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Database has no cdr report data

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Dariel Garcia

Oct 26, 2023, 8:32:21 PM10/26/23
to dnl-class4-user
Hello Everyone

I just did a fresh v6 Rocky 8 Setup. Customer and vendor successfully created, test call connected correctly using Call Simulation tool, and also calling from a Phone server of the created Customer.
The problem is that I cannot see any CDR report in the admin panel, and I get a red Alert boton right with the message "ERROR,  Database has no cdr report data). The same when I try to run any report and the Dashboard not showing the stats.

If I login in the customer portal, customer can see and export CDR with no problem.
Attached 2 capture images.

Hope you can help me on this.

DB CDR Error.png

Pradeep Patidar

Oct 27, 2023, 8:12:34 AM10/27/23
to dnl-class4-user

Could you please share your SSH login credentials,

Also please share the login credentials, We will check it on your portal.

Dariel Garcia

Oct 30, 2023, 7:20:55 PM10/30/23
to dnl-class4-user
Can somebody help?
I did sent credentials privately but no one jumped in.

The error about "Database has no cdr report data" is not giving me the alert anymore, but the dashboard is not populating data about the Total Minutes, Total Calls, or Statistics ASR, ACD Data. Also if I run any report, I it says no data. But still when I log in as an client I can see and export all CDRs.

Can somebody guide me on where to look for a fix?
Thanks in advance


Pradeep Patidar

Oct 30, 2023, 7:38:06 PM10/30/23
to dnl-class4-user

Sorry for the inconvenience, but could you please share the credentials again I lost your previous mail.

Thanks and Regards

Dariel Garcia

Oct 30, 2023, 7:51:13 PM10/30/23
to Pradeep Patidar, dnl-class4-user
Sent again in Private.

Thanks & Regards

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Dariel Garcia

Nov 2, 2023, 11:09:58 PM11/2/23
to dnl-class4-user
Is anybody going to be able to help me on this?

Pradeep Patidar

Nov 3, 2023, 10:30:34 AM11/3/23
to dnl-class4-user

There is an issue with the RPM install, we also raise a ticket for this, and our dev team working on it.

Once the issue is resolved we will inform you.

Thank and Regards
DNL Support

Mohammed Azath

Nov 16, 2023, 5:51:15 PM11/16/23
to dnl-class4-user
Hi im facing the same issue, was it already resolved

Dariel Garcia

Nov 16, 2023, 6:11:28 PM11/16/23
to Mohammed Azath, dnl-class4-user
I did reinstall again, and had the same issue, but after sending some traffic it started working well. 

Now just a high 503 disconnected cause on reports which doesn't look normal while comparing to other switches.

Pradeep Patidar

Nov 17, 2023, 8:05:50 AM11/17/23
to dnl-class4-user
Yes, it shows the popup msg at the start; hence there is no Data in the CDR table and that's why the switch shows popup the msg.

but once we start traffic the pop-up was removed, also the CDR and the reports show fine.

For 503 response code. could you please share the SS of the CDR page and check the call simulation?

If it is an "Egress not confirmed" release cause, you need to check it with your vendor or need to check the PDD time under the egress trunk.

DNL Support

Dariel Garcia

Nov 17, 2023, 8:21:28 AM11/17/23
to Pradeep Patidar, dnl-class4-user
Thanks for replying.
I'm 100% sure it is not at the vendor's side. In the report it says "All egress no confirmed" release cause.
For the PDD time it is empty in the configuration of the Egress trunk. What is the PDD by default of this switch and also what is the recommended value?


Pradeep Patidar

Nov 20, 2023, 7:18:12 AM11/20/23
to dnl-class4-user

The release cause "All egress no confirmed" means your vendor not responding to the calls, we recommend you,. please set the 60000 MS PDD time under the egress trunk, and recheck the same.

Thanks and Regards
DNL Support
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