Text-transform causes missing characters in DomPDF export

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Ruxed LLC

Oct 13, 2015, 6:14:14 PM10/13/15
to dompdf
According to https://code.google.com/p/dompdf/wiki/CSSCompatibility, "text-transform" is supported.

In testing, when we use text-transform (such as uppercase, lowercase, and capitalize), it causes the characters that would be affected to disappear or display a "missing character box".

Attached are 4 example files:
  • text-transform not defined (works: all characters displaying as intended)
  • text-transform: lowercase (issue: uppercase letters transformed to lowercase not displaying)
  • text-transform: uppercase (issue: lowercase letters transformed to uppercase not displaying)
  • text-transform: capitalize (issue: lowercase letters transformed to uppercase not displaying)
We are using dompdf version 0.6.1.

Any help greatly appreciated!



Oct 13, 2015, 6:35:06 PM10/13/15
to dompdf
FYI the wiki is now maintained here: https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf/wiki/CSSCompatibility

Perhaps this is a font subsetting issue? Do you have the same effect when font subsetting is disabled?

I can't quite reproduce your exact problem, though I am seeing some other issues in 0.6.1. The upcoming 0.7.0 release appears to have addressed some of the text-transform issues.

Ruxed LLC

Oct 15, 2015, 1:11:26 AM10/15/15
to dompdf
It was indeed a font subsetting issue (it's been so long since installing DomPDF that we had forgotten that setting option). Font subsetting was turned on. When font subsetting was turned off, text-transform worked perfectly. Thanks!

For those of you reading this down the road when troubleshooting your own text-transform issues: We did notice a 30MB file size increase on a test book with 200 different font families with all 4 fonts within each family declared. That said, we expect the normal book created using www.rpgbard.com to increase in size 100k to around 1MB at most as most roleplaying game books only use 3-15 font families at most in our review of RPG books. My take on the switch to no font subsetting is that this is not much of a file size increase in exchange for being able to use text-transforms, which makes our product much more viable when switching cover and interior game "systems" and design "themes" as users will not have to retype all their headers, or other text, that may be styled "uppercase" or not depending on which system and theme they have selected. From a usability standpoint, this is definitely a step forward.

Once again, thanks for your help!

Shyloh Wideman, Creative Director
Ruxed LLC
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