Issues with network drive and playing video files

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Sep 7, 2016, 7:27:45 PM9/7/16
to Dokan

I am using dokany v1.0.0-rc4 on Win7 x64 and am facing some issues when mounting dokan volumes as network drives with mirror.exe.

My initial issue was that the network drive was showing up as 'not connected' after using the following command to mount the drive: mirror.exe /r c:\tmp /l z /n
I also tried that which did not solve the issue: mirror.exe /r c:\tmp /l z /n /u \Dokan\mirror

Later, I decided to uninstall and reinstall dokany v1.0.0-rc4 just to see if by any chance it would solve the problem.
Now, if I mount the drive without the /u option, the windows explorer crashes, which is obviously a problem...
The good thing is that after having manually copied the dokannp1 dll to the windows system folder and with the /u option, the network drive shows up as connected.

I don t know why reinstalling changed the behavior and if it is expected to have to copy the dokannp1 dll to the system folder?

Anyhow, my main question is about playing video files. For some reason, this does not work when mounting a network drive with mirror.exe (it works when it is a local drive). I tried with both the windows media player and vlc. None of these players work.
The windows media player does not report any error. Vlc reports 'bad file descriptor' errors.

Is that a known issue?



Sep 8, 2016, 1:58:03 AM9/8/16
to Dokan
Hi Gabriel,

When the device is mounted and showed as 'not connected' it means that dokannp1.dll was not correctly registered.
Moving it to windows system folder without registering it with dokanctl (dokanctl.exe /r n) should also make no difference.

Reinstalling have probably run correctly dokanctl.exe /r n and fixed your issue.

So as I understood, you crashed explorers by running:

mirror.exe /r c:\tmp /l z /n /u \Dokan\mirror
mirror.exe /r c:\tmp /l z /n <- crash ?

About playing video files, I am not aware that there is an issue with network drive. I know that some people are already doing it without issues.
I will try to play a video with vlc on the mirror with network option when I get time.

Best regards,


Sep 8, 2016, 1:25:38 PM9/8/16
to Dokan

Yes, if I run mirror.exe with the /n param but without /u, the explorer crashes.
I also just noticed that this crash does not happen anymore after removing the network provider with 'dokanctl.exe /r n' but in that case the network volume is 'not connected'.
And if I install the network provider back with dokanctl /i n and retry, it crashes.

I suppose that having the requirement to pass a UNC name is fine and maybe mirror.exe should just refuse /n if /u is not passed.

But again, my main problem is that video files cannot be played on a mirror network volume. I tried to uninstall/reinstall the driver and network provider with no change: video files just cannot be played. It only works with local volumes.



Sep 8, 2016, 2:39:39 PM9/8/16
to Dokan

There is probably a crash that happen in dokannp1.dll that make your explorer crash also.
I don't have my Win7 with me so will do the test in the next days.
But are you able to build the dokannp1.dll from the source, register it and debug to see where the crash is ?

/u is UNC name for network option. Network option can work without UNC name but UNC cannot without network option.
The behaviour you have should not happen.

I succeed to play files (audio and video) on Win10 without issue with network option BUT I tested with UNC name and I got the same error as you.
>mirror.exe /r C:\Users /l m /n /u \localhost\myfs /d /s
By the log, when we try to read the file from \\localhost\myfs\liryna\Desktop\video.divx 
VLC try to open C:\Users\liryna\Desktop\myfs\liryna\Desktop\video.divx that fail obviously

I have create an issue releated to it here:

Thank you for the report Gabriel !


Sep 9, 2016, 5:26:53 AM9/9/16
to Dokan

I don t have a dev environment on the win7 system where I am facing the problem. I usually work mostly on linux.
Just let me know if you don t reproduce the problem and I ll temporarily install the dev env on my win7.



Sep 9, 2016, 9:24:31 AM9/9/16
to Dokan
It is alright :)
I have been able to reproduce the issue and fixed it here

Thanks for the report !
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