DoES Minutes 20250104
Chair: Adrian
Secretary: Mike
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Given we haven't come up with a boilerplate agenda for the
community meetings, I wondered what folk think of this one:
* Roll call (a brief(!) run round the room for everyone to share their name)
* Review of actions from the last meeting
* Team updates (can be as short as "nothing to report" if there's
nothing to report)
* Laser-maintenance team
* Fibre-arts team
* Somebody-should issue triage (reviewing a half-dozen issues short-listed before the meeting)
* [specific agenda items for this meeting; accompanied by the
name of the person proposing them, who should give a brief
overview at the start?]
* Any Other Business
Sounds good to me!
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Just replying here to remind people that we have Hack the Space followed by a community meeting tomorrow!