zapp, Jr., Chair.
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