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Hack the Space Day - Sunday 23 April 2023

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Apr 2, 2023, 1:14:53 PM4/2/23
to DoES Liverpool


After a bit of a break, we’re planning the next Hack the Space day for Sunday 23 April 2023.

If you don’t know what a Hack the Space day is, it’s a time for everyone to get together and work on making DoES Liverpool an even better place to be for all of us.

Following on from the pandemic, we had a lot of tidying up and moving stuff around to do, and that’s been the focus of recent Hack the Space days.

This time we hope that we can make a bit of progress on some of our open issues, like making shelves for test equipment like the oscilloscope and microscope, making sure we’ve got all the signs we need in the space, and even finding COSHH forms for solvents.

Please save the date and come along if you can – some of the issues in the Somebody Should repository already have the “Hack the Space” label so take a look at those and/or look through all the open issues and see if there’s anything you’d like to have a go at.

If there’s anything you think we need to get beforehand so that we’re ready to get down to work on the day, then get in touch.


Adrian McEwen

Apr 19, 2023, 6:21:56 AM4/19/23

This is this coming Sunday.  It's a good chance to tick off those things that have been annoying you about using the space of late, and give something back :-)

It's also a great chance to get started with helping maintain the equipment, as there'll be more experienced folk around to help you work on things.

And there are tasks for people who aren't so handy too - there are plenty of things to improve on the wiki, like adding a page for Sheila, or updating the page for Gerald to reflect the new software for him... shows all the issues tagged with "Hack the Space".  Feel free to have a look through in case there are things we could get beforehand to let us work on things, and/or tag other issues you think should be considered.

See you Sunday!


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Apr 23, 2023, 3:49:11 AM4/23/23
to DoES Liverpool
A quick reminder for everyone coming down today. See you later!
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