Is CSON optional?

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Asa Baylus

Nov 4, 2012, 9:35:25 AM11/4/12
Is it essential to use a docpad.cson file or can we use a docpad.json instead? In playing around I had noticed that building a docpad.json works to a point. However converting the example CSON for the QueryEngine to a JS object literal blows up when processing the "function" reserved keyword.

# sample docpad.cson works great
        articles: (database) ->
            database.findAllLive({layout: ''}, {date:-1})

# sample docpad.json An error occured: reserved word "function" on line 3 SyntaxError: reserved word "function" on line 3
collections : {
articles : function(database){
    layout: ''
   }, {date:-1});

Is this happening because the CSON is getting processed by node and returning well formed JSON?

I'm really just curious whether CSON is optional or a hard rule. Its not that I dislike the CSON, actually it's quite nice.


Benjamin Lupton

Nov 13, 2012, 8:10:00 PM11/13/12
Unfortunately, the JSON standard does not support functions in it, as well as comments and other nice things. Really blows - which is why we use CSON :)

You can however, make a it a .js file and prefix your configuration object with `module.exports = `. So something like:

# sample docpad.js
module.exports = { 
collections : {
articles : function(database){
     layout: ''
    }, {date:-1});
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