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Have your own Personal Chat Server for FREE!!!!

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Tony Franks

Apr 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/8/97

I am forming a new IRC Chat. Most of the links already are using
Conferenceroom 1.2.2 It runs under NT and 95 and is Dalnet capable with
chanserv and all the feature of Dalnet that you like without the lag and
netsplits. You can check out my irc server at or if you
have a webpage and would like to have your own chat server, 100% java and
automatically joins you in the channel when you goto the website then all
you have to do is add these simple lines to your website and change the
#lobby to whatever you'd like your channel be called.

<APPLET ALIGN="center" archive="/java/" CODEBASE="/java/"
code="ConferenceRoom.class" WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="250">
<PARAM NAME="cabbase" VALUE="/java/">
<PARAM NAME="port" VALUE="6667">
<PARAM NAME="channel" VALUE="#lobby">
<PARAM NAME="nick" VALUE="Guest">
<PARAM NAME="roomsWidth" VALUE="1">
<PARAM NAME="joinSound" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="colors" VALUE="true">
<PARAM NAME="bg" VALUE="000000">

Also if you change the channel name to something unique, you can see who
exactly is viewing your webpage and actually talk to them at the same time.
I found this to be really neat. Parachat is doing something similar with
thjier product but they have all those darn annoying advertisements on it.
Not so with this. It's a non-advertising as you can possibly get. You can
see it in action at at the bottom of the page. You
have to have a java capable browser to view it but don't worry if your
visitors don't, it simply will not show up so it's not going to mess up
your webpage in anyway. And the part I like about it is that they STAY on
your webpage instead of getting moved off elsewhere. Try it, check it out.
I think you'll really like it. Same thing alot of these big companies are
doing but this is totally FREE!!!

Tony Franks

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