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Screen edge detection with content updates that change tooltip size

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Jun 19, 2008, 5:21:28 AM6/19/08
to DOM Tooltip Library

I am wondering if there is a way to make a tooltip recalculate its
position after its content size has changed.
Here is why:

I am using domTT (version 0.7.3) to create complex tooltips whose
content is fetched via an asynchronous request from the server (AJAX).
I proceed as follows:
1) activate the tooltip ( domTT_activate ), with a certain delay and a
content that indicates "work in progress". The root node of the
content is a DIV with a unique id.
2) get the info I need from the server
3) update the tooltips content (via manipulation of the DOM of the DIV
I have passed in at step 1).

This works just fine, except for screen edge detection, because the
size of the content is changing at step 3.

Because the content is of variable size, I would like to avoid setting
a fixed height and thought, it might be possible to tell the tip to
recompute its position.

Thanks in advance for any help,

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