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Reminder - DoES Liverpool Community Meeting / Hack the Space Day - Sunday 2nd February

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Jackie Pease

Jan 24, 2025, 11:59:25 AMJan 24
to DoES Liverpool

At our last community meeting we agreed that the next meeting would be on Sunday 2nd February, and that we would combine it with a Hack the Space day. Space hacking is planned to start at 10am with the community meeting from 1pm to 3pm.

Please come along for both if you can!

Jan 25, 2025, 8:58:30 AMJan 25
I know Mike took a proper set of minutes but I was also taking notes along the way so here’s mine to supplement Mike’s when he’s got them ready

DoES Minutes 20250104

Chair: Adrian

Secretary: Mike

Previous Actions

  • Snoof created the GitHub team for fibre arts but not everyone are joined
  • Jackie not done the NWCM visit
  • Snoof task
    • Landlord asking about PAT testing 46/439 done
      • Jake offering to get certified and help out, Simon considering
    • Next hack the space meeting 4th feb
  • Spreadsheet - some discussion about how best to make it useful
  • Christmas party happened 🎉

  • Update on decluttering
    • Jackie gave an update, some chairs and other things have gone, Matt intending to take some more stuff
    • Adrian is chipping away at the cardboard mountain he's accumulated
    • Mike has got a spot cleaner for the blue chairs
    • Snoof decluttered the fibre arts room
  • Update on the finances
  • Discussing the heating
    • Hand warmers, or similar equivalent?
    • Desk warming pad?
  • Bringing more people into the space
    • Publicise events more prominently on the website
      • ACTION - Neil and Jack to look at this
    • Publicise the things that make us money more on the social media
      • ACTION - Jackie to look at get people who host free events to mention paying for our services
      • ACTION - Simon Jones to work with Jackie to lookout targeted ads
    • Get people to run workshops more, how can we incentivise people doing this?
    • Make sure we talk about what's different about our space rather than just saying "get a coworking desk"
    • ACTION - Mike to check what flyers and promo material we have
    • John thought there was a list of people to advertise to, it's on the "organisers" wiki
    • ACTION - Mike to write up minutes and post on the mailing list
    • Next meeting 2nd Feb, combined with hack the space, 2pm (not sure what 2pm is, perhaps the original suggestion?)
      • 10am, hack the space
      • 1pm-3pm community meeting

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Adrian McEwen

Jan 27, 2025, 5:44:54 PM (13 days ago) Jan 27

Given we haven't come up with a boilerplate agenda for the community meetings, I wondered what folk think of this one:

* Roll call (a brief(!) run round the room for everyone to share their name)

* Review of actions from the last meeting

* Team updates (can be as short as "nothing to report" if there's nothing to report)
    * Laser-maintenance team
    * Fibre-arts team

* Somebody-should issue triage (reviewing a half-dozen issues short-listed before the meeting)

* [specific agenda items for this meeting; accompanied by the name of the person proposing them, who should give a brief overview at the start?]

* Any Other Business



Snoof Kattekop

Jan 27, 2025, 5:46:11 PM (13 days ago) Jan 27

Sounds good to me!

Op ma 27 jan. 2025 22:44 schreef Adrian McEwen <>:

Snoof Kattekop

Feb 1, 2025, 12:43:42 PM (8 days ago) Feb 1

Just replying here to remind people that we have Hack the Space followed by a community meeting tomorrow!

Op ma 27 jan. 2025 22:45 schreef Snoof Kattekop <>:
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