Docu is dogfooding

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Josh Flanagan

May 14, 2009, 10:17:01 AM5/14/09
The Docu build is now dogfooding Docu to build the Docu end user documentation. After running the build (build.bat), the documentation is created in the enduserDocs folder. For now, I only made the TemplateHelpers.htm file which describes all of the special data and functions that are available to you when building a custom template. The intention is that James could use it to easily update his page at
so that it stays up to date, or users could have a local copy.

Any time you add a new helper function (to SparkTemplateBase), as long as you provide XML documentation comments for it, it will be included in the end-user docs.

I didn't put a whole lot of effort into the styling - if anyone cares, they can beautify it by changing the templates in src\endUserDocTemplates

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