Dokan Dotnet SQL New Folder

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corey gashlin

Jul 23, 2021, 3:33:08 PM7/23/21
to Dokan
Hello all - 

I am using Dokan DOTNET. I have it hooked into MSSQL and it is working with listing files and directories. 

However, In testing I have it set to a empty directory and it displays but when I double click to open it. I want it to go to an empty space for me to put files into etc... However it just seems to navigate to the main root drive I have. My files open up correctly just not my directories. 

Any advice would be appreciated. 
I do plan on sharing this project once completed as I am working on a virtual file system with integration of WebDav/SqlLite and MSSQL. Online/Offiline file system. 

Thank You,

Adrien JUND

Jul 23, 2021, 4:34:02 PM7/23/21

Could you explain how you are using dokan and share maybe some code ?
It feels like you are using the dokan mirror sample that mirrors the root drive into a folder.

Best regards,

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corey gashlin

Jul 26, 2021, 10:41:11 AM7/26/21
to Dokan
So this is my test enviorment. I looked at the mirror code example as well as a few others for this. My biggest thing at the moment is just trying ot navigate to a folder or an empty folder.. Since I am deriving my file structure from a SQL DB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DokanNet;
using DokanNet.Logging;
using static DokanNet.FormatProviders;
using static DriveMap.ProgressBar;
using FileAccess = DokanNet.FileAccess;

namespace DriveMap
    class OCIDOKAN : IDokanOperations

        public static string directoryStr;
        private Dictionary<String, FileCaching> FileCache = new Dictionary<String, FileCaching>();

        private const FileAccess DataAccess = FileAccess.ReadData | FileAccess.WriteData | FileAccess.AppendData |
                                            FileAccess.Execute |
                                            FileAccess.GenericExecute | FileAccess.GenericWrite |

        private const FileAccess DataWriteAccess = FileAccess.WriteData | FileAccess.AppendData |
                                                   FileAccess.Delete |
        string ConnectionString;

        private ConsoleLogger logger = new ConsoleLogger("[OCIDOKAN] ");

        public OCIDOKAN()
            ConnectionString = "Data Source=;User ID=ocisql;Password=Emagdne1212";

        public void Cleanup(string fileName, IDokanFileInfo info)
            Console.WriteLine("Cleanup Stage 1");

        public void CloseFile(string fileName, IDokanFileInfo info)

        public NtStatus CreateFile(string fileName, DokanNet.FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes, IDokanFileInfo info)
            var result = DokanResult.Success;
            var filePath = GetPath(fileName);

            if (info.IsDirectory)
                    switch (mode)
                        case FileMode.Open:
                            if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
                                    if (!File.GetAttributes(filePath).HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory))
                                        return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                            attributes, DokanResult.Success);
                                catch (Exception)
                                    return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                        attributes, DokanResult.FileNotFound);
                                return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                    attributes, DokanResult.PathNotFound);

                            new DirectoryInfo(filePath).EnumerateFileSystemInfos(@"C:\");
                            // you can't list the directory

                        case FileMode.CreateNew:
                            if (Directory.Exists(filePath))
                                return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                    attributes, DokanResult.FileExists);

                                return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                    attributes, DokanResult.AlreadyExists);
                            catch (IOException)

                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,
                var pathExists = true;
                var pathIsDirectory = false;

                var readWriteAttributes = (access & DataAccess) == 0;
                var readAccess = (access & DataWriteAccess) == 0;

                    pathExists = (Directory.Exists(filePath) || File.Exists(filePath));
                    pathIsDirectory = pathExists ? File.GetAttributes(filePath).HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory) : false;
                catch (IOException)

                switch (mode)
                    case FileMode.Open:

                        if (pathExists)
                            // check if driver only wants to read attributes, security info, or open directory
                            if (readWriteAttributes || pathIsDirectory)
                                if (pathIsDirectory && (access & FileAccess.Delete) == FileAccess.Delete
                                    && (access & FileAccess.Synchronize) != FileAccess.Synchronize)
                                    //It is a DeleteFile request on a directory
                                    return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                        attributes, DokanResult.AccessDenied);

                                info.IsDirectory = pathIsDirectory;
                                info.Context = new object();
                                // must set it to something if you return DokanError.Success

                                return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options,
                                    attributes, DokanResult.Success);
                            return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,

                    case FileMode.CreateNew:
                        if (pathExists)
                            return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,

                    case FileMode.Truncate:
                        if (!pathExists)
                            return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,

                    info.Context = new FileStream(filePath, mode,
                        readAccess ? System.IO.FileAccess.Read : System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, share, 4096, options);

                    if (pathExists && (mode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate
                                       || mode == FileMode.Create))
                        result = DokanResult.AlreadyExists;

                    bool fileCreated = mode == FileMode.CreateNew || mode == FileMode.Create || (!pathExists && mode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
                    if (fileCreated)
                        FileAttributes new_attributes = attributes;
                        new_attributes |= FileAttributes.Archive; // Files are always created as Archive
                        // FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL is override if any other attribute is set.
                        new_attributes &= ~FileAttributes.Normal;
                        File.SetAttributes(filePath, new_attributes);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) // don't have access rights
                    if (info.Context is FileStream fileStream)
                        // returning AccessDenied cleanup and close won't be called,
                        // so we have to take care of the stream now
                        info.Context = null;
                    return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
                    return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var hr = (uint)Marshal.GetHRForException(ex);
                    switch (hr)
                        case 0x80070020: //Sharing violation
                            return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,
            return Trace(nameof(CreateFile), fileName, info, access, share, mode, options, attributes,


        public NtStatus DeleteDirectory(string fileName, IDokanFileInfo info)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
                SqlCommand SP = new SqlCommand();
                SP.Connection = conn;
                SP.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FILENAME", fileName);
                    SP.ExecuteNonQuery(); //on MoveFile can raise error due directory is exists
            return DokanResult.Success;

        public NtStatus DeleteFile(string fileName, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        public NtStatus CreateDirectory(string filename, DokanFileInfo info)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
                SqlCommand SP = new SqlCommand();
                SP.Connection = conn;
                SP.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                SP.CommandText = "CreateDirectory";
                SP.Parameters.AddWithValue("@filename", filename);
                    SP.ExecuteNonQuery(); //on MoveFile can raise error due directory is exists
            return DokanResult.Success;

        public NtStatus FindFiles(string fileName, out IList<FileInformation> files, IDokanFileInfo info)
            //This creates the directory listing... As of curent this just lists the main directory indicated from SQL Database. 
            //This queries MSSQL Database for basic file information and applies it and returns it as a LIST to Dokan to create the filesystem. 

            IList<FileInformation> ListOfShit = new List<FileInformation>();
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
                    SqlCommand CMD = new SqlCommand();
                    CMD.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM OCI_STORAGE_WEBDAV";
                    CMD.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                    CMD.Connection = conn;
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = CMD.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            FileInformation fi = new FileInformation();

                            lock (FileCache)
                                if (reader[6].ToString() == "Directory")

                                    FileInformation di = new FileInformation();
                                    //if (FileCache.ContainsKey(di.FileName) == true)
                                    // {
                                    di.Attributes = FileAttributes.Directory;
                                    di.FileName = reader[1].ToString();
                                    di.Length = 0;
                                    di.CreationTime = (DateTime)reader[3];
                                    di.LastAccessTime = (DateTime)reader[4];
                                    di.LastWriteTime = (DateTime)reader[5];
                                    // }

                                if (reader[6].ToString() == "Archive")

                                    //if (FileCache.ContainsKey(fi.FileName) == true)
                                    fi.Attributes = FileAttributes.Archive;
                                    fi.FileName = reader[1].ToString();
                                    fi.Length = (long)reader[2];
                                    fi.CreationTime = (DateTime)reader[3];
                                    fi.LastAccessTime = (DateTime)reader[4];
                                    fi.LastWriteTime = (DateTime)reader[5];
                                    // }


                        files = ListOfShit;
                        return DokanResult.Success;

                files = null;
                return DokanResult.Error;


        public NtStatus FindFilesWithPattern(string fileName, string searchPattern, out IList<FileInformation> files, IDokanFileInfo info)
            files = null;
            return DokanResult.NotImplemented;

        public NtStatus FindStreams(string fileName, out IList<FileInformation> streams, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus FlushFileBuffers(string fileName, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus GetDiskFreeSpace(out long freeBytesAvailable, out long totalNumberOfBytes, out long totalNumberOfFreeBytes, IDokanFileInfo info)

            freeBytesAvailable = 3298535977703 - GetUsedSpace();
            totalNumberOfBytes = 3298535977703;
            totalNumberOfFreeBytes = 3298535977703 - GetUsedSpace();
            return DokanResult.Success;

        public NtStatus GetFileInformation(string fileName, out FileInformation fileInfo, IDokanFileInfo info)
            // This extracts the MetaData from the system

            var filePath = GetPath(fileName);
            FileSystemInfo finfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
            fileInfo = new FileInformation();
            if (!finfo.Exists)
                finfo = new DirectoryInfo(filePath);

            if (File.Exists(filePath))
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filePath);
                fileInfo.Length = fi.Length;
                fileInfo.Attributes = fi.Attributes;
                fileInfo.CreationTime = fi.CreationTime;
                fileInfo.FileName = fi.FullName;
                fileInfo.LastAccessTime = fi.LastAccessTime;
                fileInfo.LastWriteTime = fi.LastWriteTime;
                return Trace(nameof(GetFileInformation), fileName, info, DokanResult.Success);
            else if (Directory.Exists(filePath))
                info.IsDirectory = true;

                DirectoryInfo fi = new DirectoryInfo(filePath);
                fileInfo.Attributes = fi.Attributes;
                fileInfo.CreationTime = fi.CreationTime;
                fileInfo.FileName = fi.FullName;
                fileInfo.LastAccessTime = fi.LastAccessTime;
                fileInfo.LastWriteTime = fi.LastWriteTime;

                return Trace(nameof(GetFileInformation), fileName, info, DokanResult.Success);

            return Trace(nameof(GetFileInformation), fileName, info, DokanResult.Success);

        public NtStatus GetFileSecurity(string fileName, out FileSystemSecurity security, AccessControlSections sections, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus GetVolumeInformation(out string volumeLabel, out FileSystemFeatures features, out string fileSystemName, out uint maximumComponentLength, IDokanFileInfo info)
            volumeLabel = "OCI Project Directory";
            fileSystemName = "OCIFS";
            maximumComponentLength = 256;

            features = FileSystemFeatures.CasePreservedNames | FileSystemFeatures.CaseSensitiveSearch |
                       FileSystemFeatures.PersistentAcls | FileSystemFeatures.SupportsRemoteStorage |

            return Trace(nameof(GetVolumeInformation), null, info, DokanResult.Success, "out " + volumeLabel,
                "out " + features.ToString(), "out " + fileSystemName);

        public NtStatus LockFile(string fileName, long offset, long length, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus Mounted(IDokanFileInfo info)
            return DokanResult.Success;

        public NtStatus MoveFile(string oldName, string newName, bool replace, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus ReadFile(string fileName, byte[] buffer, out int bytesRead, long offset, IDokanFileInfo info)
            if (info.Context == null) // memory mapped read
                using (var stream = new FileStream(GetPath(fileName), FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read))
                    stream.Position = offset;
                    bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            else // normal read
                var stream = info.Context as FileStream;
                lock (stream) //Protect from overlapped read
                    stream.Position = offset;
                    bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            return Trace(nameof(ReadFile), fileName, info, DokanResult.Success, "out " + bytesRead.ToString(),

        public NtStatus SetAllocationSize(string fileName, long length, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus SetEndOfFile(string fileName, long length, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus SetFileAttributes(string fileName, FileAttributes attributes, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus SetFileSecurity(string fileName, FileSystemSecurity security, AccessControlSections sections, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus SetFileTime(string fileName, DateTime? creationTime, DateTime? lastAccessTime, DateTime? lastWriteTime, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus UnlockFile(string fileName, long offset, long length, IDokanFileInfo info)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public NtStatus Unmounted(IDokanFileInfo info)
            return DokanResult.Success;

        public NtStatus WriteFile(string fileName, byte[] buffer, out int bytesWritten, long offset, IDokanFileInfo info)

            var append = offset == -1;
            if (info.Context == null)
                using (var stream = new FileStream(GetPath(fileName), append ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
                    if (!append) // Offset of -1 is an APPEND:
                        stream.Position = offset;
                    stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    bytesWritten = buffer.Length;
                var stream = info.Context as FileStream;
                lock (stream) //Protect from overlapped write
                    if (append)
                        if (stream.CanSeek)
                            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
                            bytesWritten = 0;
                            return Trace(nameof(WriteFile), fileName, info, DokanResult.Error, "out " + bytesWritten,
                        stream.Position = offset;
                    stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                bytesWritten = buffer.Length;
            return Trace(nameof(WriteFile), fileName, info, DokanResult.Success, "out " + bytesWritten.ToString(),

        public Int64 GetUsedSpace()
            string CX1 = "Data Source=;User ID=ocisql;Password=Emagdne1212";

            string sql = @"select sum(length) from oci_storage_webdav";
            string variable;
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(CX1))
            using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection))


                return Convert.ToInt64(command.ExecuteNonQuery() + 10737412742);

        public string GetPath(string filename)

            string CX1 = "Data Source=;User ID=ocisql;Password=Emagdne1212";

            string sql = @"SELECT [location] FROM OCI_STORAGE_WEBDAV where [filename] = @filename and [filename] <> ''";
            string variable;
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(CX1))
            using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection))
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@filename", filename);
                directoryStr = (string)command.ExecuteScalar() + filename;
                //return directoryStr;

                return @"C:\Users\cgashlin\Desktop\DokanTest\" + filename;



        protected NtStatus Trace(string method, string fileName, IDokanFileInfo info, NtStatus result,
             params object[] parameters)
            var extraParameters = parameters != null && parameters.Length > 0
                ? ", " + string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(x => string.Format(DefaultFormatProvider, "{0}", x)))
                : string.Empty;

            logger.Debug(DokanFormat($"{method}('{fileName}', {info}{extraParameters}) -> {result}"));

            return result;
        class FileCaching
            public MemoryStream MemStream;
            public FileInformation FileInfo;

        private static FileCaching FillFileCache(String filename)
            FileCaching fc = new FileCaching();
            fc.MemStream = new MemoryStream();
            fc.FileInfo = new FileInformation();
            fc.FileInfo.CreationTime = DateTime.Now;
            fc.FileInfo.LastAccessTime = DateTime.Now;
            fc.FileInfo.LastWriteTime = DateTime.Now;
            fc.FileInfo.Length = 0;
            fc.FileInfo.FileName = filename;
            return fc;
        private NtStatus Trace(string method, string fileName, IDokanFileInfo info,
            FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileMode mode, FileOptions options, FileAttributes attributes,
            NtStatus result)
                    $"{method}('{fileName}', {info}, [{access}], [{share}], [{mode}], [{options}], [{attributes}]) -> {result}"));

            return result;

Adrien JUND

Jul 26, 2021, 12:23:36 PM7/26/21
If I understood correctly, you see your root drive when you enter a folder that is at the root of your virtual drive right ?
Then somewhere in this code, there is something that does list your root drive and return the information to Dokan for a subfolder listing.
I am not able to review your code right now. 
Try to use the software procmon to spy what is happening and when the listing is happening.

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