Closing small loophole for article metadata upload

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Dominic Mitchell

Aug 31, 2023, 8:06:30 AM8/31/23
to doaj-public-api
On 28th September, we will be closing a small loophole in our primary article model.

Currently, it is possible to upload articles to DOAJ with one correct Print ISSN and an incorrect E-ISSN. If our metadata processing finds a correct Print ISSN, the E ISSN isn't even checked.

For the majority of you, this will not affect your metadata uploads. However, should you start to see error messages pertaining to ISSNs then it may be worth checking the ISSN values in the article metadata you are sending against the ISSN values we store for your journal(s).

This change affects all endpoints, not only the API.

If you have any questions, please let me know

Your faithfully

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