ASP.NET & domTT.

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Mar 28, 2007, 9:59:21 AM3/28/07
to DOM Tooltip Library

I have started to use the domToolTip library and am very very
impressed. I have used it in an ASP.Net (2) application and it does
about 98% of what I want. but....... it's a showstopper of a

I have wrapped up the call to the domTT_activate method from a Success
method of an ASP.NET AJAX client script (i.e. the method that executes
on the web services return) and the tip should be created to display
some details relating to a record in the database. The code stack is
triggered from the onmouseover event from an infragistics ultrawebgrid
(on the client side), calls the web service and on its return the tip
is created. I have obviously added code to the onmouseout event to
kill the tip. The problem comes when moving down the column which is
set to trigger the mouseover event. If I hover over row 1 the tip is
correctly displayed. If I hover down over row 2 all is well. If I
move the mouse through row 3 and stop to hover over row 4 then the tip
displayed is the data for row 3. See it is a bit of an issue.
Obviously it is not a problem if the user moves out of the trigger
column and back into a cell in the rigger column.

Any help, ideas or general insults would really be appreciated. I'm
at a loss on this and it is something I really do want to resolve.

Many thanks in advance.


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